The Civil War
In South Carolina

WACTON R. C. SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

WADDELL Dr. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WADDELL J D SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WADDILL G. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WADDLE Richard SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WADE Hamp SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

WADE R. J. SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WAGENER John A SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

WAGENER, Maj. John A. cmh5 cmh32 cmh390

SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

WAGES John P SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WAGES Joseph SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WAGES Patrick SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WAGNER A. C. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WAGNER Thomas M SC 1st Artillery Regiment
SC 1st Artillery Battalion

WAITS Henry SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WAITS John SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WAITS Samuel SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WALDECK L 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WALDEN Fielden 2nd Serg't. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company K

WALDEN W. A. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company K

WALDROP henry SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WALKER A S SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WALKER Adolphus SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

WALKER B T SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WALKER Benjamin F. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALKER Cornelius I. SC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALKER E G SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WALKER E J The South Carolina Military Academy

WALKER E P SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WALKER F B SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

WALKER Francis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WALKER G M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WALKER George W. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WALKER Henry SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WALKER J C SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WALKER J W SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

WALKER J. J. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

WALKER James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WALKER James B. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WALKER James J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALKER John SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALKER Johnson S. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WALKER M E SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WALKER Milton SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

WALKER O P SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WALKER Rhyder SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WALKER Riden SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

WALKER Robert I SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WALKER Robert L. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WALKER Silas Lieut. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

WALKER T A SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WALKER T M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WALKER W H T Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WALKER W R Biographical Sketches - Soundex Y520

WALKER W S Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WALKER W. E. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Field and Band

WALKER Whitefield

WALKER William SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WALKER Withers SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry


WALL Alex. SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALL B. H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WALL H. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALL James SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALL Jesse SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WALL Robert F. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WALL S.B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALL W.B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALL Watts SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALL William M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WALLACE Daniel Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WALLACE David SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WALLACE Edward 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

WALLACE Edwin M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WALLACE Edwin R. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALLACE H. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WALLACE J B SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WALLACE J. C. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WALLACE J. F. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WALLACE J. H. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WALLACE J.B. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WALLACE James C. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WALLACE John R. H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WALLACE John W. SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

WALLACE Jonathan Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WALLACE Joseph SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WALLACE Joseph F. Jr. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WALLACE Julius L. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WALLACE S. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WALLACE T.G SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WALLACE Thos. G. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WALLACE W.J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALLACE W.T. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WALLACE Washington SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WALLACE William 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C
2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

WALLACE William Henry Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WALLER G.W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALLINGTON W S SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WALROP James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WALROP Thomas SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WALSH ? SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WALSH Henry Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALSH Thomas E. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

WALTANS A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WALTER Augustus J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALTER George H SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WALTER George H. Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WALTER Jacob SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WALTER John R. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALTER P. D. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company I

WALTER Philip D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALTER William B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WALTER, Capt. George H. cmh5 cmh189 cmh233 cmh301

WALTERS Hilliard
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WALTERS J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WALTERS Joshua SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WALTERS Philip SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WALTERS Samuel SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WALTERS William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WALTON Caleb SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WALTON David S. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WALTON William SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WANNAMAKER Francis Marion 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

WANNAMAKER I. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WANNAMAKER J C SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

WANNAMAKER John J. SC Ordinance of Secession

WARD Bob SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WARD Henry 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

WARD Hesikiah SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WARD J W 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

WARD Jno SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

WARD Jno A SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WARD John H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WARD John M SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WARD M B SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

WARD N B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WARD Philip SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WARD Richard SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

WARD W. C. SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

WARD W. J. SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

WARDEN Eli SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WARDLAW D L SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WARDLAW David Lewis SC Ordinance of Secession

WARDLAW Francis Hugh SC Ordinance of Secession
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WARDLAW G Allen SC 1st Infantry Regiment Historical Notes

WARDLAW G. A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WARDLAW George Allen SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

WARDLAW Hannah Clarke SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WARDLAW J Lewis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WARDLAW James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WARDLAW James Lewis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WARDLAW James, Lewis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WARDLAW T Lamar SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WARE ? SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WARING A. H. SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

WARING J. H. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WARING J. R. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WARING M. N. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WARLEY J. Hamilton SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WARMICK A. B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WARNAMAKER J. M. O. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

WARR J. W. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company M

WARREN Jas SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WARREN Larkin W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WARREN William SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WASH W W SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY cmh5 cmh295 cmh386 cmh411

SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WATE C H SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WATE David SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WATE T A SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WATERS J SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WATERS J. E. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

WATERS John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WATERS Moses SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WATERS P B SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WATERS P. B. SC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WATERS Philemon B SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WATERS Reuben SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WATERS Simon 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

WATFORD A.M SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WATFORD J.N SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WATFORD J.R SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WATFORD John SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WATFORD Moses SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WATKINS Benjamin SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WATKINS J. C. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

WATKINS Jno. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

WATKINS Joseph SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WATKINS Robert A SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

WATLEY J P SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WATSON ? SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WATSON Butler 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WATSON Calvil SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WATSON Calvin SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WATSON Carrie Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WATSON Coleman SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

WATSON D S Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WATSON David E. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WATSON E D SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WATSON E. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company M

WATSON Elijah D SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WATSON H. SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

WATSON J H SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WATSON J L SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

WATSON J R 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WATSON J. B. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company E

WATSON J. F. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company F

WATSON John SC- 7th Cavalry Company G
SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company M

WATSON John R. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WATSON M B SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

WATSON M. A. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

WATSON Michael J SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WATSON Milledge SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WATSON Nicholas SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

WATSON Perry E SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WATSON Quinn Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WATSON R. P. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

WATSON Robert B SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WATSON Sam SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WATSON Seaborn E SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WATSON Sudie G Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WATSON Tillman SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WATSON Tillman Jr. SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WATSON W SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WATSON W. D. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WATSON William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WATSON William A SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WATSON William C. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WATSON William S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WATSON William W. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B


WATT W Crook SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WATTERSON Perry SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WATTS A SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

WATTS Augustus SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

WATTS J. R. Corp'l. SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

WATTS John B SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

WATTS Marion SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WATTS Simeon SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WATTS Thomas SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WATTS W. D. SC Ordinance of Secession

WAUHATCHIE cmh1 cmh310 cmh311

Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WAYNE Francis A. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WAYNE Francis Asbury 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WEANER J. A. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WEANER M. J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WEATHERFORD B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WEATHERFORD Ben Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WEATHERFORD Henry 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WEATHERFORD J. L. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WEATHERFORD J. P. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WEATHERFORD James SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WEATHERFORD Jas. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WEATHERFORD P. E. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WEATHERFORD W.S. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WEATHERFORD W.T. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WEATHERLY ? SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WEATHERLY A. E. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WEATHERLY A.W. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

WEATHERLY C M SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

WEATHERLY C.A. SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

WEATHERLY E.A SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WEATHERLY Isaac SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

WEATHERLY J.N. SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

WEATHERLY Robert T. SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

WEATHERSBEE Charles SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WEATHERSBEE J. B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WEATHERSBEE Lewis SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

WEATHERSBEE T. V. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WEATHERSBEE Tully F. S. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WEATON D.D SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WEAVER B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WEAVER J SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

WEAVER J P SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company F

WEAVER Joseph SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

WEAVER M B SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

WEAVER M. B. SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WEAVER Shang SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

WEAVER Thomas SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WEBB Alex SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WEBB Benjamin SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WEBB David SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WEBB E. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WEBB Hiram SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WEBB J. M. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

WEBB J. S. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WEBB James SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WEBB James H SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WEBB John Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WEBB Ransom S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WEBB Samuel SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WEBB Turner SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WEBB W. K. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WEBB William SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WEBER L B SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

WEBSTER Chas T SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

WEBSTER Hartwell SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

WEBSTER Henry D SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

WEBSTER J. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WEBSTER Jas. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WEBSTER Thos M SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

WEBSTER W.R SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

WEED J. T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WEEKS Albert H SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WEEKS Benjamin SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WEEKS Foster SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WEEKS J H SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WEEKS J W SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WEEKS James W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WEEKS Jas. W. 4th Serg't. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WEEKS Joel T. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WEEKS John SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WEEKS Thomas SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.
SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

WEICKING Frederick 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WEICKING Herman R 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WEISBRECKER E. SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

WEISS J B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

WEISS J. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WEISTHITE Edward SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B



WELCH Elijah SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WELCH Henry SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WELCH J. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WELCH James SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WELCH Joseph SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WELCH Joseph W. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WELCH Maurice C 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

WELCH Michael 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

WELCH Patrick SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WELCH Richard SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G
SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WELCH Robert J. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WELCH S. E. 1st Lieut. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company H

WELCH W. H . SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry


WELLBORN T M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WELLS A C SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WELLS E. L. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WELLS H D SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WELLS J SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WELLS J E SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WELLS J T. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

WELLS J. A. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WELLS Jas SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

WELLS S P SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WELLS W R SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WELLS William SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WELSH John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WELSH John R. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WELSH Patrick SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WELSH R. H. SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

WELSH T.J. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WERNER T. J. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

WERNER W. E. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company K

WERTS A A SC 3rd Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WERTS A C SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K
SC 14th Infantry Regiment History

WERTS Alfred SC 3rd Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WERTS J N SC 14th Infantry Regiment History

WERTS J U SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

WERTS Jesse SC 3rd Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WESSINGER J.R SC 13th Infantry Company K

WEST A. P. SC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WEST Archibald SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WEST B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

WEST E. P. SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

WEST M L. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WEST M Lafayette 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WEST Pinckney A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WEST Pink SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WEST Robert W. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WEST S W SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WEST W A. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

WEST W D. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

WEST W H. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

WEST W. J. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

WEST William SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

WEST Wm. E. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company H

WESTBROOK William S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WESTHITE Edward SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

WESTMORELAND J L. 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

WESTON George W. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WESTON R. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WETHERLY C. W. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

WEVER John R SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WEVER L B SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

WEVER Wm SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

WHALEY E. Mitchell SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WHALEY George Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC


WHASAND A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WHATLEY Jack SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WHATLEY S B SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WHATLEY W W SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WHATLEY William SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WHEALAND Edward 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

WHEELER General Joe SC- 7th Cavalry Company H

WHEELER Henry S. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHEELER Joe Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WHEELER John C SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WHEELER William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WHELAN Thomas SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F


WHELESS James P. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WHETSTONE W.M. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WHILDEN Charles E 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

WHILDEN De Leon Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WHILDEN Ellen SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WHILDEN Joseph SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WHILDEN William Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WHILDEN William Gilbert SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WHILDEN. John M SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WHILDON William Gilbert Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WHISNANT William F. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WHISONANT Alex. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WHISONANT R. H. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WHISONANT Robert D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WHITAKER J. C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WHITAKER Levi SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WHITAKER Nelson SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WHITAKER William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WHITAKER William B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WHITBY George SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WHITCOMBE J SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

WHITE A J SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WHITE Adophus C. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITE Albertus S SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WHITE Augustus K. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC


WHITE David SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

WHITE Elias 4th Serg't. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company L

WHITE H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WHITE H.T. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITE H.Y. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITE Henry SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company L

WHITE Henry C SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITE Henry R. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITE Humphrey SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WHITE J B The South Carolina Military Academy

WHITE J C SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WHITE J Grier SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WHITE J H SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WHITE J R SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WHITE J T SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WHITE J. D. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WHITE J. S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WHITE J. W. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company L

WHITE J.B. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITE James H SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B
1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WHITE John SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WHITE John P. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K


WHITE Nelson J 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WHITE Nelson J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WHITE P. J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WHITE S SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WHITE S.E SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WHITE Steel SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WHITE Thomas SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WHITE W G SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WHITE W. H. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company I

WHITE W. R. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WHITE W. W. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WHITE W.S. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WHITE William SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WHITE William C SC 7th Infantry Regiment

WHITE William C. SC 19th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITEFORD J J SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WHITEHEAD A. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

WHITEHEAD R.W. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITEHEAD William SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WHITESIDE T. P. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WHITESIDES C. M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WHITESIDES M. M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WHITESIDES Thomas D. 1st Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band (Hagoods)

WHITESIDES William M SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

WHITESIDES William M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

WHITFIELD John L 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

WHITLOCK D. G. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

WHITLOCK J W SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

WHITLOCK Martin SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITLOCK W SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

WHITLOCK William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITMAN Andrew M SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITMAN H W SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

WHITMIRE Lafayette SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WHITMIRE William H. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WHITMORE H. B. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company G

WHITNER J. N. SC Ordinance of Secession

WHITNER Joseph N. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WHITSEL D. R. SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WHITTEN J. O. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company F

WHITTINGTON Moses Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WHITTLE Daniel SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WHITTLE Hamer SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITTLE Hezekiah SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITTLE Ira SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITTLE Jacob W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITTLE Joel M SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITTLE John SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WHITTLE John W SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WHITTLE M SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WHITTLE M M SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WHITTLE Malachi SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITTLE T SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

WHITTLE W A SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WHITTLE Wesley SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WHITTLE William SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

WHITTLE Willis SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WHITTMAN Wesley SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WICKER W. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WICKERS W. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WICKHAM Eli Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WIER 1 J. A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WIER Thos. SC Ordinance of Secession

WIGG Samuel P 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WIGG William Hutson 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WIGGINS A F 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

WIGGINS Baker Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WIGGINS Calvin Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WIGGINS Eugene B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

WIGGINS Ham SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WIGGINS J.B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WIGGS H SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WIGGS Heywood SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WIGHTMAN W S SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILBANKS J. S. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WILBANKS John S. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WILBURN William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WILDER Arthur SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILDER J.T SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WILDERNESS cmh1 cmh217 cmh310 cmh315 cmh379 cmh381 cmh405 cmh410 cmh416

2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WILKES Henry SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WILKES W. David C. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WILKINS Edgar 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WILKINS G. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WILKINS J.T SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WILKINS R P. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILKINS Robert Y. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WILKINS T J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILKINS William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILKINSON Gorman SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

WILKINSON H.W. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILKINSON J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WILKINSON Robert S. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WILKINSON W. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WILKINSON William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WILKINSON Willis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 1st Infantry Regiment Historical Notes

WILKS Alexander T.

WILKS Allen C. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WILKS F. SC 2nd Artillery Regiment

WILKS Francis

WILKS Richard 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WILKS W David C SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

WILLARD C. W. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

WILLARD C. Y. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

WILLARD Caleb SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILLARD D. D. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

WILLARD D. H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WILLARD James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILLARD L. B. 4th Serg't. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

WILLARD Mabry SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILLARD President SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILLE Ponteaux Peter Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WILLIAM G W. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

WILLIAMS A G SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMS A. J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company K

WILLIAMS A. L. SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

WILLIAMS A.M. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILLIAMS Allen SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WILLIAMS Allen R 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WILLIAMS B F. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILLIAMS B.W SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

WILLIAMS Bud SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WILLIAMS Burton SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMS C K. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

WILLIAMS C.H. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILLIAMS Car SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS Carr S SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS Chas SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

WILLIAMS Clifton SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMS Colden H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WILLIAMS D.A. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILLIAMS Daniel 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

WILLIAMS David SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

WILLIAMS David A. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILLIAMS E G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

WILLIAMS E. G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WILLIAMS G. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WILLIAMS George T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WILLIAMS H D SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WILLIAMS H J SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS H Pickens SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMS Henry SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC
SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WILLIAMS Henry A SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WILLIAMS Isaac B SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMS J 1st Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band (Hagoods)

WILLIAMS J C SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS J C. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILLIAMS J D 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WILLIAMS J F. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILLIAMS J H SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WILLIAMS J H A SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMS J R SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WILLIAMS J S SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

WILLIAMS J W SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS J Wash SC 7th Cavalry Regiment Company E

WILLIAMS J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WILLIAMS J. A. 3rd Serg't. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company C

WILLIAMS J. E. SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

WILLIAMS J. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WILLIAMS J. Wash Captain SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

WILLIAMS James SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WILLIAMS James H SC 5th State Troops

WILLIAMS Jas. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

WILLIAMS Jesse C. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

WILLIAMS John SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WILLIAMS John A. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company K

WILLIAMS John C. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

WILLIAMS John D. SC Ordinance of Secession

WILLIAMS John H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WILLIAMS John L. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

WILLIAMS John M. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WILLIAMS John R. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F


WILLIAMS Joseph SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WILLIAMS L SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WILLIAMS Lazarus SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

WILLIAMS Luke G SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

WILLIAMS M. F. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

WILLIAMS Newton J. D. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WILLIAMS P M SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

WILLIAMS Pinkney SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS Press SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS Pressley M SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WILLIAMS R H SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

WILLIAMS R. O. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company I

WILLIAMS R.L. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMS Reuben R 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WILLIAMS S M SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WILLIAMS S.B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMS S.V. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WILLIAMS Sam SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WILLIAMS Stephen W 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

WILLIAMS T F SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WILLIAMS T H SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WILLIAMS T J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILLIAMS T N SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WILLIAMS T R SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WILLIAMS T. C. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company G

WILLIAMS T.E. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILLIAMS Thomas SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMS Thomas H SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMS Thomas R SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WILLIAMS Thos. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WILLIAMS Tink SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS W Edward 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

WILLIAMS W P SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS W W SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

WILLIAMS W. S. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WILLIAMS W.J. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILLIAMS Wallace T 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WILLIAMS Whit SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIAMS William B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WILLIAMS William F. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILLIAMS William J. SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

WILLIAMS William W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WILLIAMS, Col. J. H. cmh1 cmh12 cmh21 cmh43 cmh44 cmh45 cmh46 cmh47 cmh49 cmh50 cmh51 cmh52 cmh66 cmh68 cmh69 cmh149 cmh161 cmh165 cmh198 cmh261 cmh276 cmh289 cmh361 cmh362 cmh378 cmh379 cmh381 cmh405

Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSBURG cmh1 cmh43 cmh44 cmh45 cmh46 cmh47 cmh49 cmh50 cmh51 cmh52 cmh66 cmh68 cmh69 cmh379 cmh381 cmh405

Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSON David R. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSON H. SC Ordinance of Secession

WILLIAMSON H.L. SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMSON J SC 13th Infantry Company K

WILLIAMSON J. D. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WILLIAMSON J.F SC 13th Infantry Company K

WILLIAMSON James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WILLIAMSON Jefferson SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WILLIAMSON John D. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WILLIAMSON Joseph M. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSON Leonard Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSON Margaret SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WILLIAMSON R SC 13th Infantry Company K

WILLIAMSON Robert L. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSON Samuel W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSON Sol. M. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WILLIAMSON William D. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WILLING R SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

WILLINGHAM J SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WILLIS Allen SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WILLIS C. A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WILLIS ELI SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

WILLIS M H 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WILLIS Milton H 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WILLOUGHBY J.P SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

WILLOUGHBY R. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WILLS Eldred J SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WILLSON Andrew SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WILLSON John H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILLSON Robert J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILOUGHBY J.P SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

WILOUGHBY R. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

WILSON B. E. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company E

WILSON Benjamin SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

WILSON C. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILSON C. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WILSON Claudius C Biographical & Genealogical Info.

WILSON Cora Pearl SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company M

WILSON G. B. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WILSON George W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WILSON H. SC Ordinance of Secession

WILSON Hugh H. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WILSON Isaac D. SC Ordinance of Secession

WILSON J. SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

WILSON J. A. SC- 7th Cavalry Company F


WILSON J. J. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H


WILSON J. R. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company D

WILSON James 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain



WILSON John SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WILSON John B 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

WILSON John R. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WILSON L J 1st Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band (Hagoods)

WILSON Lawson H. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILSON Leighton B SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WILSON R. K. SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WILSON R. M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WILSON R. P. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WILSON Robert SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WILSON Robert E SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WILSON Robert J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WILSON Robert P SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

WILSON Russell Biography of Milledge Luke Bonham

WILSON T. M. SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

WILSON Thomas C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WILSON Thomas L. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WILSON William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

WILSON William H. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WILSON Wm. Blackburn SC Ordinance of Secession

WINCHESTER J M. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

WINDHAM C. R. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WINDHAM C.M SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WINDHAM Columbus R. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WINDHAM Flinn SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WINDHAM H. L. SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WINDHAM J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

WINDHAM John P. SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WINDHAM Joseph SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WINDHAM Samuel J SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

WINEBRENER Solomon SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WINGARD Corp SC 13th Infantry Company K

WINGARD J. S. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

WINGARD J. T. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

WINGARD James SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WINGO M. C. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

WINGO Memory C. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WINGO Ransom M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WINKLES A. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WINKLES Lorenzo D. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WINN C. W. SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WINN E. C. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

WINN H. SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment
SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WINN H. Lafayette SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WINN John M 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

WINN R. J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WINN R. M. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

WINN W. A. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

WINNINGHAM J. W. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WINTER J. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WISBROCKER E. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

WISBROCKER Ernest SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G
SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

WISE Alexander SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WISE Calhoun SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WISE Geo SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

WISE George SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

WISE J. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WISE J. M. SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WISE J. R. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WISE J. S. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WISE Jack SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery


WISE L. A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

WISE L. W. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

WISE Levi S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WISE Tyre SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WISE W. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WISE W. J. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WISE W. M. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

WISE W. W. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WISE William J SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

WISEMAN Charlest SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

WISEMAN James M SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

WITHERS S. D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WITHERS T. J. SC Ordinance of Secession

WITHERS W. R. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WITHERSPOON B. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

WITHERSPOON Bartlett J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WITHERSPOON Bracelet J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WITHERSPOON J M. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

WITHERSPOON J. B. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WITHERSPOON James H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

WITHERSPOON R. J. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WITSELL E. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WITSELL W. H. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WITTER Osmond 2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

WIX Hiram SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WIX John T. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WOENG W. D. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WOFFORD T. H. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

WOFFORD W. A. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company H

WOLFE E M 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)
SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WOLFE J. F. SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

WOLFE John J 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

WOLFE W. H. SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

WOOD Alexander Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WOOD C. G. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

WOOD Charles SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

WOOD Chesley G. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WOOD Edward Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WOOD J R. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WOOD James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WOOD Robert J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WOOD Thomas G. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WOOD Unknown SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WOOD W S 2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

WOOD W. A. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

WOOD W. B. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WOOD William J 1st Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band (Hagoods)

WOODBERRY William D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WOODHAM A. E. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

WOODLE E SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WOODLE Hinson SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WOODLE Ransom SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

WOODLEY Alex SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

WOODLEY Anderson SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WOODLEY Andrew SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WOODLEY Jonathan SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WOODROW John E. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WOODROW William J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WOODRUFF A G SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WOODRUFF A. G. SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

WOODS Hezekiah SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

WOODS Peter SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WOODS Richard SC Ordinance of Secession

WOODS William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

WOODSON W. P. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WOODWARD Charles SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

WOODWARD Chitty SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WOODWARD Furman SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WOODWARD Henry SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WOODWARD J. SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WOODWARD Lawrence SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WOODWARD M. C. SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WOODWARD W. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WOODWARD Wiley SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WOODWARD William J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WOODY J. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WOODY N. J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WOODY W. D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WOOLEY Andrew SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WOOLEY Ely SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WOOLEY Lazrus SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

WOOLEY Miner W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WOOLEY Priester SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

WOOLSEY J SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

WOOTEN G. B. H. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company L

WOOTEN J. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WOOTEN James J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WOOTEN L SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WOOTEN Lit SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WOOTEN M. W. SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

WOOTEN Shadrack 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)


WORKMAN C. J. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

WORKMAN J. S. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

WORKMAN Perry SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WORKMAN S. W. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

WORKMAN W. S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WORKMAN William P.

WORLEY Andrew S. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WORRELL James Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

WORSHAM J. D. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WORSHAM Peter SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WORTHINGTON William A 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)


WRAGG A. MCD. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

WRENN James H SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

WRIGHT A C. SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

WRIGHT B SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WRIGHT C. SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

WRIGHT Daniel Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

WRIGHT Daniel G SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G


WRIGHT Elias SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

WRIGHT Ellerbe SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

WRIGHT G. L. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

WRIGHT George W. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery
SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G


WRIGHT Horatio G SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

WRIGHT J. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WRIGHT J. D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

WRIGHT J. P. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

WRIGHT J. R. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WRIGHT Jackson SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

WRIGHT James 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

WRIGHT Joe SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WRIGHT John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

WRIGHT L A SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

WRIGHT P L SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

WRIGHT Robert SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G


WRIGHT T. L. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WRIGHT Theolhilus SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

WRIGHT Thomas B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

WRIGHT W. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

WRIGHT Wesley SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WRIGHT Wilson SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WRIGHT Wm SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

WYATT W. W. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company K

WYCKOFF Mac SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

WYER John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

WYERICK Philip SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

WYLIE John D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

WYLIE Robert S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

WYLIE Starnes SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

WYLIE William SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

WYNN R. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

WYSE A L SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

WYSE Joseph SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B