The Civil War in North Carolina

FREE North Carolina Books on Line
North Carolina Battles - Alphabetical
North Carolina Battles - updated
North Carolina Physicians - updated
Confederate Military History - updated
Recollections of Slavery Times (Worcester, MA: Chas. W. Burbank & Co., 1895), by Allen Parker 96 pgs.
Memoirs of W. W. Holden, by W. W. Holden. Post war Governor of North Carolina appointed during reconstruction. Later impeached.
Narrative of Prison Life at Baltimore and Johnson's Island, Ohio, by Henry E. Shepherd (NC 54th Infantry Regiment) 22pgs.
History of the Presbyterian Church in New Bern, N.C., With a Resume of Early Ecclesiastical Affairs in Eastern North Carolina, and a Sketch of the Early Days of New Bern, N.C. (Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson, 1886), by L. C. Vass
The Colonial and State Political History of Hertford County, N. C. (1906), by Benjamin Brodie Winborne
First Steps in North Carolina History (Raleigh, NC: A. Williams and Co., 1889), by Cornelia Phillips Spencer
History of Wayne County (1914), by Frank Arthur Daniels
In Ancient Albemarle (Raleigh: Commercial Printing Company, 1914), by Catherine Albertson
North Carolina History Stories (Richmond: B.F. Johnson Publishing Co., 1901), by W. C. Allen
Plantation Sketches (Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press, 1906), by Margaret Devereux
School History of North Carolina, From 1584 to the Present Time (revised and enlarged edition, c1882), by John W. Moore
Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, Illustrative of the Principles of a Portion of Her Early Settlers (New York: Robert Carter, 1846), by William Henry Foote
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