Confederate Military History
This set was written by distinguished men of the South, producing a work which truly portrays the times and issues of the Confederacy. It was edited by Gen. Clement A. Evans of Georgia.
Two volumes--the first and the last--comprise such subjects as the justification of the Southern States in seceding from the Union and the honorable conduct of the war by the Confederate States government; the history of the actions and concessions of the South in the formation of the Union and its policy in securing the existing magnificent territorial dominion of the United States; the civil history of the Confederate States, supplemented with sketches of the President, Vice-President, cabinet officers and other officials of the government; Confederate naval history; the morale of the armies; the South since the war, and a connected outline of events from the beginning of the struggle to its close. We have combined these two volumes into one "Causes of the War" volume.
There are also individual volumes for each state: Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas & Florida. An additional volume covers the Confederate Navy.
Each state being treated in a separate history allows space for details concerning its peculiar story, its own devotion, its own heroes, and its battlefields. These volumes contain information on each unit; where, when, and by whom the unit was formed. There are also some Rosters.
For Arkansas, Col John M. Harrell wrote this volume detailing the battles which occurred there and the men who served.
From the Introduction.
Col. John M. Harrell, of Hot Springs, Ark., has brought to the preparation of the war history of his State memories of four years' service in her defense, and the ripened intellectual powers of a life devoted to the profession of law, in which he yet maintains a high rank. As a staff officer with Generals Holmes and Breckinridge he had opportunities for gaining valuable information regarding the operations which he now describes. As colonel of cavalry, also, and as commander of Cabell's brigade in the latter part of the war, he took a conspicuous part in the campaigns in Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and Indian Territory. The important military operations in that region, too often neglected in a view of the far-reaching war, are clearly and adequately presented in Colonel Harrell's work.
Table of Contents for the Arkansas volume
CHAPTER I. The Election of 1860 and its Effects--Arsenal at Little Rock Taken into State Possession--
Action of Legislature and Convention--Preparations for War--Fighting in Missouri
CHAPTER II. The Battle of Wilson's Creek or Oak Hills-Schofield's Report--Description of the Battlefield-
-Colonel Snead's Account--Reports of Generals McCulloch and Pearce--Other Confederate Reports--
Losses of Arkansas Commands
CHAPTER III. General Hardee at Pitman's Ferry--Transfer of Troops to Confederate Service--Organization
of Cleburne's Regiment--Hardee's Command Transferred to Kentucky-Polk at Columbus--Battle of Belmont
CHAPTER IV. Capture of Lexington--Price and McCulloch-Van Dorn in Command--Federal Advance
under Curtis--Battle of Elkhorn Tavern--Death of McCulloch and McIntosh-Headquarters at Pocahontas--
Van Dorn Prepares to Cross the Mississippi--The Noble Women of Arkansas.
CHAPTER V. The Federals Occupy Batesville--General Hindman Assigned to the Trans-Mississippi
District--His Administration ad Interim--The Campaign on White River--Fighting in Indian Territory--
Trans-Mississippi Department Created--General Holmes Assigned to Command --Gen. Albert Pike
CHAPTER VI. Operations in Northwest Arkansas--Battle of Newtonia -- Schofield Invades Arkansas --
Cane Hill and Prairie Grove--Army Organization in December, 1862--Fall of Arkansas Post
CHAPTER VII. Border Forays, Skirmishes and Outrages--Marmaduke's Raid in Missouri--Cabell's
Brigade Organized --Attack on Federals at Fayetteville--Organization under E. Kirby Smith--Assault upon
Helena, July 4, 1863--Re-ports of the Action
CHAPTER, VIII. Schofield Returns to Federal Command--Cooper and Cabell in the Northwest--Actions
near Honey, Springs and Backbone Mountain--Proposition to Abandon Arkansas--Federal Expedition
against Little Rock--Action on the Fourche--Duel between Marmaduke and Walker--Evacuation of Little Rock
CHAPTER IX. The Army near Arkadelphia--Shelby's Missouri Raid--Marmaduke's Attack on Pine Bluff--
Advance on Little Rock Proposed and Abandoned--In Winter Quarters--Winter Raids and Scouts--
Opening of the Red River Campaign--Steele's Advance from Little Rock--Engagements at Elkin's Ferry and Prairie D'Ane
CHAPTER X. Battle of Poison Spring--Battle of Marks' Mills --Battle of Jenkins' Ferry--Subsequent
Disposition of Troops--Shelby Captures the Queen City--Operations of Marmaduke on the Mississippi--
Price's Missouri Expedition --Final Organization and Plans---The Cartel of May 26, 1865
CHAPTER XI. Arkansas Regiments--Their Organization and Commanders--A Brief Narrative of Their Service
CHAPTER XII. Arkansas Brigades East of the Mississippi-Battle of Shiloh--Richmond and Perryville--
Murfreesboro--Iuka and Corinth--Vicksburg and Port Hudson--Chickamauga--Missionary Ridge--Ringgold
Gap--The Atlanta Campaign--Franklin and the Death of Cleburne
Confederate Military History
Vol. 3
Col. John M. Harrell
462 pgs.