The following volumes are available for North Carolina research. Subscribers to the ResearchOnLine Digital Library may access any of these volumes at no charge.
Allen, W. C.
North Carolina History Stories
215 pgs.
Battle, Laura Elizabeth Lee
Forget-Me-Nots of the Civil War [illus.]
355 pgs.
Bethell, Mary Jeffreys
Diary of a Mary Jeffreys Bethell
55 pgs.
Betts, Alexander Davis
Experience of a Confederate Chaplain
104 pgs.
Brooks, Ulysses Robert
Butler and His Cavalry in the War of Secession, 1861 -1865
591 pgs.
Burlingame, John K.
History of the 5th Regiment of R.I. Heavy Artillery, during 3 1/2 Years of Service in North Carolina
Chase, Philip S.
Service With Battery F, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, In North Carolina
Clark, Walter
Gen. James Johnston Pettigrew, C.S.A. Address by Chief Justice Walter Clark of N.C. ...
Clark, Walter
North Carolina at Gettysburg, & Pickett's Charge a Misnomer, also, 60 Years Afterwards & the Rearguard of the
Clark, Walter
Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65 Vol. 3
898 pgs.
Clark, Walter
Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65 Vol. 5
958 pgs.
Cox, Jacob Dolson, 1828-1900
The March to the Sea, Franklin and Nashville
Dodson, William Carey
Campaigns of Wheeler and His Cavalry
606 pgs. The facts contained in this narrative of the operations of Wheeler and his cavalry were furnished by General Wheeler and compiled by Cols. William E. S. Burford, W.S. Hawkins, M.G. Hudson and others of General Wheeler's staff.
Douglas, William W.
Relief Of Washington, North Carolina, By The Fifth Rhode Island Volunteers [in: RI Soldiers & Sailors Hist. S
Dubose, John Witherspoon
General Joseph Wheeler And Army Of Tennessee
496 pgs.
Foote, Henry Stuart 1804-1880
Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, Illustrative of the Principles of a Portion of Her Early Settlers
572 pgs.
Gaston, A. P.
Partisan Campaigns of Col. Lawrence M. Allen
277 pgs.
Green, Wharton Jackson
Recollections and Reflections: An Auto of Half a Century and More [illus.]
552 pgs.
Halpine, Charles Graham 1829-68
Narrative of Prison Life at Baltimore and Johnson's Island, Ohio
237 pgs.
Harrill, Lawson
100 pgs.
Harper, G. W.
The Fifty-Eighth Regiment Infantry North Carolina Troops.
95 pgs.
Kane, Sharyn and Richard Keeton
Fiery Dawn, the Civil War Battle of Monroe’s Crossroads, North Carolina
Kenan, Thomas S.
Sketch of the 43rd Regiment North Carolina Troops.
224 pgs.
Leon, Louis
Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier [illus.]
127 pgs.
Malone, Bartlett Yancey
The Diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone [illus.] [prisoner of war]
64 pgs.
Miller, John B.
Wautauga Boys in the Civil War.
68 pgs.
Nixon, Alfred
Roster of Confederate soldiers in the War Between the States Lincolnton, N.C
68 pgs.
North Carolina
Ordinances & Resolutions Passed by the State Conv. of North Carolina
North Carolina
Ordinances and Resolutions Passed by the State Convention
North Carolina Chowan Baptist Associatio
Minutes of the 56th Annual Session of the Chowan Baptist Assn. Church at Middle Swamp, Gates Co., NC, May 1862
North Carolina Supreme Court
Cases of Habeas Corpus, Decided by the Supreme Court of NC, 1863
Paris, John
A Sermon: Preached before Brig.-Gen. Hoke's Brigade, at Kinston, N. C., on the 28th of February, 1864, by Rev. John Paris, Chaplain Fifty-Fourth Regiment N. C. Troops
15 pgs. , upon the Death of Twenty-Two Men, Who Had Been Executed in the Presence of the Brigade for the Crime of Desertion.
Ray, N. W.
Sketch of the Sixth Regiment North Carolina Troops.
65 pgs.
Rigdon, John C.
The Civil War in North Carolina
Rigdon, John C.
North Carolina Civil War Soldiers Index
Shepherd, Henry E.
Narrative of Prison Life at Baltimore and Johnson’s Island, Ohio
22 pgs.
Sherrill, Miles O
A Soldier's Story: Prison Life and Other Incidents in the War of 1861-'65
146 pgs.
Spencer, Cornelia Phillips
First Steps in North Carolina History
272 pgs.
Spencer, Cornelia Phillips
The Last Ninety Days of the War in North Carolina
State Comm. For Erection Of Monument
Report, State Commission for Erection of Monument to Ninth New Jersey Volunteers at New Berne, North Carolina.
Confederate Memoirs : Alamance County NC troops of the War Between the States, 1861-1865
55 pgs.
U.S. Army. Mass. Infantry Regiment, 44th
Record of the Service of the 44th Mass. Volunteer Militia in North Carolina, Aug 1862 - May 1863
United Daughters of the Confederacy (J.
War Days in Fayetteville, North Carolina: Reminiscences, 1861-1865
Younce, W, H,
The Adventures of a Conscript
104 pgs.