Williams, J. Wash Captain
Walker, Silas Lieut. - present at Appomattox
Blackburn, J. L. - present at Appomattox
Workman, J. S. Serg't. - present at Appomattox
Watkins, Jno. - present at Appomattox
Boozer, H. D. Corp'l. - present at Appomattox
Adams, J. H. - Present at Appomattox
Bell, J. W. - Present at Appomattox
Boyd, J. F. - Present at Appomattox
Boyd, W. D. - Present at Appomattox
Boyd, W. H. - Present at Appomattox
Burkhalter, W. P. - age 21, died of disease at home 1864
Burkhalter, H. M. - Age 19. Present at Appomattox. On roll as N. M. Burkhalter
Burton, A. D. - Present at Appomattox
Coleman, A. J. - age 30
Coleman, A. P. age 26, wounded at Deep Bottom.
Coleman, W. H. - Present at Appomattox
Craddock, W. T. - Present at Appomattox
Davenport, S. - Present at Appomattox
Davis, R. C. - Present at Appomattox
Dean, J. - Present at Appomattox
Denson, J. J. - Present at Appomattox
Ferguson, L. E. Age 26. Present at Appomattox
Finley, H. G. - Present at Appomattox
Fox, J. R. age 19, died of disease at home
Fuller, J. T. - Present at Appomattox
Garrett, W. P. - Present at Appomattox
Gibbs, Jasper - Present at Appomattox
Golding, W. T. - Age 24. Wounded near Barnville, scouting. Present at Appomattox
Golding, W. S. age 22
Goodman, N. B. - Present at Appomattox
Goodman, R. H. - Present at Appomattox
Gregorie, B. A. - Present at Appomattox
Griffin, B. F. - Present at Appomattox
Hill, J. T. - Present at Appomattox
Holloway, F. G. age 27
Jones, D. A. - Present at Appomattox
Jones, W. H. - Present at Appomattox
Leman, S. - Present at Appomattox
Little, T. J. - Present at Appomattox
Lowe, Samuel - Present at Appomattox
Munroe, D. A. - Present at Appomattox
Munroe, G. W. - Present at Appomattox
Payne, B. F. Age 26. Present at Appomattox. Died prior to 1897.
Payne, J. W. age 21
Pulley, W. B. Age 22. Present at Appomattox Died prior to 1897.
Proctor, D. age 21, killed at Cold Harbor 31 MAY 1864
Proctor, J. M. - Age 23. Present at Appomattox
Riddlehaber, G. C. - Present at Appomattox
Shaw, J. M. - Present at Appomattox
Smith, B. G. age 23 - Present at Appomattox
Smith, W. S. age 28
Smith, G. S. - Age 21. Present at Appomattox. Died prior to 1897
Scurry, Fred - Age 30. Present at Appomattox. On roll as F. Scarry. Died prior to 1897.
Taylor, J. D. - Present at Appomattox
Teague, T. S. - Present at Appomattox
Tribble, J. W. - Present at Appomattox
Tribble, M. P. - Present at Appomattox
Workman, C. J. - Present at Appomattox
REF: Chapman: History of Edgefield County - pg. 474
REF: The Appomattox Roster. R. A. Brock. The Southern Historical
Society. 1887.