U.S. Government
The Official Records of the American Civil War
Abbot, Henry L
Siege artillery in the campaigns against Richmond, with notes on the 15-inch gun, including an algebraic analysis of the trajectory of a shot in its ricochets upon smooth water.
183 pgs.
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-77
The history of the Civil War in America...the various naval & military engagements v1
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-77
The history of the Civil War in America...the various naval & military engagements v2
Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915
Before & after the Treaty of Washington: the American Civil War & the war in the Transvaal: address, NY Hist.
Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915
Studies Military & Diplomatic, 1775-1865 [battle of Orleans (La.), 1815; US revolution & civil war, GB, relat
Adams, Francis Colburn
Siege of Washington, D.C.
American Historical Association
Bibliography of books and articles on United States history
294 pgs.
Andreano, Ralph (ed.)
The Economic Impact of the American Civil War
At anchor: a story of our civil war. By an American.
Arp, Bill
Bill Arp, so called. A side show of the Southern side of the war (illus. by M. A. Sullivan) [illus.]
Arp, Bill
Bill Arp: From the Uncivil War to Date, 1861-1903 [illus.]
Ashby, Thomas Almond
The Valley Campaigns: Being the Reminiscences of a Non-Combatant While Between the Lines in the Shenandoah Val
Auchmuty, Richard Tylden, 1831-1893
Letters of Richard Tylden Auchmuty, Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac [Regimental histories; privately printed
Austin, J. P.
Blue & the Gray: ...unwritten history of the great American Civil War, a... narrative of adventure, w/thrillin
Bacon, Edward, 1830-1901
Among the cotton thieves
Barber, John Warner (1798-1885) & Henry
The loyal West in the times of the rebellion; an encyclopedia & panorama of the western states & territories (
Barnard, John Gross, 1815-82
The Peninsular campaign & its antecedents, by the report of Maj.-Gen. Geoge B. McClellan, & other documents [m
Barrett, Edward, (Lieut.) 1828-80
Gunnery instructions, simplified for the volunteer officers of the U.S. navy: w/ hints to executive & other of
Beall, John Yates, 1835-1865, defendant
Trial of John Y. Beall [of Va.], as a spy & a guerrillero, by Military commission [seizing steamboats in OH; t
Bemis, George, 1816-78
Hasty recognition of rebel belligerency, and our right to complain of it
Benis, George
Precedents of American neutrality, reply to Sir Roundell Palmer, attorney-general of Eng in the House of Commo
Bernard, Mountague, 1820-1882
A historical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War
Binney, Horace, 1780-1875
The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus under the Constitution
Blair, Montgomery, 1813-83
Speeches: 1. On the Monroe doctrine; 2. Defence of the people of the Southern states
Botts, John Minor (of Virginia) 1802-69
The Great Rebellion: Its Secret History, Rise, Progress, & disastrous failure
Burnett, Alfred b. 1823 or 1824
Incidents of the war; humorous, pathetic, & descriptive
Burrage, Henry Sweetser
Character & results of the war. How to prosecute & how to end the it. A thrilling & eloquent speech [privately
Butler, Benjamin Franklin (Maj-Gen.) 181
Character & results of the war. How to prosecute & how to end the it. A thrilling & eloquent speech [privately
Cabell, Margaret Couch (Anthony), 1814-8
Sketches & recollections of Lynchburg.
Campbell, John A.
Reminiscenes & Documents relating to the Civil War During the Year 1865
Campbell, Robert Allen (comp)
The Rebellion Register: Hist. of principal persons & places, dates, docs & statistics, military & political, c
Canada. Dept Sec. of State
Correspondence relating to the Fenian invasion, & the rebellion of the southern states
Cist, Henry M.
The Army of the Cumberland
A review of the 1st vol. of Alexander H. Stephens's 'War between the states,' by Constitutionalist
Cushing, Caleb, 1800-79
The Treaty of Washington: Its negotiation, execution, & the discussions relating thereto
Dabney, Robert Lewis, 1820-98
A Defense of Virginia,...and of the South, in recent contests against the sectional party
356 pgs.
Dyer, Frederick H.
A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion
3 Vols.
Estvan, Bela (b. 1827)
War pictures from the South
Estvan, Bela, b. 1827
War Pictures from the South. By B. Estvan
Estvan, Bela, b. 1827
War Pictures from the South. By B. Estvan
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865
The great issues now before the country. Oration, NY Academy of music, July 4, 1861.
Farley, Joseph Pearson, 1839-1912
Three rivers, the James, the Potomac, the Hudson: a retrospect of peace & war
Freemasons Grand Lodge of Virginia
Free Masonry and the War
Greeley, Horace
The American conflict: Hist. of the great rebellion...1860-64 v1 causes, incidents, & opinion [re] slavery, 17
Green, Duff
Facts & Suggestions Relative to Finance & Currency, Addressed to the President of the Confederate States
Hall, Newman, 1816-1902
The American war. A lecture, delivered in London, Oct 20, 1862
Henry, Guy Vernor
Military record of civilian appointments in the United States army
527 pgs.
Herbert, George B.
The Popular History of the Civil War in America
Hewitt, John Hill
War: A Poem, With Copious Notes, Founded on the Revolution of 1861-62, (up to the Battles before Richmond, Inc
Horton, Rushmore G.] 1826-
A youth's history of the great civil war in the U.S., 1861-1865 ...
Hosmer, James Kendall, 1834-1927
Outcome of the Civil War, 1863-1865
Hosmer, James Kendall, 1834-1927
The Appeal to Arms, 1861-1863
Hundley, Daniel Robinson
Social Relations in our Southern States
Hurlbert, William Henry, 1827-95
General McClellan & the conduct of the war [maps]
James T. White and Company
The National cyclopaedia of American biography
Vol. 12 576 pgs.
Johnson, R. U. (ed.)
Battles & leaders of the Civil War ...contributions by Union & Confederate officers [v1]
Johnson, R. U. (ed.)
Battles & leaders of the Civil War ...contributions by Union & Confederate officers [v2]
Johnson, R. U. (ed.)
Battles & leaders of the Civil War ...contributions by Union & Confederate officers [v3]
Johnson, R. U. (ed.)
Battles & leaders of the Civil War ...contributions by Union & Confederate officers [v4]
Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870
Mr. Ambrose's letters on the rebellion
Kettell, Thomas Prentice
History of the great rebellion,...its origin, secession of the southern states, Confederate government
Kettell, Thomas Prentice
Southern wealth & northern profits,...necessity of union v1
Kettell, Thomas Prentice
Southern wealth & northern profits,...necessity of union v2
King, Horatio Collins, 1837-1918
Civil War Journal. Unpublished, 1864-1865 [divisional quartermaster under Sheridan; cavalry in the Shenandoah
King, William C. 1853- & W P Derby (comp
Camp-fire sketches & battle-field echoes of [18]61-5
Laboulaye, Edouard, 1811-1883
1864R] Professor Laboulaye, the great friend of America, on the Presidential election: ... [1861-1865 Foreign
Le Conte, John
How to Make Salt from Sea-Water
Le Conte, Joseph
Instructions for the Manufacture of Saltpetre
Lecomte, Ferdinand, 1826-99
The war in the US. Report to the Swiss military department; 1862 (Tr.)
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
1863R] The war policy of the administration: letter of the President to the Union mass Convention at Springfie
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Correspondence in relation to the public meeting at Albany, NY [Habeas corpus, US; martial law]
Logan, John Alexander
The Great Conspiracy: Its Origin & History (complete, illus.) [protection, free trade; slavery]
Lord, John Chase, 1805-77
Causes & remedies of the present convulsions: a discourse
Lossing, Benson John 1813-1891
Pictorial history of the civil war in the USA [illus.; engr. on wood]
Lossing, Benson John 1813-1891
Pictorial history of the civil war in the USA, v 2 [illus.; engr. on wood]
Lossing, Benson John 1813-1891
Pictorial history of the civil war in the USA, v 3 [illus.; engr. on wood]
Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891
Pictorial history of the Civil War in the USA. [v1] Illustrated ... by Lossing & Barritt, from sketches ...
Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891
Pictorial history of the Civil War in the USA. [v1] Illustrated ... by Lossing & Barritt, from sketches ...
Lunt, George, 1803-85
The origin of the late war: Traced from the Constitution to the revolt of the Southern States
MacMahon, T. W
Cause and Contrast: An Essay on the American Crisis
Macon, Thomas Joseph
Life Gleanings
Mangum, Adolphus William
Morven and Linda, or The Token Star: A Tale of a Soldier's Faithful Love
Marszalek, John (ed.)
The Civil War in the Western Theater
McClernand, John A
The claim of LeMore & co., to 830 bales of cotton detained by the US as prize of war
McKinstry, Justus b. 1814
Vindication of Brig. Gen. J. McKinstry, Formerly Quartermaster Western Department
McLeary, A. C
Humorous Incidents of the Civil War [illus.]
Mill, John Stuart
The contest in America
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 1
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 2
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 3
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 4
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 5
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 6
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 7
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 8
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v 9
Miller, Francis & Robert Lanier
The Photographic History of the Civil War, 1861-1865, v10
Moore, Frank, 1828-1904
The Rebellion record: [v 6] Oct. '62-June '63 ... documents, narratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc.
Moore, Frank, 1828-1904
The Rebellion record: [v 7] June '63-Nov. '63 ... documents, narratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc.
Moore, Frank, 1828-1904
The Rebellion record: [v10] Jan. '65-May '65 ... documents, narratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc.
Moore, Frank, 1828-1904. ed
Anecdotes, poetry, & incidents of the war: North & South, 1860-1865
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 1791-1872
The Present Attempt to Dissolve the American Union: A British aristocratic Plot
Motley, John Lothrop, 1814-1877
Causes of the Civil War in America [secession; Civil War, causes; U.S. -- Politics & government 1845-1861]
Motley, John Lothrop, 1814-77
The causes of the American civil war. A letter to the London Times
National Capital Parks
Civil War Defenses of Washington, D.C. [missiong file]
National Capital Parks
Civil War Defenses of Washington, D.C. Historic Resource Study (Parts 1 2; bibliography)
Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909
A critical examination of our financial policy during the Southern rebellion
Nicholas, Samuel Smith, 1796-1869
Habeas corpus: The Law of War & Confiscation. A response to Mr. Binney [Habeas corpus -- US -- Civil War]
Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922
The Burial of the Guns
Phisterer, Frederick
Statistical record of the armies of the United States
346 pgs.
Physician, A
Liquor and Lincoln
Pollard, Edward Alfred
The Southern Spy: Letters on the Policy and Inauguration of the Lincoln War
Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-72
Echoes from the South. Speeches, proclamations, & public acts from the South during the late war
Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-72
Southern history of the war: The first year of the war. Corrected edition
Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-72
The lost cause; A new southern history of the war of the Confederates; rise & the late Confederacy
Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-72
The second year of the war
Raymond, Henry Jarvis, 1820-69
History of the administration of President Lincoln
Reed, William Bradford, 1806-76 supposed
The diplomatic year: Mr. Seward's foreign correspondence of 1862. By a northern man
Reynolds, Elhanan Winchester, 1827-67
The true story of the barons of the South; or, The rationale of the American conflict
Russell, William Howard (Sir) 1820-1907
Pictures of southern life, social, political, & military...for the London Times
Sargent, Fitzwilliam, 1820-1889
England, the US, & the Southern Confederacy [Slavery -- US]
Schalk, Emil, 1834-
Summary of the Art of War; written expressly for...the US Volunteer Army [maps]
Simms, William Gilmore (ed.)
War poetry of the South
Simons, Algie Martin
Social Forces in American History [Carrie Bks]
U.S. Dept of State
Papers relating to the treaty of Washington... v1
U.S. Dept of State
Papers relating to the treaty of Washington... v2
U.S. Dept of State
Papers relating to the treaty of Washington... v3
U.S. Dept of State
Papers relating to the treaty of Washington... v4
U.S. Dept of State
Papers relating to the treaty of Washington... v5
U.S. Dept of State
Papers relating to the treaty of Washington... v6
U. S. Government Printing Office
List of staff officers of the Confederate States Army : 1861-1865.
186 pgs.
U.S. Library of Congress. Manuscript Div
Register of officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United States, Sept. 1, 1865
553 pgs.
Washington, D.C., Peace Conference
Official Jrnl of the Conference Conv., Washington, February 1861 By CJ Wright, sec.
Woodbury, Augustus, 1825-95
Maj-Gen Amb. E Burnside & the 9th Army Corps: Campaigns in NC, Md., Va., Ohio, Ky, Miss. & Tn
597 pgs.