A Guide
To South Carolina Civil War Research



A Guide to South Carolina Civil War Research

With all the many hundreds of books on the Civil War coming out every year and thousands now available on line, the challenge for the non-professional Civil War researcher is to zero in on the relevant material that will aid in your research.

John Rigdon, a professional Civil War researcher, and author of dozens of Civil War books has finally authored a volume that will aid your research in South Carolina. The book is over 200 pages in length, but it will open up the universe of materials available to you in a way never shown before.

"Rather than focusing on the big picture,
this book helps you look for a very small cog in the wheel,
regular people, with ordinary problems and concerns,
who found themselves swept into the vortex of war
in their own homeplace."

This book is an effective time-saver and a valuable resource for people interested in investi-gating their ancestor's Civil War experiences. It is a must-have for amateur historians and a useful tool for those already conducting research.

Many researchers try to do their research in a vacuum, without considering that all of our ancestors were involved in different social, cultural, religious, and political events. Many participated in wars, had extended families, and worked either on a farm or at other business activities. A proper study of these ancillary events that made up their lives is not only rewarding, but is the key to turning up the golden nuggets or clues for proceeding with your research.

Basically research can be broken down into 3 areas:

  • People
  • Places
  • Events
  • This book focuses on the people from South Carolina who fought in the war. In a concise, well-organized format, we show you how to identify and organize the research materials for South Carolina. We also tell you where to look for historical documents concerning Civil War soldiers, their regiments, and the actions of their regiments. We explain how to use the National Archives, (for Union regiments), State Archives (for Confederate regiments), historical and genealogical societies, Civil War shows, books, auctions, and web sites.

    In addition to providing sound research methodology, this guide provides an array of helpful research materials.


  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Finding a Name
  • A Word About Troop Organization
  • A Mini Course on How To Do Research
  • Off Line Resources for Research
  • Military Service Records
  • Veteran Benefit Records
  • Library Research Tools
  • On Line Research Tools
  • The Research OnLine Digital Library
  • The Historical Sketch and Roster Series
  • South Carolina Research Volumes
  • Appendices

  • Available Volumes – Alphabetical
  • Available Volumes by Reference Number
  • Formation of Counties in South Carolina
  • County Cross Reference
  • Local Designations of South Carolina Troops
  • Battles Fought in South Carolina
  • How to Obtain a Marker for a Confederate Veteran
  • Bibliography of Sources
  • Mr. Rigdon has spent over 25 years researching and organizing these materials and this book truly represents a lifetime of achievement in the field of South Carolina Civil War research.


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    A Guide to South Carolina Civil War Research
        John C. Rigdon
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