1st Choctaw & Chickasaw Mounted Rifles

The 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles formed at Scullyville, Choctaw Nation, in July, 1861. The regiment had six companies of Choctaws, three of Chickasaw, and one of half-breeds. In spring 1862 the First Regiment Mounted Rifles facilitated the Confederate retreat following the Battle of Pea Ridge in Arkansas in March, turned the tide for a Confederate victory at Newtonia, Missouri, on September 30, and suffered defeat at the Battle of Fort Wayne in the Cherokee Nation on October 22. On July 17, 1863, the regiment (now under Tandy Walker, who assumed command upon Cooper's promotion to brigadier general) again tasted defeat at the Battle of Honey Springs, in the Creek Nation.
In 1864 all of the Indian units in Indian Territory were consolidated into a single division commanded by Cooper. Within the division Walker's First Regiment Mounted Rifles reorganized into the Second Indian Cavalry Brigade. On April 18 the brigade contributed to a Confederate victory at Poison Spring, Arkansas, eliciting praise from Gen. Samuel Bell Maxey, in overall command of Indian Territory. Poison Spring was the last major engagement of the Choctaw-Chickasaw Mounted Rifles. As Confederate hopes for victory faded through the remainder of 1864 and on into 1865, its Indian allies contemplated capitulation and their future status with the Union.It surrendered on June 23, 1865.
Colonel Douglas H. Cooper; Lieutenant Colonels James Riley and Tandy Walker; and Majors Willis J. Jones, Mitchell LeFlore, and Stephen Loering.
Pea Ridge
Fort Wayne
Honey Springs
The Roster of this unit contains the names of 2470 men.
https://www.choctawnation.com/sites/default/files/2015 /10/14/2011.10_Choctaw_Nation_and_the_American_Civil_War.pdf