Research OnLine Digital Library Maryland Volumes
The following volumes are available for Maryland research. Subscribers to the ResearchOnLine Digital Library may access any of these volumes at no charge.
Booth, John
Personal Reminiscences of a Maryland Soldier
243 pgs.
Gill, John
Reminiscences of Four Years as a Private Soldier in the Confederate Army
216 pgs.
Gilmore, Harry
Four Years in the Saddle
291 pgs. Gilmore was an officer of the VA 12th Virginia Cavalry and twice captured and imprisoned
Goldsborough, William Worthington
The Maryland Line in the Confederate Army
395 pgs.
Howard, McHenry
Recollections of a Maryland Confederate Soldier and Staff Officer
423 pgs.
Jacobs, Michael, 1808-71
Notes on the Rebel invasion of Maryland & Pennsylvania, & battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3 1863...[map]
43 pgs.
Johnson, Bradley T.
Confederate Military History – Marlyand Volume
290 pgs.
Montgomery, Frank Alexander
Reminiscences of a Mississippian in Peace and War
460 pgs. [illustrated]
Noyes, George Freeman
The bivouac & the battlefield; Campaign sketches in Virginia & Maryland
339 pgs.
Wilmer, L. Allison, et. al.
History & Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-6, v 1
Not available for download. OnLine access only.
Wilmer, L. Allison, et. al.
History & Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-6, v 2
Not available for download. OnLine access only.
Historical Sketch & Roster Volumes
Maryland 1st Artillery Regiment
Maryland 1st Infantry Regiment
Maryland 1st Cavalry Regiment
Maryland 1st Artillery Battery
Maryland 2nd Cavalry Battalion
Maryland 2nd Infantry Battalion
Maryland 2nd Artillery Battery
Maryland Maryland 3rd Artillery Battery
Maryland 3rd Infantry Regiment
Maryland Maryland 4th Artillery Battery
Maryland Maryland Westons Infantry Battalion
Maryland Some Misc. Maryland Confederate Units
Maryland 1st Infantry Regiment Eastern Shore (UNION)
Maryland 1st Cavalry Regiment (UNION)
Maryland 2nd Infantry Potomac Home Guard (UNION)
Maryland 3rd Cavalry Regiment (UNION)
Maryland 3rd Infantry Regiment (UNION)
Maryland 3rd Infantry Potomac Home Guard (UNION)
Maryland 6th Infantry Regiment (UNION)
Maryland 7th Infantry Regiment (UNION)
Maryland 8th Infantry Regiment (UNION)
Maryland 10th Infantry Regiment (UNION)
Maryland McGowan's Independent Company (UNION)
Maryland Smith's Battalion (UNION)
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