The Civil War
In South Carolina

RABON E.SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

RABON J.SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

RABORN Wm MSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

RACKLEY B GBiographical & Genealogical Info.

RACKLEY J L1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

RADCLIFFE B. J.SC- 7th Cavalry Company K

RADCLIFFE L J.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

RADCLIFFE Lewis J2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

RADCLIFFE T.W.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RADECKT HarmanSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

RADFORD S.SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

RADY JamesHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RAE A PSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

RAFFIELD J HarveySC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

RAFFIELD Thomas N.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RAGIN William C1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

RAGSDALE William H.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RAIMEY N PSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

RAINEY JohnSC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company G

RAINS E P1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

RAINS J H1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

RAINS J N1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

RAINS J W1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

RAINS T.PSC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

RAINWATERS JoshuaSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

RAINWATERS SamuelSC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

RAJA Wilson R.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RALEIGH JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

RALEY EdwardSC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

RALEY Joseph A.SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

RALEY LeviSC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

RAMAGE JamesSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company H

RAMAGE James CSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E


RAMAGE Peter BSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's)

RAMAR JacobSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

RAMBO J CSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

RAMBO James MSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

RAMBO JohnSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

RAMBO John ASC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

RAMER JacobSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

RAMEY J DSC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RAMEY NatSC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RAMEY W DSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

RAMSAY DavidSC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

RAMSAY JamesSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

RAMSAY, Capt. David cmh5 cmh91 cmh92 cmh240

SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

RAMSEY AbrahamSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

RAMSEY AlexanderSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

RAMSEY JamesSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

RAMSEY JohnSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

RAMSEY Joseph A.

RAMSEY MattSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

RAMSEY MattisonSC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

RAMSEY RichardCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RAMSEY Thomas C.

RAMSEY Thomas J.


RAMSEY WhitakerSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

RAMSEY William2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

RANDAL WilliamSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

RANDALL B.SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

RANDALL C WSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

RANDALL ESC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

RANDALL E WSC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RANDALL EddSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

RANDALL EzekielSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RANDALL F ESC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RANDALL Geo WSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RANDALL H GSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K


RANDALL Isaac BSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RANDALL JeffersonSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RANDALL JohnSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

RANDALL LafayetteSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RANDALL PSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

RANDALL SeabornSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RANDALL WmSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

RANDOLPH ASC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

RANDOLPH W J.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

RANIEY SamSC Ordinance of Secession

RANKIN G. W.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company L

RANSON P OSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

RAPER FranklinSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

RAPPAHANNOCK cmh1 cmh120 cmh122 cmh123 cmh124 cmh125 cmh139 cmh179 cmh180 cmh181 cmh183 cmh184 cmh185 cmh186 cmh215 cmh219 cmh221 cmh257 cmh258 cmh261

SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

RASCOE DanielSC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

RASCOE HSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

RASCOE WmSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G
SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

RASCOE Wm.SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

RAST Jacob E1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

RATATEE H.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RATTEREE HenrySC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RATTEREE JohnSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RATTEREE T. D.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RAUCH Henry Jr.SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

RAUCH J C HSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

RAUCH Jacob ISC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

RAUCH Samuel NSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

RAWL James ESC 13th Infantry Company K

RAWL Jas ESC 13th Infantry Company K

RAWLES J B.SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

RAWLES MartinSC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

RAWLINGS Charles A.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

RAWLINS WilliamSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

RAWLINSON Abram S1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)


RAWLINSON Moses A1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

RAWLS AnselSC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

RAWLS E. J.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

RAWLS MartinSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

RAWLS WilliamSC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

RAY A.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RAY Alexander

RAY BenjaminHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RAY Charles KHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RAY ElijahSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RAY Frederick W.

RAY JohnCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RAY John T.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RAY ThomasHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RAY William1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

RAY William H1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

RAYBORN JosephSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

RAYSOM L.M.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

REA SamuelSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

READY S. L.SC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

READY SamuelSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

READY W JSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

REAMS AlbertSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

REAMS JeffersonSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

REAMS JordanSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

REAMS RidleySC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

REARDEN James E.SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

REARDEN Robert N.SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

REARDEN W E.SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

REARDON D.E.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

REARDON J JSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

REAVES Benjamin1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

REAVES Charles W.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

REAVES Henry R1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

REAVES J.J.SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

REAVES J.L.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

REAVES John H.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

REAVES Robt. H.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

REAVES T J.SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

REAVES T.C.SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

RED ThomasSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

REDD BudSC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

REDD WSC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

REDDICK HymbrickSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

REDDICK J. F.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

REDFEARN Alfred T.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

REDMON JobSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

REDMOND D.SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

REED A C1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

REED G. N.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

REED J. P.SC Ordinance of Secession

REED William1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

REEKS J. G.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company I

REEL A WSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

REESE A. H.SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

REESE ESC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

REESE J.D.SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

REESE SidneySC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

REESE WilliamSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

REESE William ESC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

REEVES Chas. J.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

REEVES G RSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

REEVES J. A.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

REFO C LSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G


REID H. T.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

REID Hayne D.

REID HenrySC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

REID J C.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

REID Jacob V1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

REID Joseph N1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

REID Wm.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

REIGHLEY James T.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

REILLY James1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

REILLY Jeremiah1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

REILLY Michael1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

REILLY Patrick H.1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

REILLY W L.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

REIMAN EHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

REINHARDT J. M.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

REMBERT T M.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

REMSON James B.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

RENEW B.SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

RENEW GeorgeSC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

RENEW JamesSC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

RENEW JohnSC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

RENEW R.SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

RENNO John A.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

RENTIERS J G.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

REVEL J ASC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

REYNOLD Pleasent. T.SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

REYNOLDS ASC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

REYNOLDS DavidSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

REYNOLDS E HSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

REYNOLDS E WSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

REYNOLDS Francis S1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

REYNOLDS G Jr.SC 1st Infantry Regiment Historical Notes

REYNOLDS G NSC 1st Infantry Regiment Historical Notes

REYNOLDS I MSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

REYNOLDS IraSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

REYNOLDS J ASC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

REYNOLDS J CSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

REYNOLDS J SSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

REYNOLDS J WSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K


REYNOLDS M.SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

REYNOLDS T.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company G

REYNOLDS W MSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

REYNOLDS, Lieut. G. W. cmh19 cmh214 cmh263 cmh279 cmh281 cmh306

RHETT Alfred
SC 1st Artillery Regiment

RHETT B. S.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

RHETT B. S. Jr.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

RHETT Grimke1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

RHETT H. BarnwellSC Ordinance of Secession

RHETT Robert Woodward1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

RHETT Thomas Middleton StuartSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RHETT, Lieut. cmh19 cmh58 cmh64 cmh100 cmh121 cmh132 cmh141 cmh158 cmh170 cmh178 cmh189 cmh198 cmh199 cmh201 cmh247 cmh257 cmh271 cmh291 cmh292 cmh307 cmh360 cmh368

SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

RHODEN MilesSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

RHODEN WileySC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RHODES E JSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

RHODES EphriamSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RHODES G. W.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

RHODES GeorgeSC Ordinance of Secession

RHODES HenrySC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RHODES J BSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

RHODES J. F.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

RHODES T Augustus1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

RHODUS G DSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RICE C.H.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RICE E. B. 5th Serg't.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

RICE H. F.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

RICE J WSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A
SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

RICE James H.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

RICE LarkinSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K
SC 14th Infantry Regiment History

RICE Ulysses1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

RICE WilkersonSC 14th Infantry Regiment History

RICE William A.

RICE WilliamsonSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

RICHARD Hiram H.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHARDS J. F.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company D

RICHARDS Jno GSC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

RICHARDS LouisSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RICHARDSON A. D.SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

RICHARDSON AaronSC- 7th Cavalry Company G


RICHARDSON D.SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

RICHARDSON F. D.SC Ordinance of Secession

RICHARDSON G. W.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RICHARDSON GonanSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

RICHARDSON H. W.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

RICHARDSON J S2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

RICHARDSON J. B.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

RICHARDSON J. M.SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

RICHARDSON J. S.SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

RICHARDSON JohnSC 1st Cavalry Regiment
SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RICHARDSON John P.SC Ordinance of Secession

RICHARDSON R. C.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

RICHARDSON ReubenSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B


RICHARDSON S C CSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RICHARDSON StephenCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RICHARDSON ThomasCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RICHARDSON Thomas W.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

RICHARDSON W. H. H.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

RICHARDSON Wm. H. 3rd. Serg't.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

RICHBOURG A JSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RICHBOURG A.JSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RICHBOURG F L.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

RICHBOURG J NSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RICHBOURG JamesSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

RICHBOURG Jno WSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RICHBOURG P SSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RICHBOURG R.D.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHBOURG Rufus N.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

RICHBURG B.D.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHBURG CanteySC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHBURG J.C.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHBURG J.N.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHBURG James H.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHBURG John A.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHBURG Joseph EdwardSC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHEY G WSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.


RICHIE J.ASC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

RICHLAND LieutenantSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

RICHMOND cmh1 cmh21 cmh29 cmh37 cmh40 cmh43 cmh46 cmh47 cmh49 cmh50 cmh57 cmh75 cmh79 cmh94 cmh96 cmh106 cmh109 cmh120 cmh121 cmh122 cmh123 cmh167 cmh168 cmh213 cmh228 cmh301 cmh302 cmh322 cmh340 cmh346 cmh352 cmh378 cmh381 cmh396 cmh399 cmh407 cmh408 cmh409 cmh410 cmh411 cmh412 cmh416

SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RICHTER J JSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RICKARD HenrySC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

RICKENBAKER F MSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RICKENBAKER T ESC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RIDDLE JesseSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIDDLE LSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIDDLE SimkinsSC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RIDDLE Thomas R1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

RIDDLEHABER G. C. -SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

RIDDOCK Joseph1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

RIDGE John, H.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RIDGE W. D.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RIDGE William L.

RIDGE William, L.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RIDGELL DanielSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

RIDGELL Dan’lSC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

RIDGELL FelixSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

RIDGELL JohnSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

RIDGELL P NSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

RIDGELL T TSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

RIDGELL WilliamSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

RIDGEWAY HopewellSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

RIDGEWAY J MSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RIDGEWAY J WSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RIDGEWAY Jno ASC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RIDGEWAY JohnSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

RIDGEWAY John M.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RIDGEWAY Joseph NewtonSC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RIDGEWAY P. E.SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

RIDGEWAY Reuben F.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RIDGILL P LSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RIDGILL R ASC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

RIDLEHOOVER AlleySC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIDLEHOOVER JosephSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIDLEHOOVER SumterSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIDLEHOOVER WilliamSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E


RIECKE AnthonyBiographical & Genealogical Info.

RIGGINS R. J.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RIGGS Benjamin S1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

RIGGS Benjamin S.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

RIGGS Isaac1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

RIGGS William B1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

RILEY C. J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

RILEY C. W.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RILEY David A1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

RILEY DerrickSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RILEY George S1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

RILEY J MSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

RILEY J. P.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

RILEY J. W.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

RILEY JamesSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

RILEY James WSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RILEY JnoSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

RILEY JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RILEY John BSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RILEY John W1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

RILEY MikeSC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

RILEY SamuelSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RILEY T JSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

RILEY W. N.SC Ordinance of Secession

RINEHART JohnSC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RINEHART T ESC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RINEHART WestSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RING John L1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

RION James HSC 7th Infantry Battalion

RION James HenryHistory of the 7th Battalion State Troops

RIPLEY Adam CSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIPLEY EdwardSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RIPLEY HSC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RIPLEY HenrySC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIPLEY JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RIPLEY RichardSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

RIPLEY Roswell SabineBiographical & Genealogical Info.

RIPLEY Rowell SSC 1st Artillery Battalion

RIPLEY, Lieut. Col. R. S. cmh13 cmh15 cmh16 cmh29 cmh30 cmh35 cmh36 cmh38 cmh41 cmh42 cmh58 cmh79 cmh97 cmh143 cmh146 cmh155 cmh188 cmh189 cmh191 cmh196 cmh201 cmh225 cmh226 cmh227 cmh248 cmh250 cmh291 cmh292 cmh302 cmh418 cmh420

RISER Francis M
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B


RISSLAND AlbionSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RISTER AdamSC 13th Infantry Company K

RITCHIE WSC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

RIVERS C.MHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RIVERS Constant H.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

RIVERS James RSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

RIVETT Benjamin J1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

ROACH B F.SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

ROACH Ervin ASC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

ROACH JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

ROACH Joseph BSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

ROACH Patrick1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

ROACH W J.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

ROADS N. B.SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company G

ROBBINS John B.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROBBINS WilliamSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

ROBBS ClevelandSC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G

ROBERS W. G.SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

ROBERSON H ASC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

ROBERSON HigdonSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

ROBERSON J.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company K

ROBERSON JamesSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

ROBERSON James MSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

ROBERSON JohnSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

ROBERTS A. J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

ROBERTS Benj. FranklinCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROBERTS David ASC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

ROBERTS E. A.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

ROBERTS J D.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

ROBERTS J E1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

ROBERTS J F.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

ROBERTS J. H.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

ROBERTS J. S.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROBERTS James (conscript)SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

ROBERTS JohnSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROBERTS John M.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

ROBERTS John NewtonSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

ROBERTS N.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

ROBERTS N. J.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROBERTS Pinckney J.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROBERTS Roger R.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROBERTSON AlexanderSC 1st Cavalry Regiment

ROBERTSON D.P.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

ROBERTSON Daniel HSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

ROBERTSON E. R.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

ROBERTSON EllisonSC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROBERTSON J1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

ROBERTSON JamesSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

ROBERTSON L. D.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROBERTSON P.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

ROBERTSON R2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

ROBERTSON Reuben1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

ROBERTSON S. H.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

ROBERTSON SamuelSC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROBERTSON W TSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

ROBERTSON W.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

ROBERTSON W. F.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff


ROBERTSON WilliamSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

ROBERTSON, Lieut. F. H. cmh19 cmh131 cmh259 cmh302 cmh307 cmh308 cmh346 cmh353 cmh356 cmh357 cmh360

SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

ROBINSON 18 JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

ROBINSON A.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

ROBINSON AmonSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

ROBINSON ArthurSC 1st Cavalry Regiment

ROBINSON CharlesSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

ROBINSON Cpl SamuelSC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROBINSON D.SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

ROBINSON D. P.SC Ordinance of Secession

ROBINSON G. E. Hospital Stew'd.SC- 7th Cavalry Field & Band

ROBINSON HarveySC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

ROBINSON HiltonSC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

ROBINSON IveySC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

ROBINSON J. D.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company H

ROBINSON J. E.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

ROBINSON J. O.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

ROBINSON JamesSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

ROBINSON JasonSC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company B

ROBINSON JohnSC 1st Cavalry Regiment
SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

ROBINSON John A1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

ROBINSON John M.M.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

ROBINSON John T.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROBINSON Joseph FSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B
SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B
SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

ROBINSON Jude1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

ROBINSON Murray1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

ROBINSON Nathaniel P.SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

ROBINSON NewmanSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROBINSON Paul GervaisSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

ROBINSON PiersonSC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

ROBINSON R. T.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company C

ROBINSON W.R.SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

ROBINSON WarrenSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROBINSON William D.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

ROBISON James B.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

ROBISON RobertSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

ROCHESTER G. W.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROCHESTER W. D.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company B

RODEN J D.SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

RODEN John D.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RODGERS ErvinSC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RODGERS FrankSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

RODGERS J. LadsonSC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RODGERS JohnSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RODGERS John (Musician)SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RODGERS LillieSC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

RODGERS MammieSC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company I

RODGERS MartinSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

RODGERS PeterSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

RODGERS T. L.SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

RODGERS W ESC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

RODGERS W. E.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

RODGERS W.M.SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RODGERS William C.

RODGERS William D.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RODIERS J. L.SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

RODRICK JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

ROE Henry D.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B


ROGERS AllenCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS AnsonCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS Augustus MSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

ROGERS B.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS B.ASC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

ROGERS BethelCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS CaryCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS DennisCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS E.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS EbenCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS EbenezerCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS ErvinCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS F.G.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS Frank ASC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

ROGERS Fred G.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS Hugh G.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS J. DewCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS JamesSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS JesseeCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS JohnSC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROGERS John W.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS JosephCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS Joseph B.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS L.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS MartinSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

ROGERS MillingtonCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS Owen M.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS PeterSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

ROGERS PinckneySC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROGERS R.R.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS Robert H.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS Robert M.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

ROGERS Robert W.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

ROGERS T.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS ThomasCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS W. D.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

ROGERS WM TSC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

ROGERS WilliamSC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS WilliamsCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROGERS WmSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

ROGERS Young A.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D


ROLING T. J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

ROLLER BenjaminSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROLLER Henry TSC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROLLER JohnSC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROLLINGS Robert A.SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H


ROLLINS DavidSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A


ROLLINS Madison W.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

ROLLINS R. B.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

ROLLINS T. J.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

ROLLINS ThomasSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

ROLONG JacobSC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROME A JSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

ROMKE William J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

RONAN MartinSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

RONEY JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

RONEY NewtonSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

ROOF FrankSC 13th Infantry Company K

ROOF James RSC 13th Infantry Company K

ROOF ThosSC 13th Infantry Company K

ROOT John LSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

ROOT John L.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

ROPER BenjaminSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

ROPER CaswellSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

ROPER CharlesSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

ROPER G. W.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

ROPER JSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

ROPER J DSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROPER JohnSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROPER John WSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

ROPER L LSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

ROPER N. C.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

ROPER T.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company I

ROSBOROUGH JohnSC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

ROSCOE Geo WSC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROSCOE JohnSC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROSCOE OliverSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

ROSE 4th Cpl AlexanderSC 1st Cavalry Regiment

ROSE Jesse C.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

ROSE JohnSC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROSE WilliamSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

ROSE William (negro)SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

ROSECRANS WilliamSC 27th Infantry Regiment Company F

ROSS Allen A.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

ROSS Franklin A.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

ROSS Franklin W.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

ROSS J HSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

ROSS J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

ROSS J. NewtonCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROSS James S.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

ROSS Jesse1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

ROSS JohnSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

ROSS S MSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

ROSS S S.SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G

ROSS Samuel S.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROSS W. M.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROTHWELL Benjamin1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

ROTON JamesSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

ROTTEN JSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

ROULIAN RobertHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

ROUNDTREE T JSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

ROUNTREE MosesSC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROUNTREE W DSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

ROURK James J1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

ROURK John E1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

ROURKE William J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

ROUS PeterSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

ROUSE Oliver P1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

ROUSE R. A.3rd Infantry Regiment - State Troops (Home Guard)

ROWAN Samuel W.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

ROWE ?SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

ROWE A Govan1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

ROWE Cornelius ESC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROWE CullenSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROWE Donald Jacob1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)
1st Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band (Hagoods)

ROWE G. J. Quarter Master SergSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Field & Band

ROWE J LSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

ROWE J.H.SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

ROWE JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

ROWE Joseph HSC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROWE MastinSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

ROWE MrsSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

ROWE SimpsonSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

ROWE W. T.SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

ROWE W.D.SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

ROWELL C. D.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROWELL Cornelius D.SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

ROWELL L. H.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

ROWELL R.F.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROWELL ValentineCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROWELL W. B.SC Ordinance of Secession

ROWELL WilliamCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

ROWLAND M. O.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

ROWLAND William RSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

ROWLAND William R.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

ROWLEY Elbert F2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

ROYSTON G. W.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

ROYSTON William S.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

ROZIER UnknownHart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

RUCKER A ESC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RUCKER GasperSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

RUCKER GerhardSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RUCKER H LSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RUCKER U SSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B
SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

RUDICIL A.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RUFF CaptainSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

RUFF John J.

RUFF Paul M.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

RUFF Reuben L

RUFF Reuben L.

RUFF Walter G.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

RUFF Z.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company I

RUMP GeorgeSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

RUPPE JamesSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

RUSH A. J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

RUSH Alvin W.SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RUSH F PSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

RUSH Harman M1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

RUSH S. G.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

RUSH W HSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

RUSHING ArchibaldCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RUSHING HenryCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RUSHING WilliamCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RUSHTON DSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

RUSHTON HSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

RUSHTON JSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

RUSHTON JohnSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

RUSHTON WmSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

RUSHTON Wm Sr.SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

RUSS JohnCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RUSS ZackCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

RUSSEL J. S.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

RUSSELL B. F.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

RUSSELL Frank1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

RUSSELL HenrySC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

RUSSELL J LSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

RUSSELL John1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

RUSSELL R YSC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

RUSSELL R Y.SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

RUSSELL W. F.SC- 7th Cavalry Company K

RUSSELL W.HSC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

RUSTON WSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

RUTHERFORD AlexSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

RUTHERFORD James FSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

RUTLAND Abe WSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RUTLAND C S.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

RUTLAND CullenSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

RUTLAND EzekielSC 27th Infantry Regiment Company F

RUTLAND Ezekiel WSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

RUTLAND George1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

RUTLAND MikeSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RUTLAND W ASC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

RUTLAND W. A.SC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

RUTLEDGE B HSC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

RUTLEDGE B.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

RUTLEDGE B. H.SC Ordinance of Secession

RUTLEDGE Captain B. H.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

RUTLEDGE RobertSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RUTLEDGE, Capt. B. H. cmh5 cmh16 cmh36 cmh76 cmh77 cmh100 cmh103 cmh105 cmh189 cmh192 cmh193 cmh295 cmh301 cmh346

SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RYAN B YSC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

RYAN BenjaminSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RYAN ElbertSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RYAN J BSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

RYAN J T1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

RYAN JamesSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RYAN JohnSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

RYAN John S.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

RYAN JosephSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

RYAN P BSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

RYAN PatrickSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RYAN Thomas1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

RYAN Thomas P1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

RYAN W PSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

RYAN WilliamSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

RYFIELD MarionSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

RYFIELD R. L.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G