New books and DVDs.

What's New at Research OnLine

Our plans for Research On Line in 2025.

First a word about our goals for 2025. We plan to focus on battle studies, specifically to find and organize casualty information. Of the 11,000 engagements in the Civil War, the top 300 or so now have Wikipedia pages, some with extensive details, but the remaining 10,500 remain largely undiscovered. Join us as we explore these materials.

We published a half-dozen new titles in 2024, most from new authors. We'd like to publish a dozen more in 2025. If you have a book in the works and need help publishing it, Contact us.

We published two new titles towards the end of 2024,

Pitchforks to Rifles is an historical fiction book on the 8th Minnesota Infantry in the Dakota and Indian Wars. After early service in the Dakotas, the regiment transferred to Georgia in time for the Atlanta Campaign where they participated in the March to the Sea and the Carolina's Campaign, ending the war in North Carolina.

Into Hostile Skies is a compilation of stories and experiences of the men who were lost over the skies of Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania and the other Balkan states, while on bombing missions against the Axis powers during World War II. You will see, first hand, what these young men endured to rid the world of tyranny from Hitler’s War Machine. Read about their experiences while on bombing missions of strategic military targets, contributing to the war’s end.

We look forward to a happy and prosperous new year. Thank you for your suppor of our little independent press.

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New Titles