The following volumes are available for South Carolina research. Subscribers to the ResearchOnLine Digital Library may access any of these volumes at no charge.
Rigdon, John C.
66 Days of Hell
Chesnut, Mary
A Diary from Dixie...wife of James Chesnut Jr, US Senator from South Carolina...& aide to Jefferson Davis... [
424 pgs.
Emanuel, S.
An Historical Sketch of Georgetown
124 pgs.
Leconte, Joseph
Autobiography of Joseph LeConte
320 pgs.
Rigdon, John C.
Battle for the Salkehatchie
Rigdon, John C.
Battle of Aiken
Jenkins, Maj. Joseph
Biography of Gen. Micah Jenkins and a History of the 5th South Carolina Volunteers and the Palmetto Sharpshooters
496 pgs.
Brooks, Ulysses Robert
Butler and His Cavalry in the War of Secession, 1861 -1865
591 pgs.
Wells, Edward L.
Charleston Light Dragoons
Rigdon, John C.
Civil War in South Carolina
Confederate Military History - South Carolina - CD-ROM
Welch, Spencer Glasgow
Confederate Soldier’s Letters to His Wife
121 pgs.
Diary of Emma LeConte
125 pgs.
Boykin, Edward M.
Falling Flag. Evacuation of Richmond
172 pgs.
Reid, J. W.
History of the 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers
112 pgs.
Caldwell, J. F. J.
History of a Brigade of South Carolinians
Chapman, John A.
History of Edgefield County, South Carolina
Dickert, Gen. D. Augusta
History of Kershaw’s Brigade
Dunbar, Aaron
History of the Ninety-Third Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry
441 pgs.
James and Related Sea Islands
Grimball, Margaret Ann M.M. 1810-1881
Journal of Meta Morris Grimball: South Carolina, Dec 1860-Feb 1866
118 pgs.
Huguenin, Thomas Abram
Journal of Thomas Abram Huguenin
100 pgs.
Porter, A. Toomer
Led On! Step By Step - Paperback
Ford, Arthur Peronneau & Marion
Life in the Confederate Army...& Some Experiences & Sketches of Southern Life [illus.]
136 pgs.
Hagood, Gen. Johnson
Memoirs of the War of Secession
Hoyt, James A.
Palmetto Rifleman
115 pgs.
Pepper, George Whitfield, (Capt.) 1833-1
Personal recollections of Sherman's Campaigns in Georgia & the Carolinas
Mixson, Frank M.
Reminiscences of a Private
181 pgs.
Taylor, Susie King
Reminiscences of My Life in Camp With the 33d United States Colored Troops, Late 1st S.C. Volunteers [illus.]
Rivers, Col. William J.
Rivers Accunt of the Raisimg of Troops for Confederate Service
Walker, C. I.
Rolls and Historical Sketch of the Tenth Regiment
Simms, William Gilmore
Sack and Destruction of Columbia South Carolina
106 pgs.
Izlar, William Valmore
Sketch of the War Record of the Edisto Rifles
168 pgs.
South Carolina Civil War Solders Index - 132,000 names
Salley, A. S.
South Carolina Troops in Confederate Service. Vol. 1
Smythe, Mrs. A. T.
South Carolina Women in the Confederacy Vol. 1
Smythe, Mrs. A. T.
South Carolina Women in the Confederacy Vol. 2
South Carolina Conv.
The Correspondence Between the Commissioners of the State of S.C. to the Government at Washington & the President
26 pgs.
Ward, Dallas Tucker
The Last Flag of Truce [Sherman March through the Carolinas]
Simms, William Gilmore
The Sack and Destruction of Columbia, South Carolina.
106 pgs.
Jervey, Susan Ravenel & Charlotte
Two Diaries from Middle St. John's, Berkeley, S.C., February-May, 1865
Pressley, John G.
Wee Nee Volunteers of Williamsburg District
124 pgs.