U.S. Colored Troops 74th Infantry Regiment


Predecessor unit: Corps De Afrique.-United States Colored Volunteers. 2nd Regiment Infantry.

The 2nd operated in Louisiana until January 1863, when it was sent to Ship Island, Mississippi. Among the company officers was P.B.S. Pinchback, a free man of color. He resigned his commission in 1863 because of discrimination.
bullet imageOFFICERS:

  • P.B.S. Pinchback
  • Daniels, Naham W., Rank In Colonel. Rank out Colonel.
  • Grosvenor, William M., Rank In Colonel. Rank out Colonel.
  • Hall, Alfred G, Rank In Lieutenant Colonel. Rank out Lieutenant Colonel.
  • Dumas, Ernest, Rank In Major. Rank out Major.
  • Green, J. Dunham, Rank In Surgeon. Rank out Surgeon.
  • Guilhan (Gihon), John H. (K.), Rank In Assistant Surgeon. Rank out Surgeon.
  • Booth, Dexter F., Rank In Adjutant. Rank out Adjutant.
  • bullet imageASSIGNMENTS:

    Attached to Defenses of New Orleans, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to November, 1864. Defenses of New Orleans, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. bullet imageSERVICE:

    Garrison duty at Ship Island, Miss., entire term. Expedition from Fort Pike to Pearl River September 9-12, 1864. Expedition from Fort Pike to Bayou Bonforica January 31-February 1, 1865 (Detachment). Expedition from Fort Pike to Bayou St. Louis March 28-30 (Detachment). Mustered out October 11, 1865. bullet imageROSTERS:

    The regiment was formed at New Orleans. It is not known if all the men were from New Orleans. bullet imageBIBLIOGRAPHY:
  • Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. Vol. 2. Cartersville, GA: Eastern Digital Resources, 2003.
  • Rigdon, John C. US Colored Troops Civil War Soldiers Index. Cartersville, GA: Eastern Digital Resources, 2011.

    Dyer, Frederick H. - A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion
    The Union Army by Federal Publishing Company, 1908 - Volume 1

    For Additional Research