South Carolina 16th Regiment Militia (Infantry)

Historical Notes:
The South Carolina 16th Militia Regiment was under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Samuel C. DePass. While there has been much research done on the South Carolina units that were mustered into CSA service, their efforts, and suffering, little has been expended on the units raised who generally stayed within the borders of the state.

While it is true they did not get involved in the better know battles, they did their duty and provided support for such troops by providing "second line" support services, allowing the CSA units to perform their duty.

From Rivers' Account of the Raising of the Troops:

The Charleston militia, suddenly summoned to hold the forts and islands, continued their patriotic service, and were relied upon for the defense of the harbor. This able body of men constituted the Fourth Brigade of the Second Division S. C. Militia, with one Regiment of Rifles, one Regiment of Artillery, and the 16th and 17th Infantry Regiments of city troops, and the 18th and 19th Regiments beyond the city. Attached to the city regiments were two cavalry companies, the Charleston Light Dragoons, Capt. B. H. Rutledge, and the German Hussars, Capt. Theodore Cordes; and to the Regiment of Artillery (which continued in service during the war, under Col. J. A. Wagener,) were then attached the Rutledge Mounted Riflemen, and the Vigilant Rifles.
Lieutenant Colonels:
DePass, Samuel Capers
Davis, Zimmerman
Whaley, William
Bowie, John A.
Wardlaw, W. A., Major
Quartermaster Sergeant:
Addison, James R.
Bowie, John A.
Ronan, F. Marion, 1st Lieutenant & Adjutant
Cunningham, J., Lieutenant
Kingman, Robert H., 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster
Pringle, W. Alston, Lieutenant
Ravenel, St. Julien, Surgeon
Addison, James R., QuarterMaster Sergeant
Kingman, R. H., Assistant QuarterMaster
King, J.
Charleston Battles:
Fort Sumter
The Siege of Charleston (assumed)
The Carolinas Campaign (assumed)
Bentonville (assumed)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 625 men.

Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research