Vermont Unassigned Men
The composite rosters of this unit contain the names of 16 men.
Benedict, George C. Vermont in the Civil War: A History of the Part Taken by Vermont Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Union, 1861-1865. 2 Vols. Burlington, VT: Free Pr Assn, 1888. E533B46v2. Reprint 2009. Eastern Digital Resources.
Burnell, George W. "The Development of Our Army." In War Papers (MOLLUS, WI, Vol. 2).
Milwaukee, WI: Burdick, Armitage & Allen, 1896. pp. 70-80 (6 photocopied pages). E464M5.1991v47.
Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. 2003. Davenport, IA Eastern Ditital Resources.
Vermont. A & IGO. Revised Roster of Vermont Volunteers Who Served in the Army and Navy
of the United States During the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. Montpelier, VT: Watchman, 1892. pp. 379-408. E533.3V53. (Contains a roster of the regiment).
Waite, Otis F.R. Vermont in the Great Rebellion: Containing Historical and Biographical Sketches.... Claremont, NH: Tracy, Chase, 1869. E533W3. See pp. 77 & 210-15 (3 photocopied pages) for a roster of officers a brief regimental history.
Dyer, Frederick H. - A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion
The Union Army by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 1
Arkansas 3rd Infantry Regiment
Arkansas 6th Infantry Regiment