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The Civil War in Arkansas
Alphabetical List of Battles

Pg. 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8

ba003055Marks' Mills, ARApr. 5, 1864
bn004304Mark's Mills, ARApr 25, 1864
ba003074Martin's Creek, ARJan. 7, 1864
bn004342Massard Prairie, near Fort Smith, ARJuly 27, 1864
ba003090Maysville, ARJan., 1863
ba003091Maysville, ARSept. 5, 1863
bn004361Maysville, near, AROct 22, 1862
bn000912Maysville, near*, ARJan ---, Sept 5, 1863
bn001172Maysville, near*, ARMay 8, July 20, 1864
ba003092Maysville. Ark., ARMay 8, 1864
ba003093Mazzard's Prairie, ARJul 21, 1864
bn004373McGuire's, AROct 28, 1862
ba002995McGuire's, AROct. 12. 1863
bn004374McGuire's Ferry, ARSept 23, 1862
bn004375McGuire's, near Fayetteville, AROct 12, 1863
ba003000McMilley's Farm, ARFeb. 27, 1865
bn004381McMilley's Farm*, ARFeb 27, 1865
bn004398Meffleton Lodge*, ARJune 29, 1864
bn004423Merriweather's Ferry, Bayou Boeuf*, ARDec 13, 1863
bn004462Miller, steamer, capture of, on Arkansas River near Pine Bluff, ARAug. 17, 1864
bn004492Missouri River, upper, AROct 10, 1862
ba003179Moffat's Station, ARSept. 27, 1863
bn004511Moffat's Station, or Hagnewood Station, Franklin County*, ARSept 27, 1863
bn004536Monticell Road*, ARMay 16, 1865
ba003203Monticello, ARJan. 13-14, 1864
ba003204Monticello, ARMarch 18, 1864
ba003205Monticello, ARMay 24, 1864
ba003206Monticello, ARSept. 10, 1864
bn004537Monticello ( see Camden), AR
ba003209Monticello Road, ARJune 17, 1864
bn004539Monticello Road, near Pine Bluff*, ARJune 17, 1864
bn004540Monticello*, ARMay 24, 1865
bn000989Monticello, at and near*, ARMar 18, Sept 10, 1864
ba003233Morgan's Mill, ARFeb. 9, 1864
bn004556Morgan's Mill Spring River*, ARFeb 9, 1864
bn004572Moro Bottom*, ARApr 25-26, 1864
bn004586Moscow, ARApr 13, 1864
ba003248Moscow, ARApr. 13, 1864
bn004594Mound City, burning of, ARJan 15, 1863
ba003274Mount Elba, ARMarch 28-30. 1864
bn001536Mount Elba, ARMar 28, *, 30, Oct 3, * 1864
bn004603Mount Ida*, ARNov 13, 1863
ba003289Mount Vernon, ARMay 11, 1863
bn004619Mount Vernon*, ARMay 11, 1863
bn004628Mountain Fork*, ARFeb 4, 1864
bn004632Mountain Home*, AROct 17, 1862
ba003299Mud Town, ARAug. 24. 1864
bn004649Mudtown*, ARDec 9, 1862
bn004650Mudtown*, ARAug. 24, 1864
bn000762Mulberry river, near mouth of*, ARFeb 2, 3, 1863
bn004656Mulberry Springs*, ARJan 26, 1863
ba003303Mullberry River, ARFeb. 3, 1863
bn004709Naumkeag, Fawn, and Tyler, U.S.S. engagement between Shelby's forces, White River, ARJune 24-25, 1864
bn004798Newton County, ARNov 15, 1863
bn000427Norristown, near and at*, ARMay 19, Sept 6, between 9 and 12, 1864
ba003466Oil Trough Bottom, ARMarch 24, 1864
bn001053Oil Trough Bottom, at and near*, ARMar 24, 27, 1864
bn004883Okolona*, ARApr 2-3, 1864
bn004888Old Fort Wayne, or Beatties Prairie, near Marysville, AROct 22, 1862
ba003478Old River Lake, ARJune 6, 1864
bn004891Old River Lake, Lake Chicot, Ditch Bayou, or Columbia Fish Bayou, ARJune 6, 1864
bn004893Old Town and Trenton expedition, ARJuly 28-31, 1862
ba003499Osage Branch, ARApr. 16. 1864
bn004917Osage Branch of King's River*, ARApr 16, 1864
bn004920Osage Springs*, ARFeb 28, 1862
ba003501Osceola, ARAug. 2, 1864
bn001165Osceola*, ARApr 5-9, Aug. 2, 1864
bn004928Ouachita River, ARApr 29, 1864
ba003505Ouachita River, ARApr. 29, 1864
ba003521Oxford Bend, AROct. 28, 1862
bn004941Oxford Bend, White River, Fayetteville, AROct 28, 1862
bn004947Ozark*, AROct 29, 1863
bn005017Pea Ridge or Elkhorn Tavern, ARMar 6-8, 1862
ba003594Pemiscot Bayou, ARApr. 6, 1864
ba003600Perry County, ARDec. 3, 1864
bn005048Perry County*, ARDec 3, 1864
bn005049Perry, J. D., steamer, attack on, Clarendon, ARSept 9, 1864
ba003617Petit Jean, ARJuly 10, 1864
bn005070Petit Jean, near*, ARJuly 10, 1864
ba003645Pikeville, ARJune 26, 1864
ba003276Pilount Ida, ARNov. 13, 1863
bn005106Pine Bluff, AROct 25, 1863
ba003655Pine Bluff, AROct. 25, 1863
ba003658Pine Bluff, AR July 2, 1864
ba003659Pine Bluff, ARJuly 22. 1864
ba003660Pine Bluff, ARJuly 30, 1864
ba003656Pine Bluff, ARJune 17, 1864
ba003657Pine Bluff, ARJune 21, 1864
ba003661Pine Bluff, ARSept. 11, 1864
ba003662Pine Bluff, ARJan. 9, 1865
ba003663Pine Bluff, ARMarch 4, 1865
bn001547Pine Bluff , near*, ARJan 9, Feb 11, Mar 4, 1865
bn005107Pine Bluff and Little Rock ( see Halfway House), AR
bn005108Pine Bluff Scout from to Douglas Plantation*, ARFeb 21-22, 1865
bn005109Pine Bluff to Devalls Bluff, scout with skirmish, ARFeb 9-19, 1865
bn001588Pine Bluff, at and near*, ARMay 1, 21, June 17, July 22, 30, Aug. 18, Sept - 1864
bn005111Pine Bluff, capture of steamer Miller near, ARAug. 17, 1864
bn005112Pine Bluff, expedition from, toward Montecello, ARSept 9-11, 1864
bn005113Pine Bluff, seizure of U.S. stores, ARApr 18, 1861
bn005123Piney Mountains*, ARApr 6, 1864
bn000612Pitmans Ferry, AROct 27, Nov 25, 1862
ba003679Pitman's Ferry, ARNov. 25. 1862

For Additional Research