The Civil War
In South Carolina

NAGLE LukeSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

NALLY C. M.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company L

NANCE A.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

NANCE J. C.SC- 7th Cavalry Company C

NAPIER J. L.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

NAPIER Joel ESC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company G

NAPPER JosephSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

NAPPER WilliamSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

NAPPIER JamesSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

NEAGLE MichaelSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

NEAL GeorgeSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NEAL George WSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

NEAL Herod R.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

NEAL W HSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

NEAL WilliamSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NEAL WillisSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company K

NEALE LewisSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

NEALY H.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NEELY James H.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

NEELY ThomasSC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company F

NEIGHBORS Green F.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

NEIL James ASC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

NEIL James A.SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

NEILL AndrewSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

NEILL J WSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NEILL J. O. P.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

NEILL James B.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

NEILL S. A.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company A

NEILL Thomas E.SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

NEILL W MSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NELSON AndrewSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

NELSON FosterSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

NELSON H LSC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

NELSON H L.SC 5th Infantry Regiment 2nd Company E

NELSON J. M. Corp'l.SC- 7th Cavalry Company D

NELSON JakeSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

NELSON James C.SC 3rd Infantry Regiment State Troops - Company I

NELSON James M.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

NELSON P H.Biographical & Genealogical Info.

NELSON Patrick HSC 7th Infantry Battalion

NELSON Patrick HenryHistory of the 7th Battalion State Troops

NELSON RobertSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

NELSON, Brig. Gen. P. H. cmh13 cmh38 cmh40 cmh42 cmh100 cmh101 cmh102 cmh103 cmh104 cmh109 cmh110 cmh189 cmh230 cmh323 cmh324


NESBIT C. D. 1st Lieut.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company E

NESBIT J. F.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

NESBITT A JacksonSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

NESBITT A. J. 4th Serg't.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company D

NESBITT J R.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

NESBITT JamesSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

NESBITT James F.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H


NESWITH B. S.SC- 7th Cavalry Company A

NETTLES J. M.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company F

NETTLES Jess J.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

NETTLES MarkSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

NEUFFER C E.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

NEUFFER H F.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. C

NEUGAS M.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

NEVINS J.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company F

NEVIS J P1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

NEVIS W P1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

NEW BenSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

NEW Edward GSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

NEW Jefferson

NEW JoeSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

NEW JohnSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F

NEW JosephSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

NEW MosesSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company D

NEW NedSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company F
SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

NEW PickSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company K

NEWBITT WilsonSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company F

NEWBY J.NSC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

NEWMAN George S.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

NEWMAN J M.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

NEWMAN Richard B.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A
2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

NEWMAN S. E.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

NEWSON W A BSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

NEWTON Cornelius DSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

NEWTON Hope HullSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

NEWTON J.CSC 21st Infantry Regiment Company F

NEWTON John A.Hart's/Halsey's Horse Artillery Battery

NEWTON JordanSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

NEWTON JosephSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E


NEWTON Peyton VSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

NEWTON Richard DSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

NEWTON S. J.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company D

NEWTON Thos BSC 4th Cavalry Regiment Company E

NEYLE H. M.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

NICHOLAS A RSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

NICHOLAS F MSC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D

NICHOLS A. B. C. 2nd Corp'l.SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company H

NICHOLS H.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

NICHOLS J. M. 3d Serg't.SC- 1st (Hagood's) Vol. Inf. Company H

NICHOLS J. S. E. L.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

NICHOLS John J.SC 5th Infantry Regiment Company H

NICHOLS M CSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

NICHOLS R FThe South Carolina Military Academy

NICHOLS R. F.SC- 7th Cavalry Company F

NICHOLS RufusSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

NICHOLS W WSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company I

NICHOLS WatSC 2nd Artillery Regiment Company K

NICHOLS William BSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

NICHOLSON A. R. Corp'l.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company B

NICHOLSON B ESC 14th Infantry Regiment Company D
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

NICHOLSON J ASC 7th Infantry Battalion - Company H

NICHOLSON J LSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

NICKERSON DavidSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

NICKOLDS J. W.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company F

NICOLL D B1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

NICOLL James1ST Infantry Regiment - Captain

NIERNSEE FrankSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

NIERNSEE John RSC 6th Cavalry Regiment Company B

NIERNSEE RuldolphusSC 2nd Cavalry Regiment

NILES Edward2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

NIMMONS William A. J.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

NINE-MILE ROAD cmh1 cmh43 cmh50 cmh57 cmh65

SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company G

NISBET G. G.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NISBET T. R.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NIX J.SC- Hampton's Legion Infantry Company F

NIX SandySC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

NIX WillSC Capt. Matthews' Co. Heavy Artillery

NIXON J PSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company I

NIXON JohnSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

NOAH ElySC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

NOBLE EdwardSC Ordinance of Secession

NOBLE RThe South Carolina Military Academy

NOBLE WilliamSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

NOBLES JosephSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company K

NOHRDEN CSC 4th Infantry Battalion Reserves

NOHRDEN, Capt. C. cmh5

SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company A

NOLAN James1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

NOLAN PatrickSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company K

NOLAND James F.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NOLEN John M.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

NOLEN William C.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company C

NOLL Charles2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

NORMAN F. J. FincherSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NORMAN J. F.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

NORMAN J. FincherSC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

NORMAN John P. M.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Bef. Reorg.

NORMAN T. F.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NORRIS A JThe South Carolina Military Academy

NORRIS AllenSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

NORRIS CaptainSC 10th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NORRIS Irving MSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company F

NORRIS J. A. E.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company C

NORRIS J. R.SC- Palmetto Sharpshooters Company B

NORRIS J.PSC 27th Infantry Regiment Company G

NORRIS John TSC 19th Infantry Regiment Company A

NORRIS P SThe South Carolina Military Academy

NORRIS R SSC 1st Regiment Volunteer Infantry (Gregg's) Aft. Reorg.

NORRIS T. R.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

NORRIS Thomas P1st Infantry Regiment - First Co. A. (Hagoods)

NORRIS W. P.SC- 7th Cavalry Company G

NORRIS WilliamSC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company G

NORRIS William TSC 5th Infantry Regiment Company G

NORRIS William T.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.
SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NORTH CAROLINA cmh1 cmh29 cmh36 cmh37 cmh38 cmh94 cmh100 cmh107 cmh109 cmh110 cmh132 cmh155 cmh160 cmh161 cmh166 cmh175 cmh179 cmh180 cmh181 cmh183 cmh188 cmh190 cmh203 cmh208 cmh234 cmh236 cmh239 cmh240 cmh301 cmh325 cmh347 cmh356 cmh376 cmh380 cmh384 cmh386 cmh399 cmh402 cmh404 cmh409 cmh411 cmh412 cmh418 cmh419

SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's) Company B
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company E

NORTHROP John B.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry

NORTHROP Lucius C.SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company D

NORTHSWORTHY J R1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. L (Gregg's)

NORTON EliasSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

NORTON EvanCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

NORTON J L.2ND Infantry Regiment - Co. A

NORTON JamesCivil War Roster - Marion County, SC

NORTON James LSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K

NORTON Jas.SC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

NORTON John W.Civil War Roster - Marion County, SC

NORTON SamuelSC 24th Infantry Regiment Company B

NORWOOD O.ASC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

NORWOOD O.HSC 7th Regiment Volunteer Infantry
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Butlers) - Company D

NOTT Henry Junius2ND Infantry Regiment - Field Staff and Band

NOWELL 1st Lieut. L. C.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

NOWELL E. W.SC 1st Cavalry Regiment

NOWELL John L.SC Ordinance of Secession

NOWLES Michael1ST Infantry Regiment - Co. K (Gregg's)

NOX A PSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NOX C NSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NOX J BSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NOX J CSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NOX S TSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NOX T JSC 7th Infantry Regiment - Company G

NUMAN C. H.SC- 7th Cavalry Company I

NUN JosephSC- 7th Cavalry Company G

NUNERY Charles E.SC 5th Regiment Volunteer Infantry Aft. Reorg.

NURDEN Edgar OSC 23rd Infantry Regiment Company K