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Military Units formed in Pennsylvania

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Most of the men of the West Virginia 2nd Infantry Regiment were from Pennsylvania

1st Battalion, Pennsylvania Cavalry (6 months, 1863) - 669 men.
1st Battalion, Pennsylvania Infantry (100 days, 1864) - 895 men.
1st Battalion, Pennsylvania Infantry (6 months, 1863-1864) - 772 men.
1st Battalion, Pennsylvania Light Artillery (100 days, 1864) - 470 men.
1st Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry (15th Reserves) - 2685 men.
1st Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry (3 months, 1861) - 944 men.
1st Regiment, Pennsylvania Light Artillery (14th Reserves) - 4257 men.
1st Regiment, Pennsylvania Provisional Cavalry - 1726 men.
1st Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (30th Volunteers) - 1660 men.
2nd Battalion, Pennsylvania Infantry (6 months, 1863-1864) - 799 men.
2nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry (59th Volunteers) - 3780 men.
2nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (112th Volunteers) - 7646 men.
2nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry (3 months, 1861) - 943 men.
2nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Provisional Cavalry - 1316 men.
2nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Provisional Heavy Artillery - 1659 men.
2nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (31st Volunteers) - 1700 men.
3rd Battalion, Pennsylvania Infantry (6 months, 1863-1864) - 585 men.
3rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry - 3930 men.
3rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery - 7995 men.
3rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry (3 months, 1861) - 999 men.
3rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Provisional Cavalry - 2424 men.
3rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (32nd Volunteers) - 1673 men.
4th Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry (64th Volunteers) - 4117 men.
4th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry (3 months, 1861) - 1042 men.
4th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (33rd Volunteers) - 1611 men.
5th Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry (65th Volunteers) - 5587 men.
5th Regiment, Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (204th Volunteers) - 3754 men.
5th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry (3 months, 1861) - 1086 men.
5th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry (34th Volunteers) - 1601 men.

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You will note "gaps" in the numbering for the infantry regiments. This is because Pennsylvania numbered all regiments, regardless of branch, in sequence depending on when the regiment was raised. For example, the 6th Cavalry was also numbered the 70th Volunteer Regiment since it was raised between the 69th Infantry and the 71st Infantry, thereby there is no 70th Infantry.

For Additional Research