Muster roll of Company "K," John F. Bowers, Captain, showing the condition of the company July 23rd, 1862. At this date, April, 1892, I have no other roll - failed to find any in the office in Columbia:
John F. Bowers, Captain, present; J. L. Talbert, First Lieutenant, absent on furlough; J. M. Berry, Second Lieutenant, absent; wounded at Manchester - hospital. J. A. Cheatham, Third Lieutenant, present; O. T. Culbreath, First Sergeant; received into service April 15th, 1861, for one year by Major Evans; absent on furlough. A. N. Martin, Second Sergeant, absent; wounded at Manchester - hospital. W. M. Reynolds, Third Sergeant, present; L. W. Lanier, Fourth Sergeant, absent; wounded; home on furlough. C. M. Burress, Fifth Sergeant; present; J. W. Reynolds, First Corporal, present; L. D. Shipley, Second Corporal, present; W. G. White, Third Corporal, present; T. R. Williams, Fourth Corporal, present.
B. O. Adams, present; J. E. Blake, present; T. A. Cartledge, present; T. M. Crafton, present; W. L. Coleman, present; G. R. Coleman, absent, wounded at Manchester - hospital; John Culbreath, present; Anthony Deal, present; C. L. Devore, present; J. A. Franks, present; C. T. Hammond, present; C. H. Harrison, absent, sick at hospital - unknown; J. T. Henderson, present; J. E. Henderson, present; W. L. Holmes, absent on sick furlough; A. J. Holmes, present; H. Howell, present; T. B. Lanier, absent, wounded, at home on furlough, left arm amputated at shoulder; O. W. Lanier, present; C. H. Limbecker, present; J. L. Lockridge, present; J. H. Mayson, absent, sick at Manchester Hospital; H. M. Quarles, absent on furlough, sick; J. C. Reynolds, present; E. W. Reynolds, absent on furlough, sick; T. J. Roundtree, present; F. P. Rush, present; G. S. Stalnaker, absent, wounded, at Manchester Hospital, right arm amputated above elbow; J. R. Stalnaker, present; J. W. Stalnaker, present; G. H. Timmerman, present; J. R. Williams, present; W. B. Wood, absent on sick furlough; W. H. Yeldell, present.
Total rank and file, 47.
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