Research OnLine Digital Library Louisiana Volumes
The following volumes are available for Louisiana research. Subscribers to the ResearchOnLine Digital Library may access any of these volumes at no charge.
Bartlett, Napier
Clarimonde: A Tale of New Orleans Life, and of the Present War
84 pgs.
Beers, Fannie A.
Booth, Andrew B.
Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers
3 Vols. - Contains the service records of 88,000 men, mostly from Louisiana, but also a few men from Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee.
Carter, Howell
A Cavalryman's Reminiscences of the Civil War
200 pgs.
Dimitry, John Bull Smith
Lessons in the history of Louisiana: from its earliest settlement to the Close of the Civil War
216 pgs.
Downing, Alexander G.
Downings Civil War Diary
325 pgs.
Duff, W. H.
Six Months of Prison Life at Camp Chase, Ohio
144 pgs.
M'Caleb, Thomas
The Louisiana Book: Selections from the Literature of the State
576 pgs.
Mather, Fred
In the Louisiana lowlands: a sketch of plantation life, fishing and camping
321 pgs.
Owen, William Miller
In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans
Taylor, Richard
Destruction & Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of the Late War
274 pgs. A General History of the War and reconstruction told from a Southern Perspective.
Thompson, Maurice
The story of Louisiana?
337 pgs.
Tunnard, William H
A Southern Record. History of the 3rd Regiment, Louisiana Infantry
U.S. Library of Congress
Official Congressional Directory, 1892
280 pgs.
U.S. Library of Congress
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Randall Lee Gibson
76 pgs.
Watson, William
Life in the Confederate Army
36 pgs.
Historical Sketch & Roster Volumes
Louisiana 1st Artillery Regiment
Louisiana 1st Cavalry Regiment
Louisiana 1st Infantry Regiment - Nelligans
Louisiana 1st Company
Louisiana Louisiana Pontoniers
Louisiana 1st Infantry Regulars - Strawbridge)
Louisiana 1st Infantry Battalion (Coppens)
Louisiana 1st Infantry Battalion (Wheat)
Louisiana 2nd Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 3rd Cavalry Regiment - Harrisons
Louisiana 3rd Cavalry Regiment - Wingfields
Louisiana 3rd Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 4th Infantry Battalion
Louisiana 4th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 5th Cavalry Regiment
Louisiana 5th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 6th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 7th Cavalry Regiment
Louisiana 7th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 7th Infantry Battalion
Louisiana 8th Cavalry Regiment
Louisiana 8th Infantry Battalion
Louisiana 8th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 9th Artillery Battalion
Louisiana 9th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 10th Infantry Battalion
Louisiana 10th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 11th Infantry Battalion
Louisiana 11th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 12th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 13th Cavalry Battalion Louisiana Partisan Rangers
Louisiana 13th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 14th Infantry Battalion
Louisiana 14th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 15th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 16th Infantry Battalion
Louisiana 16th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 17th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 18th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 19th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 20th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 21st Infantry Regiment - Kennedys
Louisiana 21st Infantry Regiment - Pattons
Louisiana 22nd Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 22nd Infantry Regiment Consolidated
Louisiana 25th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 26th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 27th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana 28th Infantry Regiment(Grays)
Louisiana 28th Infantry Regiment(Thomas)
Louisiana 30th Infantry Regiment
Louisiana Washington Light Artillery
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