This four volume set contains detailed accounts written by Union and Confederate Leaders who offer personal insights into what they did and why. Includes articles by Grant, Beauregard, Burnside, McClellan, Longstreet, Pope, Sherman, Hood, Early and many others. "Opinionated and rationalizing memoirs by high-ranking officers on both sides make this work one of the most
quoted in Civil War literature." Originally published as a series of articles in "The Century" magazine between 1884 and 1887, these articles were written by the Leaders of both Union and Confederate armies. Leaders often offer personal insight into their motivations in battle!. The 4 volume set was first published in 1911. It is packed with discussions of Battles and
Leaders and unit and Officer Rosters of each army for each battle, as well as hundreds of photographs and sketches.
Battles & Leaders of the Civil War
Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel, editors
4 Volumes
$15.00 each Volume
Save $35 on the set
$35.00 all 4 volumes