Florida 1st Battalion Special Cavalry

The Florida 1st Special Cavalry Battalion was authorized by the War Department, March 28, 1864, with authority granted to C. J. Munnerlyn, July 7, 1864, to organize the Battalion.

The battalion consisted of 9 companies and approximately 800 men. They protected Florida cattle herds from the roving bands of deserters and Union sympathizers; drove beef cattle north to the commissary depots to feed the Confederate Army; rounded up deserters; checked the nuisance raids conducted by Union troops garrisoned at Fort Myers; assisted with scouting and picket duty; assisted the blockade running operations, and protected the Salt Works.
Major Charles J. Munnerlyn (promoted Lt. Colonel 12-64)
Captain William Footman (promoted Major 12-64)
Captain/Quartermaster James McKay, Jr.
Bowlegs Creek, April 7, 1864
Fort Meade area, May 1864
Brooksville area, July 1864
Fort Myers area, August 1864
Rocky Point near Tampa, December 3, 1864
Cedar Keys, February 13, 1865
Fort Myers, February 20, 1865
The composite rosters of this unit contains the names of 251 men.

Captain Francis Asbury Hendry's Company
Captain John T. Lesley's Company
Battalion Staff Officers
Captain Leroy G. Lesley's Company
Captain Edward J. Lutterloh's Company
Captain Samuel Agnew's Company
Captain James W. Faulkner's Company
Captain John C. Wilcox's Company
Captain John Parsons' Company
Captain William B. Watson's Company

For Additional Research