GA 1st Infantry Regiment
Company A
Number of men enrolled - 174
Foley, John - Captain
Ford, Martin J. - 1st Lieutenant
Hartridge, Alfred L. - 1st Lieutenant
Dooner, James - 2nd Lieutenant
Flannery, John - Jr. 2nd Lieutenant
Zimmerman, Jacob - 1st Sergeant
Deacy, John (or Deacey) - 2nd Sergeant
Goodwin, Michael - 3rd Sergeant
Fitzgerald, James - 4th Sergeant
O'Brien, James - Sergeant
Flaherty, Edward - 1st Corporal
Mahoney, Thomas - 2nd Corporal
Scanlon, Michael - 2nd Corporal
Bresnan, John - 3rd Corporal
Murphy, Christopher - 4th Corporal
McCleskey, Henry - (colored) - Musician
DeLyon, Charles Henry - (colored) - Musician
Alderman, J. H.
Archibald, Michael R.
Bain, James
Barnes, John
Beglin, Patrick
Bent, James
Beytagh, John
Booth, James
Bossell, Charles (or Bassill)
Bousson, Felix (or Bousette)
Bowen, James
Brenan, Andrew (or Branan)
Bresnan, John (or Bresmer)
Briody, Thomas
Brown, Thomas F.
Burch, Richard F.
Butler, Lawrence C.
Byrne, James
Byrne, John (or Byrnes)
Campbell, Mathew
Carroll, David
Carroll, Thomas
Claherty, John
Coffee, John
Coleman, John
Coleman, Thomas
Condon, Thomas
Connihan, Patrick
Cook, Mathew
Cornish, James (or Corish)
Couch, James
Coyle, James.
Crotty, Richard L.
Cummings, Michael
Cusack, Michael
Daley, Patrick E.
Degnan, Mathew (or Duignan)
Dempsey, James
Derst, John
Donnelly, Thomas J.
Donnelly, Thomas
Donovan, Jeremiah
Dooner, William
Dougherty, David
Downey, John (or Downing)
Downey, William
Doyle, Luke
Duggan, John
Dunn, Patrick
Fahey, John
Fallon, John
Farrell, James
Finney, John
Fleming, James
Flood, Thomas
Foley, Daniel
Ford, Thomas
Forrester, Michael
Galloway, James (or Gallogay)
Geary, Patrick
Goodwin, Michael
Grady, James
Green, John
Hackett, William
Halligan, Hugh
Harrington, John
Hart, John
Hayes, Michael
Hayes, Patrick, Jr.
Hayes, Patrick, Sr.
Heffernan, Hugh
Henley, Mathew
Higgins, John S.
Jordan, Michael
Jorns, Charles Herman.
Kaley, Richard
Kavanaugh, Patrick
Knowles, John F.
Larkin, James
Lavan, James (or Laven)
Lavan, Patrick
Little, Robert H.
Mahon, Thomas
Mahon, William
Martin, Stephen
McAvoy, Hugh
McBride, James
McBride, Michael
McCarty, John
McCollum, Thomas
McDermott, John
McElligott, Michael
McEvoy, Hugh J.
McGarity, Patrick
McGowan, James J.
McGuinness, Thomas
McGuire, Edward
McLaughlin, James
McLenahan, Thomas
McMahon, James
McNally, Patrick
McNichols, Edward G.
Meyer, Bernard
Moran, Matthew
Murphey, John (or Murphy)
Murphey, Michael
Murphey, Thomas (or Murphy)
Murphy, Christopher
Noon, Michael
O'Brien, Michael
O'Connell, James
O'Hara, Thomas
Powers, John A.
Price, William
Quinn, James
Ragan, Alexander C.
Reilly, Daniel
Reilly, Michael
Richards, Henry
Robinson, John J.
Robinson, Patrick
Roche, Daniel
Roche, John
Roche, Peter
Roche, Thomas M.
Roe, Edward
Roe, John
Rogers, James
Rossiter, Patrick
Ryan, Richard (or Rhine)
Sanders, George W.(or Saunders)
Sanders, Thomas Watson
Sanders, W. G.
Shea, John
Shea, Murtagh
Sheehan, John
Speviol, Arthur B.
Starke, William
Stokes, Augustus W.
Sullivan, Cornelius
Sullivan, Daniel
Sullivan, Eugene
Sullivan, James
Sullivan, John, 1st
Sullivan, John, 2d
Tully, Patrick
Wall, Thomas
Wallace, William
Walsh, Arthur
Walsh, Maurice
Walsh, Michael S.
Walsh, Patrick
Ward, Edward
Warren, James
Wheelen, John (or Whelin)
White, John
Whitty, Stephen
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