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The Civil War in New Hampshire

Though New Hampshire is generally touted as a strong Union state, there was nevertheless, a strong Southern sentiment among the citizens. On July 4, 1861, a riot occurred in Fremont when a Union Flag was raised and it was shot through by a southern sympathizer.

One Union sympathizer was heard to remark, "If we were going to fight the rebels...we had as soon commence here as anywhere."

When Franklin Pierce, New Hampshire's only President of the United States (1853-57), tried to smooth over the slavery quarrel and unite his party, antislavery sentiment was strong enough to alienate many of his followers.

The state contributed much of the cloth used for Union uniforms and some of the munitions. The federal shipyard in Portsmouth contributed warships.

The National Archives Index lists 45,616 names of men who served in New Hamshire Regiments. Some men are also known to have served in Massachusetts units. In all, 26 Units were formed.


For Additional Research