A History of Marlboro County |
by J. A. W. Thomas
292 pages.
This history was begun by Mr. Thomas and completed by his son after his death. It was first published in 1897.
From the Introduction:
The author of this volume of local history died before its completion, under circumstances touching and significant. On Saturday August 1st, 1896, he attended the annual reunion of the Confederate veterans of Marlboro at Tatum, where he delivered to the assembly of veterans and citizens a feeling and" eloquent address. On the Sabbath following, he preached in the forenoon at McColl, and in the afternoon at Tatum, with his usual fervency and zeal. Returning home, he ate his supper, held family prayers, retired to his couch, and fell calmly into that sleep which knows no waking.
For several years he had devoted his leisure moments to writing the history of Marlboro, but before finishing it for the press was called to his home above. His son has prepared this volume for the press, and now presents it to the people the author loved so dearly, and to whose temporal and spiritual welfare he devoted a half century of his laborious life.
In gathering the material for this history, he omitted no source of information available, but sought aid from all records and all classes of the community. It was the aim of Capt. Thomas, in writing this history, to make it so full in the matters of tradition and genealogy as to leave no room for complaint, but in spite of his zeal, industrious inquiry and research, he was unable to procure from some families, facts and data, whilst some others were unable to give information sought, having preserved no family records, and having no traditions stored up in memory.
Introduction. By Judge J. H. Hudson, Bennettsville
Chap. I.-Marlboro County. The Aboriginals-Among the Records-The Mace and Sword of State . 15
Chap. II.-First Early Settlers. Craven County-The Welsh Colony-Their Names-The David Family and Connections 20
Chap. III.-Evans. And Other Families. Judge J. J. Evans-Col. Tom Evans - Col. Wilds-The Hodges-The Irbys-The Pegues 26
Chap. IV.-Other Early Settlers. The Rogers Family 32
Chap. V.-Other Brownsville Families. Brown-Magee-Carloss-Mason Lee-The Coxe Family -Townsend 39
Chap. VI.-Pearson Family And Others. Henagan, Bruce and Others -Peter S. Ney 46
Chap. VII.-Industrial Affairs Of The Early Settlers. Wild Horses and Cattle-Primitive Means of Transportation-Military Affairs-Some of Their Grievances 51
Chap. VIII.-Family Of Col. Kolb And Their Neighbors. Pouncey, Cochrane, Spears, Vining, etc 60
Chap. IX.-Revolution Drawing Nigh. Causes Which Led Up to It- Grievances-Eloquent Words From Judge and Jury 65
Chap. X. Several Old Families. Terrell-Dr. James H. Thornwell-Gillespie-Ellerbe- Forniss-Pledger 72
Chap. XI.-Progress Of Revolutionary Sentiment. Crisis Approaching-The Battle of Lexington-Troops Ordered from the Pee Dee -Patriotic Sentiment-Declaration of Independence-Charleston Threatened 78
Chap. XII.-Thomas, Parker And Others. Major Tristram Thomas-Robert, the Grandfather-Moses Parker-Twenty-two Children-Joshua Ammons-Joshua Fletcher-Twenty-two children -Traditions-Some Scotchmen-Easterlings 85
Chap. XIII.-Progress Of Revolution. Events of 1780 - Marlboro Troops on the March-Fall of Charleston-Tory Bandit-The Ayers-A Fort Armed with Wooden Cannon-Defeat of Gates at Camden 95
Chap. XIV.-Traditions From Col. John Covington. Hebron-The Covingtons-A Long Horseback Ride-The Edens-Meekins 100
Chap. XV.-Operations On Pee Dee, 1781. Col. Kolb-Murder of Harry Sparks by the Tories-Death of Col. Kolb-William Adams-Battle of Eutaw Springs- Surrender of Cornwallis-Triumph of the American Cause 105
Chap. XVI.-Bishop Gregg. His Wife, Miss Charlotte W. Kollock, a Marlboro Lady- Lawyer, then Preacher 114
Chap. XVII.-Traditions From Alfred Parish. Several Families-The Fuller "Ginger Cakes." 117
Chap. XVIII.-After The Revolution. Shouldering Responsibilities - Establishment of County Courts-Naming the Counties-Some of the First Representatives in the Legislature 121
Chap. XIX.-Prominent Men After The Revolution. Governors Furnished by Marlboro-B. K. Henagan, John Lide Wilson, Robert and John Campbell Baron De Poel- nitz-The Introduction of "Nut Grass" in the County . . . 128
Chap. XX.-Members Of The Legislature And Other Officers. Members of the Legislature from the Revolution to Date- Clerks of Court, Sheriffs and Ordinaries 132
Chap. XXI. -Scottish Settlers. McColls McLaurins-John L. McCall 137
Chap. XXII.-Clio. Joe Ivey The Father of Senator Joseph H. Hawley, of Connecticut - The First Merchant -Hawleyville-"Muster Day"-Other Early Merchants - T. C. Weatherly, John A. McRae, W. A. Hinshaw-The Old People Living Near- Robert Purnell 144
Chap. XXIII.-Scottish Settlers (Continued). McRaes-McLeods-Laird McLeod- D. McD. McLeod- McLucas ; 152
Chap. XXIV.-The "OLD Court-house. " "Marlboro Old Court-house"-Its Location-The Old Judges and Lawyers, Chancellors, Solicitors-The Lawyers of Marlboro .'..'... 159
Chap. XXV.-Removal Of Court-house To Bennettsville. Causes Which Led to the Removal -Act Passed Dec. 14, 1819-First Court-house at Bennettsville Completed 1824- Name Selected for the Town-Second Court-house at Ben- nettsville Built 1852-Third one 1884 - Its Dedication-The Programme 167
Chap. XXVI.-Bennettsville. Its First Beginning-Named for Governor Bennett-First Houses-Pioneer Merchants-Earliest Citizens-Bennettsville Prior to the War-Since the War 170
Chap. XXVII.-Brightsville. Named for Charles Bright E. W. Goodwin-The "Stage Road"-Odoms and Others-Joel Hall-Stubbs Family- Moores-A. C. Mclnnis -Captain Thomas W. Huckabee.. 181
Chap. XXVIII.-Blenheim. Its Name-Donald Matheson-"Mineral Spring"-Summer Residents-Some of the Old Farmers Who Lived Near By-250 Bushels Corn Per Acre 190
Chap. XXIX.- The Confederate War. Secession-"Grim-visaged War"- Eight Full Companies from Marlboro-Full Lists of Officers and Men, Showing Promotions and Casualties 193
Chap. XXX.-Early Ministers. James -Williams-Bedgegood-Pugh, etc 228
Chap. XXXI.-Baptist Churches. The "Old Welsh Neck,'' the Mother of Churches-Brownsville, Salem, Beaverdam, Bennettsville, and Others- J. A.W. Thomas 232
Chap. XXXII.- Methodist Churches. Beauty Spot, the Mother of Churches-Hebron, Parnassus, Bennettsville, Boykin, Pine Grove and others-Circuits and Preachers 241
Chap. XXXIII.-Presbvtzriam Churches. Bennettsville-Great Pee Dee-Red Bluff-Other Presbyterian Churches . 258
Chap. XXXIV,-Mccoll Named for D. I>. McColl-Principal Merchants-The McColl Manufacturing Company-Some of the Places Around Tatum 263
Chap. XXXV.-Adamsville. Prize Farming-Fine Farmers-J. B. Breeden-Sketch of the Adams Family 269 Chap. XXXVI.-Educational Matters. Early Interest in Education-The Old Academies in Bennetsville,-Some of the Old Teachers-Bennettsville Graded School 274
Chap. XXXVII;-"-THB Colored People 279
Chap. XXXVIII.-1886 284
Chap. XXXIX.-Down To The Twentieth Century , 286
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