74th Regiment, New York Infantry National Guard (30 days, 1863)


The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Frederick Phisterer. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1912.

This regiment is still in existence and located at Buffalo. It's organization commenced in June, 1854, Company D of the 65th Regiment forming the nucleus. Company B was organized in August and Companies C and E in September, 1854; Company A was formed in May, 1855, and these five companies constituted the regiment until February, 1858, when two companies, one of cavalry (R) and one of rifles (L), were organized and attached to it. In 1860 Companies F, G, H and I were organized, and the designation of Company L was, in 1865, changed to Company K. Company R was disbanded in 1865, Company H in 1868; Company I was consolidated with Company B in 1870, and in 1882 Companies E and K were disbanded. Company E was reorganized in 1886 and Company H in 1891. During the War of the Rebellion the regiment furnished to the country nearly 300 officers and over 1,000 men, who received their first military instruction while members of it.

The regiment has received authority to place silver rings on the lances of its colors, engraved as follows: On the National Color.— Gettysburg Campaign, 1863; Buffalo, November and December, 1863.

On the State Color.— Draft riots, 1863; Negro riot, 1864; Fenian invasion of Canada, 1866; Hornellsville, 1877; Buffalo, 1892.


In May, 1861, four of its companies, B, C, D and F, volunteered in a body, forming the nucleus of the 21st Volunteers.

June 18, 1863, the regiment was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., for a service of thirty days, and, commanded by Col. Watson A. Fox, it left the State (nine companies) June 19, 1863. It served at Mount Union, Pa., and was mustered out of the United States service August 3, 1863 at Buffalo, N. Y.

November 16, 1863, the regiment was again mustered in the United States service for thirty days for the protection of the frontiers of the State. It served (nine companies), at Buffalo and was there mustered out December 16, 1863.

The regiment lost by death in its first service in 1863, one enlisted man died of disease, and took part in a skirmish near Clear Spring, Md., July 10, 1863.
The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 524 men. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

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