Georgia Books and CD-ROMS


Currently 11 volumes are on line for Georgia Research. Click Here to browse the volumes. If you need a volume not currently on line you can request the volume by clicking here.

Adamson, A. P.
Brief History of the Thirtieth Georgia Regiment

Andrews, Eliza Frances
The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl, 1864-1865 [illus.]

Benedict, Samuel
The Blessed Dead Waiting for Us: Sermon, St. James' Church, Marietta, Georgia, on the Festival of All Saints,

Burge, Dolly Sumner Lunt
A Womans Wartime Journal: An Account of the Passage over Georgia's Plantation of Shermans Army on the March to the sea.

Calhoun, W. C.
The History of the 42nd Infantry Regiment

Clark, Walter A.
Under the Stars and Bars or Memoirs of Four Years Service with the Oglethorpes of Augusta, Georgia
Clark joined the Confederate Army in 1861, and with some interruptions, remained in service until the end. He served first in northern and western Virginia, returned in 1862 to Augusta, Georgia, where he reenlisted and moved to Chattanooga, to Knoxville, and westward to Clinton and Jacksboro. Later he participated in General Johnston’s holding operations against Sherman in his march on Atlanta. He spent some time in the hospital at Oxford, Georgia, but later joined Hood’s march to Nashville, after which he returned to Augusta. From Augusta he went on through South Carolina and ended his service at the Battle of Bentonville.
Croom, Wendell D.
The War History of Company C – The Sixth Georgia Infantry Regiment
Felton, Rebecca Latimer
Country Life in Georgia in the Days of My Youth

Journal of the Public & Secret Proceedings of the Conv. of the People of Georgia, Milledgeville & Savannah in

Journal of the Senate of the State of Georgia, at the Annual Milledgeville, Nov 3, 1864

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 1
Service records of Georgia Confederate Soldiers
Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 2

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 3

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 4

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 5

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 6

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 7

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 8

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 9

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 10

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 11

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 12

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 13

Henderson, Lillian
Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia Vol. 14

Herman, Capt. Isaac
Memoirs of a Veteran
184 pgs.
Houghton, William Robert & M.B. Houghton
Two Boys in the Civil War and After [illus.]
242 pgs.
Howard, Wiley C
Sketch of Cobb Legion Cavalry and Some Incidents and Scenes Remembered

Johnston, Richard Malcolm
Autobiography of Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston. Johnston, Richard Malcolm.
Col. Johnston was a professor at the University of Georgia in Athens prior to the war. The Colonel title appears to be honorary. I see no account of his service in the war, but the book contains much background information on the formation of Cobb’s Legion and life in Athens before and after the war.
Jones, Charles Colcock
The Siege of Savannah in December, 1864

Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. 1831-1893
General Sherman's March from Atlanta to the Coast ... Confederate Survivor's Assn. ... April 26, 1884
This book contains many details regarding Sherman’s Georgia and Carolina’s campaign and is one of the few books on this subject from a Southern perspective. Originally published in 1874. Col. Jones was a Lieut. Col. of Artillery. and Chief of Artillery in the Siege of Savannah.
Jones, Charles Edgeworth
Georgia in the War, 1861-1865
This book was compiled during and immediately after the Civil War and contains many details not found elsewhere on the organization of the various regiments formed in Georgia. Later findings have added to many of the details, but this book remains a prime source - particularly for identifying where regiments were formed, who the officers were, and the losses sustained in battle and from disease. Our edition also contains numerous footnotes to the original with discussion of the accuracy of various records. PUBLISHER: Foote & Davies - Atlanta, GA - 1865 Table of Contents History of Georgia from 1732 - 1909 Governors of Georgia with dates of tenure Counties of Georgia with dates of founding Military Organizations, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery in the Confederate Army General Officers appointed from Georgia and their commands General Officers in state service of Georgia Officers of the Confederate Navy from Georgia Members of the Confederate Congress from Georgia List of Campaigns, battles, affairs, and skirmishes fought in Georgia Names of the Georgia Officers and Soldiers on the Roll of Honor Names of the Officers of the Union units formed in Georgia Local designations of Georgia Troops in Confederate Service
King, M.D., John H.
Three Hundred Days in a Yankee Prison
King served in the 6th Cavalry regiment until he was captured at Vicksburg and sent to Camp Chase Ohio. This narrative deals primariliy with life in prison with a comparison of prison conditions at Camp Chase and at Andersonville. We have added the rosters of the 6th Cavalry regiment.
King, William
Diary of William King, Cobb County, GA
117 pgs.
Lunt, Dolly Sumner
A Woman's Wartime Journal: An Account of the Passage Over a Georgia Plantation of Sherman's Army on the March

Nichols, G. W.
A Soldier's Story of His Regiment
348 pgs.
Olmstead, Col. Charles H.
Reminiscences of Service with the First Infantry Regiment of Georgia
Colonel Olmstead assumed command of the 1st Infantry Regiment after Col. Mercer was promoted to Brigadier General October 29, 1861. This book is a first hand account of the war, focusing primarily on activities around Charlseton, SC. All of the companies of this regiment were raised in Chatham County (Savannah). Our edition also contains the compiled service records of Mercer-Olmstead’s 1st Georgia Inf..
Owen, Thomas M.
History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography Vol. 2
713 pgs.
Owen, Thomas M.
History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography Vol. 3
1000 pgs.
Owen, Thomas M.
History of Alabama and Incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi Vol 1
773 pgs.
Pepper, George Whitfield, (Capt.) 1833-1
Personal recollections of Sherman's Campaigns in Georgia & the Carolinas

Pittenger, William
A History of the Andrews Railroad Raid into Georgia in 1862
490 pgs. Also published in the Time Life Collectors Series under the title, Daring and Suffering.
Rains, George W.
History of the Confederate Powder Works

Reed, Samuel Rockwell
The Vicksburg campaign, & the battles about Chattanooga under ... Gen. U S Grant, in 1862-63: An historical re
204 pgs.
Rigdon, John C.
A History of the Georgia 56th Infantry Regiment

Rigdon, John C.
Don't Drink the Water

Rigdon, John C.
My Uncle Charley's Gun Shop
46 pgs.
Rigdon, John C.
The Battle for Buck Head Creek and Waynesborough
191 pgs.
Rigdon, John C.
The Boys of the Fifth
This regiment was formed from men from around Augusta, GA. They served first in Florida, then to Tennessee for the Battle of Shiloh, to Mississippi for the Battle of Vicksburg, then back to Chattanooga and Atlanta, finally into South Carolina in advance of Sherman’s march.
Rigdon, John C.
The Boys Went Forth to War

Rigdon, John C.
The Fighting Fifteenth
This regiment was formed from counties between Augusta, Ga and Athens and served in Virginia early in the war, then was transferred to Tennessee for the battles of Knoxville and Chattanooga, and back to Virginia for the remainder of the war. This regiment was known for their fierce fighting in hand to hand combat, thus their name
Rigdon, John C.
The History of the Georgia 3rd Infantry Regiment
This book incorporates a number of sketches of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, bringing together for the first time, a full length history of this regiment including the compiled service records of the men.. Sketches included: Address by Col. Claiborne Snead at the Reunion of the Third Georgia Regiment. Snead, Col. Claiborne Battle Flag of the Third Georgia. Baxter, Alice. Heroes and Martyrs of Georgia: Georgia’s Record in the Revolution of 1861. Folsom, James M.(portion dealing with the 3rd GA) Condensed History of the 3rd Georgia. Andrews, Charles H. The Third Georgia – First Twelve Months. Turner, William W.
Rigdon, John C.
The Civil War in Georgia
This CD-ROM contains many rosters not found in Henderson's Roster of the Confederate Soldier of Georgia including Cavalry, Artillery, Naval, and special forces along with regimental histories and first hand accounts.
Rigdon, John C.
The Civil War in Florida
This CD-ROM contains many rosters not found in Henderson's Roster of the Confederate Soldier of Georgia including Cavalry, Artillery, Naval, and special forces along with regimental histories and first hand accounts.
Rigdon, John C.
Florida Civil War Soldiers Index

Rigdon, John C.
Georgia Civil War Soldiers Index

Robinson, George I.
With Kilpatrick around Atlanta: A paper, before the Wisconsin Commandery, M.O.L.L.U.S., Dec 1886

Sorrell, G. Moxley
Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer
Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff commanding Sorrel’s Bridage, A. P. Hill’s 3rd Army Corps, Army of Northern Virginia
Tadkin, J. W.
Memoirs of J. W. Tadkin

Thomas, Henry W.
The Doles-Cook Brigade
A history of the 4th, 12th, 21st and 44th Georgia Regiments with an ALL NEW INDEX & CD-ROM that includes over 75 pictures of members of this brigade and additional biographical and genealogical information.
Williams, Noble Calhoun, 1854-
Echoes from the Battlefield, or, Southern Life During the War
108 pgs. Noble was a boy living in Atlanta at the time of the war.
Zettler, Berrien McPherson
War Stories & School-Day Incidents for the Children
168 pgs.
Historical Sketch and Roster Volumes

1st Battalion Georgia Infantry State Troops
1st Battalion Sharpshooters
1st Cavalry Battalion
1st Cavalry Battalion Reserves
1st Cavalry Regiment
1st Confederate Infantry
1st Georgia Regulars
1st Regiment Georgia Infantry State Guards
1st Regiment Georgia Reserves
1st Regiment Georgia Reserves (Symons)
1st Infantry Regiment (MercerOlmsteads)
1st Infantry Regiment (Ramseys)
2nd Battalion Georgia Infantry State Guards
2nd Battalion Sharpshooters
2nd Cavalry Battalion
2nd Cavalry Regiment
2nd Cavalry Regiment State Guards
2nd Infantry Battalion
2nd Infantry Regiment
3rd Infantry Regiment
4th Cavalry Regiment (Clinch's)
4th Infantry Regiment
5th Infantry Regiment
6th Cavalry Regiment
6th Infantry Regiment
7th Infantry Regiment
8th Infantry Regiment
9th Infantry Regiment
10th Infantry Regiment
11th Infantry Regiment
12th Infantry Regiment
13th Infantry Regiment
14th Infantry Regiment
15th Infantry Regiment
16th Infantry Regiment
17th Infantry Regiment
18th Infantry Regiment
19th Infantry Regiment
20th Infantry Regiment
21st Infantry Regiment
22nd Infantry Regiment
23rd Infantry Regiment
24th Infantry Regiment
25th Infantry Regiment
26th Infantry Regiment
27th Infantry Regiment
28th Infantry Regiment
29th Infantry Regiment
30th Infantry Regiment
31st Infantry Regiment
33rd Infantry Regiment
34th Infantry Regiment
35th Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Regiment (Glenns)
37th Infantry Regiment
38th Infantry Regiment
39th Infantry Regiment
40th Infantry Regiment
41st Infantry Regiment
42nd Infantry Regiment
43rd Infantry Regiment
44th Infantry Regiment
45th Infantry Regiment
46th Infantry Regiment
47th Infantry Regiment
48th Infantry Regiment
49th Infantry Regiment
50th Infantry Regiment
51st Infantry Regiment
52nd Infantry Regiment
53rd Infantry Regiment
54th Infantry Regiment
55th Infantry Regiment
56th Infantry Regiment
57th Infantry Regiment
59th Infantry Regiment
60th Infantry Regiment
61st Infantry Regiment
62nd Infantry Regiment
63rd Infantry Regiment
64th Infantry Regiment
65th Infantry Regiment
66th Infantry Regiment
Columbus City Infantry Battalion
Martin / Howells Artillery Battalion
Phillips Legion Infantry
The Washington Light Artillery
Georgia Military Institute

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