South Carolina Bibliography

Army Official Records. This 127 Volume Set is known also as The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. DVD available

Crute, Joseph H., Jr. Units of the Confederate States Army. Midlothian, VA: Derwent Books, 1987.

Confederate Military History, Extended Edition. Vol. 5: A History of the War showing South Carolina troops and their participation. Hardback, paperback, DVD and Ebook available.

Kirkland, Randolph W., Jr. Broken Fortunes The South Carolina Historical Society. 1995. This book contains the names and regiment of 18,666 men of South Carolina who died in the Civil War.

Kirkland, Randolph W., Jr. Steadfast to the Last The South Carolina Historical Society. 1995. This book contains the names and regiment of South Carolina Parolees. Hardback available.

Rigdon, John C. A Guide to South Carolina Civil War ResearchCartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources. Hardback, paperback, DVD and Ebook available.

____The Battle of Aiken Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources. Hardback, paperback, DVD and Ebook available.

____The Battle for the Salkahatchie Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources. Hardback, paperback, DVD and Ebook available.

____Historical Sketch and Roster Series. Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources. 89 South Carolina Volumes available.

____Sixty Six Days of Hell Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources. An account of Sherman's march through South Carolinapaperback, DVD and Ebook available.

____South Carolina Civil War Soldiers Index Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources. Hardback, paperback, DVD and Ebook available.

Rivers, William J. Rivers Account of the Raising of the Troops in South Carolina for State and Confederate Service. Columbia. The Bryan Printing Co. 1909. Reprint available. paperback, DVD and Ebook available.

Rosen, Robert N. Confederate Charleston : An Illustrated History of the City and the People During the Civil War Columbia. University of South Carolina Press. 1994. 181 p. ISBN: 087249991X

Salley, A. S. South Carolina Troops in Confederate Service. Vol. 1 Rosters / compiled service records of the Infantry Regiments known as the "First" SC. - Gregg's, Butlers, & Hagood's: Over 5000 men are included.Hardback, paperback, DVD and Ebook available.

Sifakis, Stewart. Compendium of the Confederate Armies: South Carolina.... Baltimore, MD: Willow Bend Books, 2003. E577S53.1995. (Unit organizational history). Paperback available.

Todd, Frederick Porter. "Notes on the Organization and Uniforms of South Carolina Military Forces, 1860 - 1861." Military Collector and Historian Washington. (1951) pg. 53-62.

For Additional Research