The Civil War
In South Carolina

CABANISS J O. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CAGLE Jacob W. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CAHILL Martin SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

CAIN Church Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAIN J. Coon Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAIN J. H. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAIN J. J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAIN K. S. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAIN Rix M. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAIN S.G. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAIN William SC Ordinance of Secession

CAISEY Wofford SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CALAIS W J. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CALDER A. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company C

CALDER Arthur SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G
SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

CALDER Boswell SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CALDER Daniel SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CALDER H. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CALDER Henry SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CALDER J.D. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

CALDER Peter SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

CALDER R SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CALDER Robert SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

CALDER Stamford SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CALDER Standford SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

CALDER Stanford SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

CALDER W J SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CALDER Wm SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

CALDERBANK William H. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CALDWELL E SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D


CALDWELL James Fitz James


CALDWELL Joseph SC Ordinance of Secession


CALE Henry H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CALHOUN A.L SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CALHOUN D. G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CALHOUN D.A SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company C

CALHOUN D.G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

CALHOUN Duff Green SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G


SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CALHOUN J.C SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CALHOUN J.C. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CALHOUN JOHN A SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CALHOUN JOHN C SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

CALHOUN John Alfred SC Ordinance of Secession

CALHOUN John C Biographical & Genealogical Info.

CALHOUN W.N SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CALHOUN William R SC 1st Artillery Regiment
SC 1st Artillery Battalion

CALHOUN, Capt. W. R. cmh5 cmh19 cmh20 cmh84 cmh392

1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CALHOUN, John C. cmh5 cmh19 cmh20 cmh84 cmh392

1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)


CALLAHAN John C 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CALLENS D. J. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company K

CALLIHAM M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

CALVERT A. F. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

CALVERT E. M. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

CALVIN Mundy SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CALWELL J. D. Captain SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

CAMBEE J H SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CAMERON Alexander W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAMERON D P 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CAMERON Duncan 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CAMERON J. J. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company E

CAMERON Wm SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

CAMINADE Peter 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CAMMERON J. Preston SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CAMNADY Austin 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CAMP J. J. SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

CAMP J. T. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CAMP John J SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CAMP John Joe SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CAMP William SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CAMP William E. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CAMPBELL A. P. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company D

CAMPBELL Archibald SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CAMPBELL C.C SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CAMPBELL D. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company I

CAMPBELL Dougal SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CAMPBELL Erasmus D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAMPBELL Grances Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CAMPBELL Hugh SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CAMPBELL J Matthew 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

CAMPBELL J. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

CAMPBELL J. F. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company D


CAMPBELL James 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAMPBELL John C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAMPBELL John J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAMPBELL Joseph SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CAMPBELL M.B SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CAMPBELL Matthew SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CAMPBELL Mike C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAMPBELL Napoleon B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H


CAMPBELL Steven A SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CAMPBELL T B SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CAMPBELL Thomas J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CAMPBELL W. H. SC Ordinance of Secession

CAMPBELL W.H SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CAMPBELL William E. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

CAMPBELL William H 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

CAMPBELL William M 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

CANADY J. W. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company E

CANDLEMAN John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CANNING Thomas 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CANNON A. SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

CANNON George J. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CANNON George M. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CANNON Harvey C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CANNON John L. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CANNON L M SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CANNON L. M. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company K

CANNON M. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CANNON Theo M. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CANNON Unknown Cannon SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CANNON W.T. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CANON H. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CANTEY J. M. Lieut. SC- 7th Cavalry Company K

CANTEY M S SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CANTEY T R SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CANTEY W J R SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CANTRELL A. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CANTRELL Enoch SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CANTRELL J D 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

CANTRELL William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CANTT R. V. 3rd Corp'l. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

CAPE J. M. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company C

CAPERS E SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CAPERS Ellison Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CAPERS G Sinclair Biographical & Genealogical Info.

CAPERS William Biographical & Genealogical Info.

CAPERS, Maj. Ellison cmh5 cmh7

CAPPS Joseph C.
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CAPPS William W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CAREW John E. 3rd Infantry Regiment - State Troops (Home Guard)

CARGHILE Neely Biography of Milledge Luke Bonham

CARLISLE J. C. SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CARLISLE J.C SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CARLISLE James H. SC Ordinance of Secession

CARLISLE R.H SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CARLISLE T.F. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CARLLIN Philip SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CARLTON W. P. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CARMBE J SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CARMICHAEL Alex J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL Alexander Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL Archibald B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL Daniel Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL Daniel M. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL Evander Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL Franklin Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL J. B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL J.L. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL Judson D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARMICHAEL William D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARN Merric E. SC Ordinance of Secession

CARNES J. J. D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CARNES Jacob G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CARNES Nathan SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CARPENTER Adam E SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CARPENTER J SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CARPENTER J B SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CARPENTER J H SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CARPENTER J Q SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CARPENTER J Q. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARPENTER J S SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CARPENTER J W SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CARPENTER Monroe M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CARPENTER Sydney J. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CARR Peter J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CARRAWAY James H SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CARRAWAY John J. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CARRIBO Henry SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CARRICK Henry SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CARRIGAN Ambrose SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CARRIGON John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CARROL Silas E. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

CARROLL Isaac SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CARROLL James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CARROLL James Parsons SC Ordinance of Secession

CARROLL John 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

CARROLL John J 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)


CARROLL Patrick SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CARROLL S. E. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CARROLL T. L. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company G

CARROLL Thomas SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARSON Charles SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CARSON Charles A. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CARSON F. S. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARSON J M. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CARSON John M. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CARSON Joseph 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CARSON Thomas SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

CARSON William W. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CARTEE J. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CARTEE Jackson SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CARTEN Charles J 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CARTER Charles Powell SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARTER D. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company G

CARTER Edom SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CARTER Ellen Timmons SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARTER Gilbert SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CARTER Giles SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARTER Isaac SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CARTER J M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CARTER J Morgan SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARTER J S SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CARTER J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

CARTER J. M. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CARTER James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARTER James T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CARTER John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CARTER Joseph B SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

CARTER Lt Sidney SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARTER Robert SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CARTER Simeon SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CARTER Sue Perkins SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARTER W.J. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CARTER William SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CARTER William Ingram SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G
John Wesley Alexander's Reminiscence

CARTIN William C SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CARTLEDGE Jere SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CARTLEDGE Samuel SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CARTLEDGE T A SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

CARVER Terrill SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

CARWILE J. M. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company I

CARWILE John SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CARWILE T W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CARWILE T.W SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

CARWILE Z W SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CARY Martha Leland SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

CASEY J T SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CASEY John 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CASEY Martin SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CASEY W H SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CASH Alex. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

CASH C B SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CASH C M 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

CASH Henderson SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

CASH John D. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CASH Robert SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CASH Unknown SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CASH W D. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CASH, Col. E. B. cmh13 cmh21 cmh22 cmh27 cmh263 cmh378 cmh419

SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company D

CASKEY J. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CASKEY J. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CASKEY James D SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company G

CASKEY James Dixon SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CASKEY John Davis SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CASKEY Joseph M SC 3rd Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CASKEY Joseph M. Biographical & Genealogical Info.

CASKEY Leonard Strait SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CASKEY Samuel L. SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CASKEY Thomas SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CASKEY W P SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CASKEY W. Q. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CASKEY William

CASSELS James SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CASSON James H. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CASSON W H 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CASSON W H. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

CASTLE PINCKNEY cmh6 cmh9 cmh10 cmh37 cmh38 cmh97 cmh97 cmh189 cmh292

CASTLES Ebenezer P.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

CASTON J. G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CASTON Rosier D 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CASTON W.J SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

CATER Franklin M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CATHCART George R. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CATHCART James H. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

CATHEN J.M SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

CATO H SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CATO Hiram SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CATO James SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CATO John M SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CATO R.E. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

CATO Whitfield SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CATOE William Andrew SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CAUGHMAN Chris SC 13th Infantry Company K

CAUGHMAN G.M SC 13th Infantry Company K


CAULK Daniel SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

CAULK J.C SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CAULK James SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CAUTHEN G.H. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

CAUTHEN H. T. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CAUTHEN J.M SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

CAUTHEN John T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CAUTHEN Joseph D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CAUTHEN R.D SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

CAUTHEN W. C. SC Ordinance of Secession

CAVENY R. L. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CAVENY W. C. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CAVER James SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CAVIS J W. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CAW John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A


CHAMBERLAIN T. D. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

CHAMBERS Alexander M.


CHAMBERS E R. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

CHAMBERS John R. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

CHAMBERS John W 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

CHAMBERS L. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

CHAMBERS W E 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

CHAMPION R M 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

CHAMPLAIN Alex Jackson 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CHAMPLAIN William E 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CHAMPY Alexander 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CHAMPY Theodore 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CHANCE Allison SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

CHANCELLORSVILLE cmh1 cmh213 cmh215 cmh216 cmh217 cmh218 cmh219 cmh220 cmh221 cmh267 cmh269 cmh271 cmh387 cmh408 cmh410 cmh414 cmh416

SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

CHANDLER Andrew SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CHANDLER C. C. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CHANDLER Daniel SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CHANDLER G. SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

CHANDLER J. T. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CHANDLER John W. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CHANDLER William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CHANDLER William D. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CHANEY A. D. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

CHANEY J. A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CHANEY Jacob K SC 13th Infantry Company K

CHANEY James I SC 13th Infantry Company K

CHANEY Levi SC 13th Infantry Company K

CHAPLINE Jacob C. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CHAPMAN A SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CHAPMAN Adam SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CHAPMAN G. F. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CHAPMAN George W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CHAPMAN J Jackson SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CHAPMAN J. S. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

CHAPMAN J. T. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company E

CHAPMAN John SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CHAPMAN John A SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAPMAN John C SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CHAPMAN Quilla SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CHAPMAN Thomas SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

CHAPMAN Thomas E SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAPMAN W. D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CHAPMAN William W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CHARLES Anderson W 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CHARLES Edgar W. SC Ordinance of Secession

CHARLES Frank E 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CHARLES P SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

CHARLESTON LIGHT DRAGOONS cmh5 cmh16 cmh36 cmh100 cmh102 cmh105 cmh392 cmh393 cmh394 cmh422

1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CHARLESTON cmh1 cmh2 cmh3 cmh4 cmh5 cmh6 cmh7 cmh9 cmh10 cmh13 cmh14 cmh16 cmh29 cmh30 cmh32 cmh35 cmh36 cmh37 cmh38 cmh39 cmh41 cmh76 cmh77 cmh78 cmh80 cmh81 cmh82 cmh83 cmh84 cmh85 cmh86 cmh87 cmh90 cmh91 cmh92 cmh94 cmh95 cmh99 cmh100 cmh101 cmh102 cmh105 cmh106 cmh188 cmh189 cmh190 cmh192 cmh193 cmh194 cmh198 cmh199 cmh201 cmh204 cmh208 cmh223 cmh224 cmh225 cmh226 cmh228 cmh230 cmh235 cmh236 cmh237 cmh239 cmh240 cmh241 cmh242 cmh245 cmh246 cmh252 cmh258 cmh291 cmh292 cmh296 cmh298 cmh299 cmh301 cmh302 cmh303 cmh304 cmh305 cmh308 cmh352 cmh354 cmh356 cmh359 cmh361 cmh363 cmh364 cmh366 cmh367 cmh368 cmh373 cmh379 cmh383 cmh384 cmh385 cmh386 cmh387 cmh388 cmh391 cmh393 cmh394 cmh395 cmh397 cmh401 cmh403 cmh404 cmh411 cmh414 cmh417 cmh418 cmh419 cmh420 cmh421 cmh424

CHASE Charles Carroll
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CHASE J K. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CHASTEN William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CHASTIEN F. G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CHASTIEN J. N. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CHATHAM Captain SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

CHATHAM Robert N SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHATMAN W. A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

CHAVER John SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CHAVIS Alfred SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Bithel SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Bytha J. SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Calvin SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Eli SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Eliab SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Geo SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CHAVIS J. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CHAVIS James SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS John SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Levi SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Nelson SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS William SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Willis J SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHAVIS Wm. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CHEATHAM C A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHEATHAM F M SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

CHEATHAM J A SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

CHEATHAM J H SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHEATHAM Oscar SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHENNING J. D. SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

CHERRY J. C. Corp'l. SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

CHERRY W. Thomas SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CHESTNUT James Biographical & Genealogical Info.

CHESTNUT James Jr. SC Ordinance of Secession

CHESTNUT, Col. cmh14 cmh356 cmh386

CHEVES Landgon
SC 1st Infantry Regiment Historical Notes

CHEVES Langdon SC Ordinance of Secession

CHEW Roger Preston Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CHEW Thomas R. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CHEWNING G W SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CHEWNING James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CHICHESTER C E SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

CHICHESTER, Capt. C. E. cmh5 cmh10 cmh83 cmh189 cmh195 cmh231

1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

CHICKAMAUGA cmh1 cmh119 cmh277 cmh278 cmh279 cmh280 cmh281 cmh310 cmh379 cmh385 cmh396 cmh398 cmh405 cmh410 cmh415 cmh420

SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CHILDERS John SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

CHILDERS Nelson SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CHILDERS Wash. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CHILES D C 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

CHILES J. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CHILES L. L. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CHILES W. Hampton SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CHIPLEY J W SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

CHISHOLM Mrs SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

CHISOLM J. M. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

CHISOLM William T 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CHRISTIAN B W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHRISTIAN D W SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

CHRISTIAN Daniel SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CHRISTIAN Henry SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CHRISTIE M A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHRISTIE W A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CHRISTMAS Jesse SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CHRISTOPHER M B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CHURCH William A 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CHURCHILL Michael SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CLAIBORNE C. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

CLAIBORNE Charles H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

CLAIG Holloway SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

CLAIRBORNE Charles H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CLAMP J. B. SC 13th Infantry Company K


CLAMP William H.

CLANCEY Arthur R. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

CLANTON B. R. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

CLANTON Ephriam SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

CLANTON L. C. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company I

CLANTON Levi SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CLARDY R H. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

CLARK ??? SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CLARK A. D. SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CLARK A.D SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CLARK Alexander

CLARK Angus J.C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CLARK B L The South Carolina Military Academy

CLARK B. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

CLARK Charles SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CLARK Daniel SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F
SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CLARK David A 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CLARK Elsey SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CLARK Enos SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CLARK Francis SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CLARK George SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CLARK Henry SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CLARK Hilary A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CLARK J. A. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CLARK J. Henry SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CLARK J. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

CLARK J. M. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CLARK J. W. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

CLARK James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CLARK James W 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

CLARK Jehu W. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CLARK Jno SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

CLARK John Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CLARK John W SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A
SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CLARK Joseph SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

CLARK Joseph A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CLARK Kenneth Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CLARK L SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CLARK M W SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CLARK Michael W SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CLARK Mike W SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CLARK Robert C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CLARK S C SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CLARK T H SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

CLARK V A SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CLARK W E SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CLARK W J SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CLARK W L SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CLARK W M SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CLARK Webb SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CLARK William SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CLARK William E SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CLARK Wm SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CLARKE Alexander SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CLARKE Archie SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

CLARKE C. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CLARKE C. William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CLARKE D Y SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CLARKE J. H. SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

CLARKE S SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CLARKE S J W SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CLARKE Starling SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CLARKE Wm SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CLARKSON John 2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

CLARKSON John Ouldfield 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

CLARY M W SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CLARY R C SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CLASKEL Ephriam E. SC Ordinance of Secession

CLAUNCH John A. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

CLAXTON Lewis V SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CLAXTON Wm L SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CLAY G W SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

CLAYTON Jesse J SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

CLAYTON John SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

CLAYTON Peyton 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

CLAYTON V J SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

CLEAPOR John W 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

CLEARY Allvie SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CLEARY Dennis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CLEARY J. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CLECKLEY John SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CLEGG A J SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CLEGG Irwin SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CLEM Charles SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

CLEMENT J. C. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

CLEMENT W J. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CLEMENT William C. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CLEMENTS J. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CLEVELAND B. F. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company B

CLEVELAND J. R. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company B

CLEVELAND Jeremiah Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CLEVELAND L. C. SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CLIFTON B. F. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CLIFTON Benjamin F. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CLIFTON Jasper N. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CLINE A. J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CLINE Asa Joe SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CLINKSCALES B. T. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

CLINKSCALES J. F. 1st Corp'l. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

CLINKSCALES L.C SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CLINKSCALES R. L. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

CLINKSCALES R. M. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

CLINKSCALES W.R SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CLINTON E B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

CLINTON E. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CLINTON Jackson A. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

CLOUGH Unknown Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CLOWNEY Samuel Boyd 1st Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band (Hagoods)

CLYBURN B R SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

CLYBURN Minor SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CLYBURN R. B SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

CLYBURN William History of the 7th Battalion State Troops

CLYDE Samuel C. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

COACHMAN F. G. Sergt. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

COATS Henry SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

COBB Thomas Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COBB William G. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

COBIA H J SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

COBIA J N SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

COBLER A J SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

COCHRAN George SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

COCHRAN R A SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

COCHRAN Sam SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

COCKE, Gen. cmh22 cmh24

SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

COCKERILL Wesley SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company F

COCKRAN Joe SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

COCKRAN John W. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COCKRAN Stephen SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

COCKRELL John SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COCKRILL Geo SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

COCKROFT Geo W.B SC 13th Infantry Company K

COCKROFT John SC 13th Infantry Company K

CODY Francis SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

COE J. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

COFFEE Daniel 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

COFFIELD ??? SC 1st Infantry Regiment Field and Staff

COFFIELD A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

COFIELD J. A. SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

COGBURN J H SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

COGBURN L R SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

COGBURN Latayette SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

COGBURN R SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

COGBURN R M SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

COGBURN S SC 14th Infantry Regiment History

COGBURN Simeon SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

COGSBURN B S The South Carolina Military Academy

COHEN David Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COHEN Gustavus A. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

COHEN Henry Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

COHEN Isaac Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COHEN J. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

COHEN Marx E. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

COIL Joel SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

COKER R.H. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COKER W.N. SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COKER William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

COLBERT Decatur SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

COLBERT Gus SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

COLBERT James W T. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

COLCLOUGH Priestly SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

COLCOCK Captain R. H. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

COLCOCK T. H. SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

COLCOCK W F Biographical & Genealogical Info.

COLDING J. C. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company E

COLE E. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLE J. S. SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

COLE James SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K
SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COLE R. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

COLE Thomas H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

COLE W H SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

COLE Westley SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

COLE William SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLEMAN A J SC 7th Cavalry Regiment Company E

COLEMAN A P SC 7th Cavalry Regiment Company E

COLEMAN A. J. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

COLEMAN A. P. SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

COLEMAN Andrew T SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

COLEMAN D R SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

COLEMAN D.W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLEMAN F M SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

COLEMAN G R SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K


COLEMAN I.M. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLEMAN J S SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

COLEMAN J.P. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLEMAN James 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

COLEMAN Lewis SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLEMAN M W SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

COLEMAN Sampson J. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC


COLEMAN T J SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company G

COLEMAN T R SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company G

COLEMAN W L SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLEMAN W. H. - SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

COLEMAN W. T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

COLEMAN William SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

COLEMAN William T. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

COLGAN J A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLGAN J E SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLGAN James A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLGAN John SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

COLLICOTT W. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

COLLIER A. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

COLLINS A 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

COLLINS A.H. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS David B. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

COLLINS David C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS E.C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS Edward H. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS H G SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

COLLINS H.G. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS J B SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

COLLINS J T SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

COLLINS J T. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

COLLINS Joel B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS John E. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS John W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS Mart SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

COLLINS Perry Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS R. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS Richard Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS S.T. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS Shade Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS Shadrach Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS Thomas Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COLLINS Thomas J 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

COLLINS Tom SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

COLLINS Walter SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

COLLUM A SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLLUM J M SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLLUM L P SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COLN Alexander SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

COLN J T. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

COLN T L. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

COLONNA William B. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

COLQUITT Peyton H History of the 7th Battalion State Troops

COLTON Michael SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

COLUMBIA cmh1 cmh10 cmh12 cmh15 cmh17 cmh18 cmh30 cmh31 cmh34 cmh78 cmh86 cmh87 cmh96 cmh97 cmh98 cmh191 cmh197 cmh248 cmh293 cmh354 cmh360 cmh361 cmh363 cmh364 cmh365 cmh366 cmh382 cmh383 cmh385 cmh387 cmh399 cmh417

COLYER William
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

COMER Benjamin SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COMER F. M. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

COMER Franklin SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COMER Samuel SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COMER T. J. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company A

COMER Thomas SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COMERFORD William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

COMMANDER J.G SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

COMMANDER J.T SC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

COMMERFORD William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

COMPTON John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

COMPTON Robert SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

COMPTON W. B. SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

COMSTOCK Charles H 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

CONALLY J M SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CONALLY R W SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CONALLY W B SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CONARD A. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company I

CONAWAY William H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CONDON Nicholas J 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CONE Daniel SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CONNELL A M. SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

CONNELLY Patrick SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CONNER H. C. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company G

CONNER Henry C. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

CONNER Henry W Biographical & Genealogical Info.

CONNER James Biographical & Genealogical Info.
Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

CONNER John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CONNER Michael R 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CONNER, Capt. James cmh5 cmh48 cmh351 cmh386 cmh402

SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company C

CONNOLLY Michael Daniel SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CONNOLLY Robert W SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

CONNOR Artemas Augustus 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CONNOR Frederick 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CONNOR H. W. SC Ordinance of Secession

CONNOR R S SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CONNOR Robt T D SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

CONNOR Wilson Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CONNORS A J SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CONNORS J N SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CONNORS Mary Elizabeth Biographical & Genealogical Info.

CONNORS Thos H SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CONNORS W T SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CONROY Timothy

CONWAY Michael 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CONYERS Robert SC 26th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COOGLER J. F. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company C

COOK C. A. SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COOK Calvin SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

COOK Edward SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

COOK Elias A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

COOK F. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

COOK Henry B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COOK J B 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

COOK J. B. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COOK J. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

COOK James C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COOK Jno R SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

COOK John SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

COOK Samuel SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

COOK Smith SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COOK Thomas SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

COOK W H. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A


COOK W.D. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

COOK Washington D SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

COOK William SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

COOKE J. T. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company I

COOKE T. V. N. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

COOKE W. D. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

COONER A F SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COONER A. F. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COONER B. T. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company I

COONER R SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COONER R. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company H

COONER W F SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COONER W. D. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COONER Wm M SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

COONEY Michael

COOPER A J SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COOPER E. B. SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

COOPER E. M. SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

COOPER Green Flavius 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

COOPER H.W. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

COOPER J Harrington SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

COOPER J W. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

COOPER J. L. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

COOPER Montreville 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

COOPER R 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

COOPER Ralph Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COOPER S.C. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COOPER Thomas M 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

COOPER Vernon H SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

COOPER W. B. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company K

COOPER W. H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

COOPER William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

COOPER William C.

COOPER Wm C SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

COOSAWHATCHIE BRIDGE cmh1 cmh94 cmh102 cmh106

COPE Daniel
SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

COPE E SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

COPE Elijah SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COPE J.F. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

COPE John SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

COPE Thomas SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

COPE W. D. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company G

COPELAND J L SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COPELAND J. S. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COPELAND James L. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

COPELAND Nicholas W SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

COPELAND R.J SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

COPELAND Richard 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

COPELAND W R SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company A

COPELAND William SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

CORBET J. J. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company D

CORBETT C H SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CORBETT M F SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CORBETT William B 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CORBITT John SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CORBITT W.H. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CORCORAN Joseph SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

CORDER E M SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

CORDER M C SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

CORDERO John SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

CORDERO John W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

CORDES Theodore SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

CORDES, Capt. Theodore cmh5

CORK James
SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

CORK John SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

CORLEY Adam D SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CORLEY B SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CORLEY C S SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CORLEY Clarke S SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CORLEY E W SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CORLEY F H SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CORLEY Frank SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CORLEY I C SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CORLEY J M SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CORLEY J. L. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CORLEY J. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CORLEY Jacob SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CORLEY John SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

CORLEY John A SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CORLEY John M SC 13th Infantry Company K
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CORLEY L SC 13th Infantry Company K

CORLEY Newton F SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's)

CORLEY Simeon SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

CORLEY Sion SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CORLEY W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CORLEY W T 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

CORLEY W V SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CORLEY West SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CORLEY William SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CORNWELL Robert D. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

COR__ Isiah SC 13th Infantry Company K

COSEY John SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COSKREY W R SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

COTCHETT George M 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

COTES J S SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

COTHRAN Henry SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

COTHRAN R. B.3 SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

COTHRAN Samuel G SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

COTTER 1 Timothy

COTTERS J. E. SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

COTTINGHAM Chas SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

COTTINGHAM F. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

COTTINGHAM Jonathan SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COTTINGHAM Stewart Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COTTINGHAM Thomas F. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COTTINGHAM Thos. SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

COTTINGHAM Ucal SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

COTTON William SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COTTRELL J. P. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

COUCH Ezekiel SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

COUCH Jesse SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

COUCH Smith 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

COUCH Watson E SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

COUCH William J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

COULLETT W C SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

COUNCIL Benjamin Franklin Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery


COUNTS W.H SC 13th Infantry Company K

COURTNEY Amos SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

COURTNEY Brooks SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COURTNEY Fuller SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COURTNEY G. M. SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COURTNEY J B SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

COURTNEY J P SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

COURTNEY Jabez SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

COURTNEY Jesse SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COURTNEY John SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COURTNEY Michael SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

COURTNEY Patrick SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

COURTNEY R. L. SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COUSART James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

COUSART James H. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

COUSART John Q SC 3rd Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

COUSART John W. SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

COVAR C D SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR C L SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR J L SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR J W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR Jackson SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR L SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR L P SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR W S SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVAR Wardlaw SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

COVINGTON ? SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

COVINGTON A.B. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

COVINGTON A.D. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

COVINGTON Eli T SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

COVINGTON H. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

COVINGTON Harris SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVINGTON J.A. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COVINGTON Jas T. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

COVINGTON Petersburg SC 26th Infantry Regiment Company D

COVINGTON WM W SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COWAN ? SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

COWAN James SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

COWARD A SC 5th Infantry Regiment

COWARD Asbury Biographical & Genealogical Info.
Biographical & Genealogical Info.
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

COWARD J J SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

COWARD J. J. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

COWARD J.H SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

COWARD Lewis SC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

COWARD Louis M. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

COWEN Captain SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

COWEN H.F SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

COX Benjamin B. Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

COX C.A SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COX D. M. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

COX Elvin SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COX Ely SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COX George B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COX Hugh Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COX J. L. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

COX J. N. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

COX John E. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F
SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

COX M.C SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COX N.D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

COX Reuben M. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

COX T Marion 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

COX W. N. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company I

COX W.E SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

COX William S. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

COXE Edwin SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company H

COXE Franklin 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

COXE John T. 2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

COXE R.A. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

COYLE Frank SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company M

CRABB H.S. SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

CRABTREE George 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CRADDOCK W. T. - SC- 7th Cavalry Company E

CRADDOCK William H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

CRAFT D. E. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

CRAFT J S SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CRAFT J. T. 4th Serg't. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company K

CRAFT T W SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CRAFTON J J SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.
SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

CRAFTON R J SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

CRAFTON Robert C SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

CRAFTON T M SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

CRAFTS W. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CRAIG J N. SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

CRAIG J. N. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CRAIG James Hood SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

CRAIG Wm M. SC 2nd Infantry Regiment - Company H

CRAIN S. R. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company F

CRANE Wm B SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CRAPPS Franklin SC 13th Infantry Company K

CRATER cmh1 cmh197 cmh310 cmh325 cmh351 cmh391 cmh424

SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CRAWFORD Benjamin SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CRAWFORD Benjamin F. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CRAWFORD Dixon L 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

CRAWFORD G SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CRAWFORD G.G. SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CRAWFORD HY.B SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CRAWFORD Hardy B. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRAWFORD Henry L. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRAWFORD J A 2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

CRAWFORD J. D. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

CRAWFORD James D. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRAWFORD John SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

CRAWFORD L. H. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CRAWFORD R. L. SC Ordinance of Secession


SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G


CRAWFORD Thomas SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CRAWFORD Thomas C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRAWFORD W SC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

CRAWFORD W A SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CRAWFORD W H. 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CRAWFORD W. H. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRAWFORD W.H SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

CRAWFORD William J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company C

CRAWFORD, Brevet Major General cmh7 cmh17 cmh247 cmh306 cmh353 cmh358

SC- 7th Cavalry Company B

CREASY T M SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CREECH David SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

CREECH Joseph SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company C

CREED J Ellis SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CREED William SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CREED Willis L SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CREIDER Charles SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CREIGHTON James SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

CRENSHAW G A SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CRENSHAW G. A. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CRENSHAW J. M. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company D

CRESSWELL Charles M. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CRESWELL C. M. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

CRIBB Dempsey Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRIBB Geo. Talley Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRIBB Levi Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRIBB W. Thomas Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRIDDLE James R. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CRIDER C. W. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

CRIDER David H SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CRIDER G B 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CRIDER J H 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CRIM H. E. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CRIM Jeter W SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CRISP L R 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

CRITENDEN Richard SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CROCKER Edward SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CROCKER J. A. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CROCKER T C. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CROCKETT John N. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 5th Infantry Regiment - Field and Staff

CROCKRAN Allen W. SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CROFT E The South Carolina Military Academy

CROFT Edward SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CROFT Frederick

CROFT Randal SC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

CROFT T G The South Carolina Military Academy

CROMER Andrew SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

CROMER H SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D


CROMLEY Ira SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B
SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

CRONAN Patrick 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CROOK T. H. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

CROOKER H D SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

CROOKER J A The South Carolina Military Academy

CROOKS William T. SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CROSBY D W. SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CROSBY Richard L 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

CROSBY Thomas Eli Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CROSBY William SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

CROSLAND Chas. SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company H

CROSLAND Daniel H. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

CROSLAND Samuel SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

CROSLAND T.L. SC Hampton's Legion Cavalry Company H

CROSLAND Wm A SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company G

CROSS Isaac SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company C

CROSSLAND J. W. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

CROUCH D R SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CROUCH Geo W SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CROUCH Hardy SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CROUCH Hasell W 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

CROUCH Hillery SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CROUCH J L SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CROUCH Jacob W SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CROUCH James B SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CROUCH James R SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CROUCH John SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CROUCH Larkin SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CROUCH Levi SC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

CROUCH Levi M SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CROUCH Mark SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CROUCH Milledge SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CROUCH Noel SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CROUCH O R SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CROUCH Robert SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CROUCH T B SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CROUCH V L SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CROUCH W S SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CROUCH Watson E SC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

CROUCH William SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K
SC 14th Infantry Regiment Company B

CROUCH Willis SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CROUCH Zedekiah SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

CROUT Eli SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company E

CROW Peter SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CROWDER J A SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

CROWDER J. D. SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

CROWDER John SC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CROWDER John A SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

CROWLEY J. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CROWLEY J. R. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CROWLEY Robert SC 20th Infantry Regiment Company I

CROWLEY Robt C. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

CROWLEY Wm. SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

CROWLY W. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CRUM John SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CRUMPLER John D. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CRUMPTON Benjamin G. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

CRUMPTON F M 1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

CRUMPTON J. T. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company L

CRYMES J. W. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Field and Band

CRYMES T. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Field and Band

CUDD W. H. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company H

CULBERSON A. J. SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B

CULBREATH Daniel SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CULBREATH Edward SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CULBREATH H C SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K
SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

CULBREATH H Pope SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CULBREATH Ira P SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CULBREATH Isham SC 2nd Infantry Regiment State Troops Company B

CULBREATH James Y The South Carolina Military Academy

CULBREATH James Y. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CULBREATH John SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K
The South Carolina Military Academy
SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CULBREATH Joseph SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CULBREATH Luke SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CULBREATH O T SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company K

CULBREATH William SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company A

CULBREATH William A SC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

CULCLASURE A D SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CULCLASURE D J 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CULCLASURE D J. SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CULLAM S. F. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

CULLER James SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CULLER John H SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company B

CULLER L Hayne 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CULLUM James P SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CULLUM Peter SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CULLUM William SC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

CULLY C.W. SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

CUMMINGS Elijah SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

CUMMINGS J. S. SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CUMMINGS Joseph T SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

CUMMINGS Patrick SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

CUMMINS Patrick 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CUNNINGHAM E R SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

CUNNINGHAM J.D SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

CUNNINGHAM J.R SC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CUNNINGHAM John SC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

CUNNINGHAM Michael 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CUNNINGHAM W. A. Corp'l. SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company I

CUNNINGHAM W. I. SC Ordinance of Secession

CUNNINGHAM, Col. John cmh5 cmh9 cmh16

2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. B

CURLEY Daniel SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

CURNEY John SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CURRAN John 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

CURRIE N.R. SC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

CURRY James SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Field & Staff

CURRY Stephen SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CURRY T H SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company I

CURRY Thomas SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

CURRY W L SC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Bef. Reorg.

CURRY Walter Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

CURTIN ??? SC 8th Infantry Regiment Company K

CURTIS James S 1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)
1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. I (Gregg's)

CURTIS R. R. SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CURTIS Wm SC Ordinance of Secession

CURTISS George H 1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

CUSAAC J. W. SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company M

CUSACK George W. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CUSACK Samuel C. Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CUSAIK Joseph Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

CUSHMAN Austin SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CUSHMAN B. SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CUSHMAN Calvin SC 14th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CUSHMAN James SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CUSHMAN John SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CUSHMAN M. SC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

CUSHMAN Robert SC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

CUSHMAN Simeon SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

CUTHBERT Eccles 1st Infantry Regiment - Co. H (Gregg's)

CUTLER James SC 25th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

CUTTER Benjamin SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CUTTER T W SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CUTTINO E H SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

CUTTINO T P SC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I