Nevada 1st Infantry Battalion

In the spring of 1862, recruiting for the army in the Nevada Territory began in Virginia City. These early volunteers were mustered into the 3rd California Cavalry, and occupied military posts within the territory. The Nevada 1st Infantry Battalion was organized at Fort Churchill, California, December 24, 1863. OFFICERS:
Attached to District of California, Dept. of the Pacific. SERVICE:
Company "A" on duty at Fort Churchill till July 28, 1864. Moved to Smoky Creek Region July 28, returning to Fort Churchill October 23, 1864, and duty there till December, 1865. Expedition from Fort Churchill to Pyramid Lake and Walker's Lake March 12-19, 1865.

Company "B" at Fort Churchill till July 28, 1864. Ordered to Fort Ruby, Nevada, July 28, 1864, and duty there till December, 1865. Expedition from Fort Ruby to Humboldt Valley, Nevada, May 25-June 15, 1865. Skirmish at Austin May 29.

Company "C" at Fort Churchill till December 7, 1864. Ordered to Camp Independence, California, and duty there till muster out. Battalion mustered out December 23, 1865.
The Composite Roster of this battalion contains 542 names. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

Dyer, Frederick H. - A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion

For Additional Research