Research OnLine Digital Library Rhode Island Volumes
The following volumes are available for Rhode Island research. Subscribers to the ResearchOnLine Digital Library may access any of these volumes at no charge.
Addeman, Joshua M. (Joshua Melancthon)
Reminiscences of two years with the colored troops
38 pgs.
Allen, George H.
Forty-six months with the Fourth R. I. volunteers, in the war of 1861 to 1865
389 pgs.
Burlingame, John K.
History of the 5th Regiment of R.I. Heavy Artillery, during 3 1/2 Years of Service in North Carolina
382 pgs.
Burnside, Ambrose E.
Brown University in the Civil War
380 pgs.
Chase, Philip S.
Service With Battery F, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, In North Carolina
332 pgs.
Chenery, William H
The Fourteenth regiment Rhode Island heavy artillery (colored) in the war to preserve the Union, 1861-1865
343 pgs.
Clarke, Charles H
History of Company F, 1st regiment, R.I. volunteers, during the spring and summer of 1861
76 pgs.
Corliss, Augustus Whittemore
History of the Seventh Squadron, Rhode Island Cavalry
11 pgs.
Denison, Frederic
Sabres and spurs : the First Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry in the Civil War
600 pgs.
Fenner, Earl
The history of Battery H, first regiment Rhode Island light artillery, in the war to preserve the union, 1861-1865
216 pgs.
Grant, Joseph W
My first campaign
152 pgs.
Lewis, George
The history of Battery E, First regiment Rhode Island light artillery, in the war of 1861 and 1865, to preserve the Union
540 pgs.
Rhode Island General Assembly
Official register of Rhode Island officers and soldiers wo served in the United States army and navy from 1861 to 1865. Published by order of the General assembly, January session, 1866
96 pgs.
Rhodes, Elisha Hunt
The Second Rhode Island volunteers at the siege of Petersburg, Virginia
31 pgs.
Spicer, William Arnold
History of the Ninth and Tenth Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers, and the Tenth Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862
415 pgs.
Stone, Ediwn Winchester
Rhode Island in the rebellion (1865
410 pgs.
Sumner, George C
Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the Civil War, 1861-1865
192 pgs.
Tillinghast, Pardon Elisha
History of the Twelfth Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, in the Civil War, 1862-1863
394 pgs.
Woodbury, Angustus
A narrative of the campaign of the First Rhode Island regiment, in the spring and summer of 186
260 pgs.
Woodbury, Angustus
The Second Rhode Island regiment: a narrative of military operations in which the regiment was engaged from the beginning to the end of the war for the union
633 pgs.
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