Research OnLine can target your customers with details about your book or event.
We now offer banner, skyscraper, and rectangle ads.
Thousands of unique page views served each month.*
Advertising on the Research web site gives you access to our large and rapidly expanding group of history and Civil War enthusiasts - opinion makers, business professionals, academics, and frequent travelers.
More than 220,000 unique users a month find Research OnLine essential.
More than simply a source of international news and information, Research OnLine provides users with a concise and comprehensive view of the Civil War and Familiy Research.
Research Audience Demographics:
73% male 27% female
13% Under 18 36% 18-34 years old 46% 35-54 years old
72% college graduates 41% completed post-graduate education
Creative Specs and Rates
728x90. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 45k (maximum) file size.
Displayed throughout the site in the top position just below the masthead: USD$60/month
Full Banner
468x60. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 40k (maximum) file size.
Displayed throughout the site next to the logo in the masthead: USD$80/month
Skyscraper (right column)
120x600. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 40k (maximum) file size.
Displayed throughout the site.
Upper skyscraper position: USD$40/month
Lower skyscraper position: USD$35/month
Small Button (right column)
160x120. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 20k (maximum) file size.
Displayed throughout the site: USD$30/month
Rectangle Button (right column)
200x300. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 25k (maximum) file size.
Displayed throughout the site: USD$30/month
Half Banner
234x60. GIF, JPEG, or Flash. 20k (maximum) file size.
Displayed in the 'Latest News' top frame window: USD$25/month