Confederate Military History |
This set was written by distinguished men of the South, producing a work which truly portrays the times and issues of the Confederacy. It was edited by Gen. Clement A. Evans of Georgia.
Two volumes--the first and the last--comprise such subjects as the justification of the Southern States in seceding from the Union and the honorable conduct of the war by the Confederate States government; the history of the actions and concessions of the South in the formation of the Union and its policy in securing the existing magnificent territorial dominion of the United States; the civil history of the Confederate States, supplemented with sketches of the President, Vice-President, cabinet officers and other officials of the government; Confederate naval history; the morale of the armies; the South since the war, and a connected outline of events from the beginning of the struggle to its close. We have combined these two volumes into one "Causes of the War" volume.
There are also individual volumes for each state: Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas & Florida.
Each state being treated in a separate history allows space for details concerning its peculiar story, its own devotion, its own heroes, and its battlefields. These volumes contain information on each unit; where, when, and by whom the unit was formed. There are also some rosters.
The complete set of The Confederate Military History on CD-ROM is in HTML format. The individual volumes are in PDF format.
CHAPTER I. The State of Texas in 1860--Unfavorable Political Conditions--Election of Governor Runnels in 1857--Secession and the African Slave Trade Agitated--Election of Governor Houston in I859--His Opposition to Separate State Action
CHAPTER II. The Agitation and Action after the Election of Abraham Lincoln, President--Calls upon Governor Houston to Convene the legislature--Speeches For and Against State Action--Call for a Convention by Citizens--Governor Houston Convenes the Legislature--Co-operation of States Advocated as a Diversion from Separate State Action--The Legislature and Convention Meet--Ordinance of Secession Passed--Committee on Safety Appointed to Take the Federal Property
CHAPTER III. The Committee on Public Safety Appoints a Sub-Committee to Confer with General Twiggs--Col. Ben McCulloch to Raise a Force for the Northwestern Frontier --Col. John S. Ford to Raise a Force to Go to the Lower Rio Grande--Instructions Given Them, and They Set About Their Duties--Secession Submitted to a Vote of the People --Delegates Elected to the Convention at Montgomery--General Twiggs Issues an Order of Surrender--Thanks by the Convention
CHAPTER lV. Convention Reassembles--Returns of Election Counted--Independence Declared--Governor Houston Posts the Vote March 4th--Provisional Constitution Ratified --Committee Sent to the Governor--His Answer--A Resolution Continuing the State Government--All Officers to Take Official Oath--
Governor and Secretary Refuse to Take lt--Ed Clark Declared Governor--Governor Houston Retires--He Publishes His Protest--Effect of the Vote on Secession --General Houston Disclaims Intention to Resist Colonel Waite--Convention Adjourns--Leading Men that Went to the Army
CHAPTER V. Proceedings of the Legislature--The Expedition of Colonel Ford to the Rio Grande--Colonel Van Dorn Comes to Texas--He Finishes the Capture and Surrender of Federal Troops--Their Embarkation--Other Commanders Go to New Mexico and to Indian Territory--Governor Clark Assists in Raising Troops
CHAPTER VI. Brigadier-General H‚bert Assumes Command --Troops Raised for the Defense of the Coast--The Blockade-Troops for Arkansas--Troops at Arkansas Post--Battles of Oak Hills and Elkhorn--Forces Transferred to Mississippi--Troops Sent to Tennessee and to Virginia, to the Lower Rio Grande, and to New Mexico and Arizona--Organization of Confederate Government--Members of Congress Elected--Message of Governor Clark
CHAPTER VII. Francis R. Lubbock, Governor--His Message Recommends Appropriation for Raising Troops---Reorganization of the Militia--Military Board Created--Hospital Fund--County Court to Levy Taxes--Effort to Have a Northeast Sub-District--Brig-Gen. H. E. McCulloch Assumes Command in It--
Difficulty of Raising Infantry--Cavalry Easily Raised--A Number of Infantry Regiments Sent to Arkansas and Form a Division--Capture of Arkansas Post--Regiment Sent to Indian Territory--Battle at Poison Spring --Troops Sent to Mississippi and Tennessee--Regiments and Battalions Retained in Texas--State
Troops--Martial Law--Conscription--Troops for Rio Grande
CHAPTER VIII. Frontier Protection--Galveston Shelled--Conscription--Evacuation of Sabine Pass--Yellow Fever--Evacuation of Galveston, October, 1862--Defense of Port Lavaca
CHAPTER IX. Military Condition Explained--General Ma- gruder Assumes Command of the District of Texas--The Battle of Galveston--Signal Defeat of the Enemy
CHAPTER X. A Famous Naval Exploit--Capture of Federal Vessels off Sabine Pass--A Lady's Description--Engage- ment at Lighthouse, Sabine Pass--Defense of St. Joseph's Island
CHAPTER XI. Movement of Troops from Arkansas to North- ern Louisiana--The Engagements There--Gen. E. Kirby Smith Assumes Command of the Trans-Mississippi Depart- ment--Headquarters Moved to Shreveport--Mails Superintended by Dr. J. H. Starr--Sabine Pass--Federal Preparations to Capture It--Splendid Naval Battle in its Defense
CHAPTER XII. Home Supplies by Home Industry--The Collection of Army Supplies--Salt Manufacture--Iron Works --Penitentiary Cloth--Its Distribution--A New Military Board--Purchase and Importation of Cotton--Gunshops and Armory--Large Prison Camp near Tyler--Operations of Military Board--Disposition of Hospital Fund
CHAPTER XIII. Fort Brown Evacuated--General Banks' Ex- pedition on the Texas Coast--Occupation of Corpus Christi and Other Ports---Departure of Banks--August Election, 1863--Military and Other Operations Continued--Frontier Protection--Expedition Against the Federals on the Rio Grande--"The Last Battle of the War".
CHAPTER XIV. Texas Troops in Service in Other Southern States--The Battles of Shiloh, Vicksburg and Chickamauga --Texas Troops in Louisiana and Arkansas--Engagements at Camp Bisland, Berwick's Bay, Fordoche, Bayou Bour- beau, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, and Jenkins' Ferry
CHAPTER XV. Texas Troops in Arkansas and Louisiana Move Southward--Changes and Promotions--No More Batties--Camp Grice--News of the Surrender of Gen. R. E. Lee --Gens. Kirby Smith, Magruder, and Forney Address the Soldiers--The "Break Up" and Travel Home--Surrender--Its Terms--Texas Generals
and Colonels--Albert Sidney Johnston a Texas Officer
CHAPTER XVI. The Texas Citizen Soldier--His Education as a Soldier--Indian Fights--Early Combats in Texas and Mexico--The Texas Yell--Its Effect--A Statue of a Texas Soldier--The Significance of the War Between the States--The Two Reconstructions--The Present National Government--How Another War may be Averted
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