The Trail of Tears
First Hand Accounts
Jane Bushyhead - Cherokee girl

Jane Bushyhead, a Cherokee girl, wrote a letter to a friend about the impending forced removal of the Cherokees.

Red Clay Cherokee Nation (Tennessee)
March 10, 1838

Beloved Martha, I have delayed writing to you so long I expect you have relinquished all thought of receiving anything from me. But my Dear Martha I have not forgotten my promise. I have often wishes to enjoy your company once more but it is very uncertain whether I shall ever again have that pleasure.

If we Cherokees are to be driven to the west by the cruel hand of oppression to seek a new home in the west, it will be impossible. My father is now in Washington City. He was one of the delegates who went to Florida last Oct. We do not know when he will return.

Not long since Mr. Stephen Forman received a letter from father. He was absent when the letter came home and before he arrived the troops had been there and taken it to the Agency, given it to General Smith and he handed it around for all to read. It is thus all our rights are invaded.

About two months ago my youngest brother died. He was sick almost two months. I was not at home when he died but they sent for me to attend his funeral. He was burnt very badly last fall and it is very likely his death was occasioned by it, however we do not exactly know.

It will not be long before our next (school) vacation. Then we expect to go home. Perhaps it may be the last time we shall have the privilege of attending school in this nation. But we are not certain. If we should remove to the Arkansas I should still hope to continue our correspondence. Please to present my best respects to your father & family, Miss E. Jones and Miss Betsey Tirtle. Write with me in love to you.

Your Sincere friend,

Jane Bushyhead


Red Clay is located in southern Bradley County, Tennessee, just above the Tennessee-Georgia state line. It was the site of the last seat of the Cherokee national government before the 1838 removal. Eleven general councils were held at the site between 1832 and 1838. Before the site was a government council site, it was used for many different Cherokee rituals because of its famous spring named the Blue Hole Spring. The site is considered sacred ground to the Cherokees.


For Additional Research