ba003055 | Marks' Mills, AR | Apr. 5, 1864 |
bn004304 | Mark's Mills, AR | Apr 25, 1864 |
ba003074 | Martin's Creek, AR | Jan. 7, 1864 |
bn004342 | Massard Prairie, near Fort Smith, AR | July 27, 1864 |
ba003090 | Maysville, AR | Jan., 1863 |
ba003091 | Maysville, AR | Sept. 5, 1863 |
bn004361 | Maysville, near, AR | Oct 22, 1862 |
bn000912 | Maysville, near*, AR | Jan ---, Sept 5, 1863 |
bn001172 | Maysville, near*, AR | May 8, July 20, 1864 |
ba003092 | Maysville. Ark., AR | May 8, 1864 |
ba003093 | Mazzard's Prairie, AR | Jul 21, 1864 |
bn004373 | McGuire's, AR | Oct 28, 1862 |
ba002995 | McGuire's, AR | Oct. 12. 1863 |
bn004374 | McGuire's Ferry, AR | Sept 23, 1862 |
bn004375 | McGuire's, near Fayetteville, AR | Oct 12, 1863 |
ba003000 | McMilley's Farm, AR | Feb. 27, 1865 |
bn004381 | McMilley's Farm*, AR | Feb 27, 1865 |
bn004398 | Meffleton Lodge*, AR | June 29, 1864 |
bn004423 | Merriweather's Ferry, Bayou Boeuf*, AR | Dec 13, 1863 |
bn004462 | Miller, steamer, capture of, on Arkansas River near Pine Bluff, AR | Aug. 17, 1864 |
bn004492 | Missouri River, upper, AR | Oct 10, 1862 |
ba003179 | Moffat's Station, AR | Sept. 27, 1863 |
bn004511 | Moffat's Station, or Hagnewood Station, Franklin County*, AR | Sept 27, 1863 |
bn004536 | Monticell Road*, AR | May 16, 1865 |
ba003203 | Monticello, AR | Jan. 13-14, 1864 |
ba003204 | Monticello, AR | March 18, 1864 |
ba003205 | Monticello, AR | May 24, 1864 |
ba003206 | Monticello, AR | Sept. 10, 1864 |
bn004537 | Monticello ( see Camden), AR | |
ba003209 | Monticello Road, AR | June 17, 1864 |
bn004539 | Monticello Road, near Pine Bluff*, AR | June 17, 1864 |
bn004540 | Monticello*, AR | May 24, 1865 |
bn000989 | Monticello, at and near*, AR | Mar 18, Sept 10, 1864 |
ba003233 | Morgan's Mill, AR | Feb. 9, 1864 |
bn004556 | Morgan's Mill Spring River*, AR | Feb 9, 1864 |
bn004572 | Moro Bottom*, AR | Apr 25-26, 1864 |
bn004586 | Moscow, AR | Apr 13, 1864 |
ba003248 | Moscow, AR | Apr. 13, 1864 |
bn004594 | Mound City, burning of, AR | Jan 15, 1863 |
ba003274 | Mount Elba, AR | March 28-30. 1864 |
bn001536 | Mount Elba, AR | Mar 28, *, 30, Oct 3, * 1864 |
bn004603 | Mount Ida*, AR | Nov 13, 1863 |
ba003289 | Mount Vernon, AR | May 11, 1863 |
bn004619 | Mount Vernon*, AR | May 11, 1863 |
bn004628 | Mountain Fork*, AR | Feb 4, 1864 |
bn004632 | Mountain Home*, AR | Oct 17, 1862 |
ba003299 | Mud Town, AR | Aug. 24. 1864 |
bn004649 | Mudtown*, AR | Dec 9, 1862 |
bn004650 | Mudtown*, AR | Aug. 24, 1864 |
bn000762 | Mulberry river, near mouth of*, AR | Feb 2, 3, 1863 |
bn004656 | Mulberry Springs*, AR | Jan 26, 1863 |
ba003303 | Mullberry River, AR | Feb. 3, 1863 |
bn004709 | Naumkeag, Fawn, and Tyler, U.S.S. engagement between Shelby's forces, White River, AR | June 24-25, 1864 |
bn004798 | Newton County, AR | Nov 15, 1863 |
bn000427 | Norristown, near and at*, AR | May 19, Sept 6, between 9 and 12, 1864 |
ba003466 | Oil Trough Bottom, AR | March 24, 1864 |
bn001053 | Oil Trough Bottom, at and near*, AR | Mar 24, 27, 1864 |
bn004883 | Okolona*, AR | Apr 2-3, 1864 |
bn004888 | Old Fort Wayne, or Beatties Prairie, near Marysville, AR | Oct 22, 1862 |
ba003478 | Old River Lake, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn004891 | Old River Lake, Lake Chicot, Ditch Bayou, or Columbia Fish Bayou, AR | June 6, 1864 |
bn004893 | Old Town and Trenton expedition, AR | July 28-31, 1862 |
ba003499 | Osage Branch, AR | Apr. 16. 1864 |
bn004917 | Osage Branch of King's River*, AR | Apr 16, 1864 |
bn004920 | Osage Springs*, AR | Feb 28, 1862 |
ba003501 | Osceola, AR | Aug. 2, 1864 |
bn001165 | Osceola*, AR | Apr 5-9, Aug. 2, 1864 |
bn004928 | Ouachita River, AR | Apr 29, 1864 |
ba003505 | Ouachita River, AR | Apr. 29, 1864 |
ba003521 | Oxford Bend, AR | Oct. 28, 1862 |
bn004941 | Oxford Bend, White River, Fayetteville, AR | Oct 28, 1862 |
bn004947 | Ozark*, AR | Oct 29, 1863 |
bn005017 | Pea Ridge or Elkhorn Tavern, AR | Mar 6-8, 1862 |
ba003594 | Pemiscot Bayou, AR | Apr. 6, 1864 |
ba003600 | Perry County, AR | Dec. 3, 1864 |
bn005048 | Perry County*, AR | Dec 3, 1864 |
bn005049 | Perry, J. D., steamer, attack on, Clarendon, AR | Sept 9, 1864 |
ba003617 | Petit Jean, AR | July 10, 1864 |
bn005070 | Petit Jean, near*, AR | July 10, 1864 |
ba003645 | Pikeville, AR | June 26, 1864 |
ba003276 | Pilount Ida, AR | Nov. 13, 1863 |
bn005106 | Pine Bluff, AR | Oct 25, 1863 |
ba003655 | Pine Bluff, AR | Oct. 25, 1863 |
ba003658 | Pine Bluff, AR | July 2, 1864 |
ba003659 | Pine Bluff, AR | July 22. 1864 |
ba003660 | Pine Bluff, AR | July 30, 1864 |
ba003656 | Pine Bluff, AR | June 17, 1864 |
ba003657 | Pine Bluff, AR | June 21, 1864 |
ba003661 | Pine Bluff, AR | Sept. 11, 1864 |
ba003662 | Pine Bluff, AR | Jan. 9, 1865 |
ba003663 | Pine Bluff, AR | March 4, 1865 |
bn001547 | Pine Bluff , near*, AR | Jan 9, Feb 11, Mar 4, 1865 |
bn005107 | Pine Bluff and Little Rock ( see Halfway House), AR | |
bn005108 | Pine Bluff Scout from to Douglas Plantation*, AR | Feb 21-22, 1865 |
bn005109 | Pine Bluff to Devalls Bluff, scout with skirmish, AR | Feb 9-19, 1865 |
bn001588 | Pine Bluff, at and near*, AR | May 1, 21, June 17, July 22, 30, Aug. 18, Sept - 1864 |
bn005111 | Pine Bluff, capture of steamer Miller near, AR | Aug. 17, 1864 |
bn005112 | Pine Bluff, expedition from, toward Montecello, AR | Sept 9-11, 1864 |
bn005113 | Pine Bluff, seizure of U.S. stores, AR | Apr 18, 1861 |
bn005123 | Piney Mountains*, AR | Apr 6, 1864 |
bn000612 | Pitmans Ferry, AR | Oct 27, Nov 25, 1862 |
ba003679 | Pitman's Ferry, AR | Nov. 25. 1862 |