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Currently 3 volumes are on line for New Hampshire Research. Click Here to browse the volumes. If you need a volume not currently on line you can request the volume by clicking here.
Research OnLine Digital Library New Hampshire Volumes
The following volumes are available for New Hampshire research. Subscribers to the ResearchOnLine Digital Library may access any of these volumes at no charge.
Bartlett, Asa W.
The History of the Twelfth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion
752 pgs.
Buffum, Francis Henry
A Memorial of the Great Rebellion: being a history of the Fourteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers
435 pgs.
Cogswell, Leander Winslow
A History of the Eleventh Regiment Volunteer Infantry in the Rebellion War, 1861 – 1865
828 pgs.
Granite State Lincoln Club. Wash., DC
1864R] Address to the soldiers of New Hampshire from the Granite State Lincoln club of Washington, DC
Haynes, Martin Alonzo
History of the Second Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers
243 pgs.
Jackman, Lyman
History of the Sixth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers
630 pgs.
Kent, Charles Nelson
History of the Seventeenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, 1862 – 1865
325 pgs.
Lord, Edward Oliver
History of the Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers
932 pgs.
McGregor, Charles
History of the Fifteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, 1862 – 1865
624 pgs.
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Eastern Digital Resources
5705 Sullivan Point Drive
Powder Springs, GA 30127
Tel: (803) 661-3102
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