Tennessee Military History

Following the Civil War, a number of regimental histories and personal accounts of the war were written. We have incorporated the full text of the following titles on The Civil War in Tennessee CD-ROM. The titles included are listed below.

Table of Contents

The Confederate Military History Vol. 5 by James D. Porter. This is part of the 13 volume set which covers the Civil War in detail, dedicating one volume to each state's participation.

Doctor Quintard, Chaplain C. S. A. and Second Bishop of Tennessee; Being His Story of the War by Arthur Howard Noll. 188 Pgs. (TN 1st Infantry Regiment)

A Confederate Soldier's Pocket Manual of Devotions by Charles T. Quintard 119 Pgs.

Camp, Field, and Prison Life. by Capt. W. A. Wash. 347 Pgs. (TN 60th Infantry Regiment)

For Additional Research