Aberdeen, AL
Nov. 17-19, 1864



In the North Alabama and Middle Tennessee campaign, Col. Coon of the 2nd Louisiana Cavalry (Union), then commanding the 2nd brigade, 5th division, cavalry corps. Military Division of the Mississippi, scouted across Shoal creek with the brigade, sent the 2nd Louisiana to patrol the Florence and Waynesboro road, and on the i8th, camped at Cowpen Mills. Next day the brigade moved across Shoal creek at Cowpen ford to camp on Butler creek and at the Butler creek road drove in the Confederate picket. Coon sent Capt. Mock, with part of the 9th Illinois, to patrol the Waynesboro road, and left the remainder of that regiment under Capt. Harper to picket the road to Florence. The main column turned north to Butler creek. The train and artillery escorted by the 6th Illinois, under Maj. Whitsit, was sent down the little Butler valley instructed to cross Shoal creek at all hazards.

The 2nd Louisiana was attacked in front by superior numbers under the Confederate Gen. Buford and the 9th Illinois was heavily pressed in the rear by a force from the south. Mock was warned that unless he could return soon his escape would inevitably be cut off. The regiment formed a line in a naturally protected place and dismounted, supported by the 2nd Louisiana, but it was compelled to fall back. The regiments then fell back alternately and formed lines for two miles, protecting the train and its escort until they were over Shoal creek. Federal troops dismounted to cover the crossing and a skirmish was kept up while the command descended the bank. Mock and his detachment, after a night of marching and fighting, rejoined the command on the 19th.

No casualties reported.

  • Union Troops Engaged: 6th and 9th Illinois; 2nd Iowa Cavalry; 2nd Louisiana Cavalry
  • Union Troops Engaged: Abraham Buford's Cavalry Division (Under N.B. Forrest)

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