The Civil War
In South Carolina

FABAN W SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

FABED H. W. SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

FAIL C. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company D

FAIL J. T. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company D

FAILE Nathan SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

FAIR OAKS cmh1 cmh43 cmh49 cmh50 cmh51 cmh54 cmh55 cmh65

FAIR Robert

FAIR Robert A SC 7th Infantry Regiment

FAIR Robert A. SC 19th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FAIR Simeon SC Ordinance of Secession


FAIRLY W. H. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment
Biographical & Genealogical Info.

FALLAW G W SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

FALLON John T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FALLS E. W. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FANNING David B. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FANNING James H SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FANNING John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

FANNING John H. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FANNING Joseph SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FANNING Joseph A SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FANNING Joseph A. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FANNING T.W. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery


FANT J. M. 4th Corp'l. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

FANT J. N. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

FANT James M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FANT Jasper SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FANT N. SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

FANT T M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

FANT T. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FANT W. A. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

FARIES John C. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FARING James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

FARLEY H S SC 1st Infantry Regiment Historical Notes

FARLEY James M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

FARMER G. W. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company D

FARMER George SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

FARMER George Washington SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FARMER Pinckney SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FARMER W. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

FARMER William T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

FARNANDIS Henry SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

FARNANDIS Henry M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FARNANDIS James G. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FARR Anthony SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FARR James R. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FARR Richard T. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FARRELL Michael 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

FARRELL Peter SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FARRIS A. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

FARROW W F. SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

FAUCETT James M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FAULKENBERRY J.T. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

FAULKENBERRY W J. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

FAULKNER E.I.M SC 20th Infantry Regiment History

FAULKNER Gibson P SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

FAULKNER Jack F SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

FAULKNER James R SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

FAULKNER John SC 14th Infantry Regiment History
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

FAULKNER Larkin SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

FAULKNER Lucy SC 20th Infantry Regiment History

FAULKNER Robert V SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

FAULKNER Samuel Davis SC 20th Infantry Regiment History

FAULKNER Thomas SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

FAULKNER Thos SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

FAULKNER Tillman SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

FAULKNER W P. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

FAULKNER W Talbert SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

FAULKNER William Leonidas SC 20th Infantry Regiment History

FAYSSOUX Peter Biographical & Genealogical Info.

FAYSSOUX Sarah J Biographical & Genealogical Info.

FEAGAN E.J. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

FEAGEN Peter SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

FEAGHEY Thomas SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

FEASTER Lorenzo SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

FEE John SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FEENEY J. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

FEENEY Michael 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)


FEENY Thomas SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FELDER D W 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)


FELDER Edmund J. 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

FELDER J. D. Corp'l. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company H

FELDER Madison W. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FELDER R. F. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FELDER S.F. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FELTS John W. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

FENAGAN James Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FENNEL W. J. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company I

FERGUSON Benjamin SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

FERGUSON G SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

FERGUSON G. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FERGUSON G.A SC 13th Infantry Company K

FERGUSON J. M. SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

FERGUSON J. P. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

FERGUSON Jno. SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

FERGUSON John W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FERGUSON L E SC 7th Cavalry Regiment Company E

FERGUSON L. E. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

FERGUSON Samuel W Biographical & Genealogical Info.

FERGUSON W. J. N. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company I

FERNANDEZ H. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company E

FERR ____ SC- 7th Cavalry Company F


FERRELL J. R. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

FERRILL W. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FERRIS T SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FETNER N. H. SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

FETNER Nathaniel SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

FETNER T. A. SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

FEWELL Benjamin F. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

FEWELL James S. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

FEWELL U. J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FEWELL Uranus J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

FEWELL William A. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

FIELD Jacob SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FIELD John M. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

FIELDS Alexander

FIELDS Art A SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

FIELDS George R. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

FIELDS Jacob SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FIELDS P SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

FIELDS P Calvin SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

FIELDS P. G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

FIELDS Pleasant G.

FIELDS R.J SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

FIELDS Silas SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

FILISMAL Amos SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

FINCHER C. P. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

FINCHER Churchill P. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FINCHER J. M. 3rd Corp'l. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

FINCHER T. D. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

FINDLEY W. Perrineau SC Ordinance of Secession

FINERTY James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FINGER D E. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FINKLEA Alfred Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FINKLEA Hardy Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FINKLEA Hugh Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FINKLEA John Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FINLAYSON A.E. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

FINLEY H. G. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

FINNESSEY John 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

FINSTER George SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FIRST MANASSAS cmh387 cmh387 cmh394 cmh395 cmh410 cmh413 cmh420

SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A
SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

FIRST REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY cmh5 cmh5 cmh19 cmh233 cmh299

FISK Joseph H.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FITCHETT Jonathan SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FITZGERALD A. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FITZGERALD J R. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FITZGERALD Patrick SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

FITZGERALD Robert E. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FITZHUGH John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

FITZPATRICK John 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

FITZPATRICK Timothy 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

FITZSIMMONS P. G. Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

FLADGER Hugh Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLADGER R. B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLAHERTY Michael 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

FLAKE J R SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FLAKE J T SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FLAKE J W SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FLAKE T B SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FLANIGAN James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

FLANNIGAN James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLEETWOOD Thomas W 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

FLEMING B.F. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLEMING H.F. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLEMING H.L.B. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLEMING J H. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FLEMING J. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLEMING J. W. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLEMING John 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

FLEMING Josiah E SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FLEMING Lawrence SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FLEMING S.W. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLEMING W SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FLEMING W.D. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLETCHER C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FLETCHER J.D SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

FLETCHER John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FLETCHER John K SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

FLETCHER John S SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

FLETCHER Joshua D. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

FLETCHER N SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

FLETCHER Thos SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

FLETCHER W.R. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

FLOOD Luke SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FLOTTWELL Richard SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

FLOWERS B.A. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS Elly Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS Henry Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS J.A. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS J.H. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS James J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

FLOWERS Peter Morgan SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOWERS W. D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS William Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOWERS William B 1st Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band (Hagoods)

FLOY M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

FLOYD A. G. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

FLOYD Charles Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FLOYD Gary SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

FLOYD Hazel SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

FLOYD J. C. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOYD J. R. SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

FLOYD James SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOYD Jesse SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOYD John C. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOYD Pleasent C. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOYD T. G. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOYD W. Henry SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FLOYD Walker SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

FLUDD Daniel Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 1st Cavalry Regiment
SC Ordinance of Secession

FLUDD James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

FLUDD (FLOOD) W. N. SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

FLYNN C H 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

FLYNN John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FLYNN Michael SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FLYNN William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

FOGERTY William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FOGERTY William B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FOGLE Gabriel SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FOLEY William SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

FOLGIER Julius F. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FOLK C. L. 2nd Serg't. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company G

FONTAINE Dr. Biographical & Genealogical Info.

FORCE Philip H 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

FORD Chas. P. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FORD Edward 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

FORD Elijah SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

FORD Francis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FORD G. T. S. SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

FORD Geo. W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FORD H. Pinckney Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FORD Hardee Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FORD Jesse SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

FORD Joseph SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FORD Michael SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FORD S. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

FORD Stephen SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FORD W. H. SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

FORE Tracy Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOREMAN Jacob SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

FOREMAN W W SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

FORREST Elzey B SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

FORREST Wm R SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

FORRESTER H. F. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

FORSE A. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FORSTER Alex M. SC Ordinance of Secession

FORT Colonel William Biography of Col. Tom Huiett

FORT FISHER cmh1 cmh346 cmh352 cmh361 cmh402

FORT William
SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

FORT MOULTRIE cmh7 cmh9 cmh10 cmh15 cmh17 cmh19 cmh97 cmh98 cmh100 cmh188 cmh189 cmh194 cmh195 cmh196 cmh197 cmh198 cmh199 cmh246 cmh291 cmh292 cmh293 cmh295 cmh389

SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FORT SUMTER cmh7 cmh9 cmh10 cmh15 cmh17 cmh19 cmh97 cmh98 cmh100 cmh188 cmh189 cmh194 cmh195 cmh196 cmh197 cmh198 cmh199 cmh246 cmh291 cmh292 cmh293 cmh295 cmh389 cmh389

SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

FOSTER A. P. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

FOSTER Abiel A. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

FOSTER B. B. SC Ordinance of Secession

FOSTER B. H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

FOSTER Calvin SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

FOSTER Francis M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FOSTER Henry M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOSTER J A 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

FOSTER J A. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FOSTER J J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FOSTER J[oseph] H. SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

FOSTER Joseph H. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOSTER L. L. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

FOSTER Moses SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

FOSTER R. James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

FOSTER R. Serg't. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company K

FOSTER Robert SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

FOSTER Robert J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

FOSTER Thomas B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FOSTER Thomas J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOSTER W M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

FOSTER W. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOSTER William M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

FOSTER Willis 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

FOSTER Wm. M. 1st Corp'l. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

FOUNTAINE Jesse M SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

FOURCHER James 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

FOWLER B Z SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

FOWLER Franklin 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

FOWLER G. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOWLER G. W. SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

FOWLER Godfrey SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G

FOWLER H 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

FOWLER Henry D 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

FOWLER James F. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOWLER John SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

FOWLER John W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

FOWLER M. J. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company E


FOWLER Simeon SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOWLER Thomas SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

FOWLER Thomas J. #1 SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOWLER Thomas J. #2 SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOWLER Thomas W. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FOWLER W. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company K

FOWLER W. G. SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

FOWLER W.D. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

FOX J R SC 7th Cavalry Regiment Company E

FOX J. R. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

FOX Jim J History of the 7th Battalion State Troops

FOX T Shelton SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B
1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

FOX William 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

FOXWORTH B.F. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOXWORTH Calvin Bailey Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOXWORTH Charles Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOXWORTH Charley Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOXWORTH Henry G SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FOXWORTH Robert Wesley Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOXWORTH S. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FOXWORTH T. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FRAMPTON John E. SC Ordinance of Secession

FRANCIS Edward SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FRANCIS G. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FRANK Jno W SC 13th Infantry Company K

FRANK W. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

FRANKLIN Allen SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

FRANKLIN Amos SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

FRANKLIN Berry SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

FRANKLIN Deas Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FRANKLIN Elbert SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry


FRANKLIN John SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

FRANKLIN Marshall SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

FRANKLIN Mose SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

FRANKLIN Robert SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

FRANKLIN Thomas SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

FRANKLIN Unknown Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery



FRANKLIN cmh1 cmh47 cmh48 cmh49 cmh65 cmh68 cmh69 cmh70 cmh71 cmh137 cmh155 cmh168 cmh169 cmh175 cmh177 cmh289 cmh303 cmh314 cmh317 cmh328 cmh343 cmh344 cmh385 cmh398 cmh415

SC 13th Infantry Company K

FRANKLOW Robt L SC 13th Infantry Company K

FRANKS J A SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

FRANKS William H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

FRASER James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

FRASER John SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves
SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

FRASER P. W. SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

FRASER Samuel R SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FRASER, Capt. John cmh5 cmh246 cmh251

SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

FRASIER Sam. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

FRAYSER'S FARM cmh1 cmh43 cmh63 cmh70 cmh72 cmh73 cmh335 cmh399 cmh413

SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

FRAZIER Wm SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

FREANY Peter H. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FREDERICK John P 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

FREDERICKS John A. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FREDERICKSBURG cmh1 cmh121 cmh165 cmh168 cmh169 cmh170 cmh173 cmh174 cmh178 cmh179 cmh180 cmh181 cmh186 cmh213 cmh215 cmh216 cmh217 cmh221 cmh257 cmh258 cmh276 cmh316 cmh396 cmh400 cmh405 cmh408 cmh410 cmh413 cmh416

SC 14th Infantry Regiment History
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

FREE Jane Elizabeth Biographical & Genealogical Info.

FREE L M SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

FREEMAN Benj SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E
SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

FREEMAN Clinton Larkin SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FREEMAN George Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FREEMAN H SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FREEMAN Isaac 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

FREEMAN J.J. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FREEMAN Jacob SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FREEMAN James SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

FREEMAN John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FREEMAN Joseph Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FREEMAN L D. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

FREEMAN Lorenzo SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

FREEMAN R.B SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FREEMAN W.D. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FREEMAN William 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

FREEMAN William D. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FREER J. H. Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

FREY F. M. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company E

FRIDAY James D. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

FRIDAY James G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

FRIDAY P A. SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

FRIE John F SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

FRIERSON A SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

FRIERSON C Robin SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FRIERSON Haltum SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FRIERSON J J Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

FRIERSON J. J. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

FRIERSON J. M. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FRIERSON R Adolphus SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FRIERSON S A SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

FRIERSON Thomas D SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FRIERSON W B SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

FRIERSON William G SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

FRIESE John F. W. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FRIPP Edgar T.R. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

FRIPPER D. W. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company G

FRISK J SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

FROHBERG P. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company C

FROMM James SC Ordinance of Secession

FROST Francis LeJau SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff
1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

FROST Richard M 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

FROST U. C. SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

FROWLEY John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FRY Eli D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FRY Elihu D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FRY J M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

FRY John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FRYE Tom SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

FRYER Andrew J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

FULLEM J. S. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

FULLER E. N. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

FULLER F J 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

FULLER Green B 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

FULLER H M Biographical & Genealogical Info.

FULLER H. M. Jr. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

FULLER J. T. - SC- 7th Cavalry Company E


FULLMORE Watson SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FULMAN Adam SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

FULMER W T SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company F

FULTON Thomas SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff


FUNDERBURK Capers Lafayette SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

FUNDERBURK F. M. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

FUNDERBURK H. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FUNDERBURK J.C. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

FUNDERBURK Jackson A. SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

FUNDERBURK James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FUNDERBURK John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

FUNDERBURK Joseph SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

FUNDERBURK Joshua C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FUNDERBURK L. Alexander SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FUNDERBURK Leonard Jackson SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

FUNDERBURK W B SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H


FUNDERBURK W. L. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

FUNDYBURG Archy SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

FUNDYBURG Watson SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

FURMAN James F. 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

FURTICK Charles SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FURTICK G R SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FURTICK G. R. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FURTICK J H SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FURTICK L D SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B
SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FURTICK L. R. 3d Serg't. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FURTICK W W SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

FURTICK W. R. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B