William Wing Loring

Gen. William Wing Loring

A one-armed veteran of the Mexican War, William W. Loring became one of the more troublesome of Confederate generals, frequently engaging in disputes with his superiors. The North Carolina native had been raised in Florida and served as a second lieutenant of state volunteers in the fighting against the Seminoles. He then practiced law and became a state legislator before being commissioned directly into the regular army for the Mexican War. As a captain of the Mounted Riflemen, he won two brevets in that conflict, being wounded at both Churubusco and Chapultepec and losing an arm at the latter. By the time of his May 13, 186 1, resignation he was his regiment's colonel.

His Confederate assignments included: brigadier general, CSA (May 20, 186 1); commanding Army of the Northwest July 20-August 3, 1861 and October 1861February 9, 1862); commanding brigade, Army of the Northwest (August 3-October 1861); major general, CSA (February 17, 1862); commanding Department of Southwestern Virginia (May 8-October 16, 1862); commanding division, 2nd Military District, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana (ca. January-April 1863); commanding division, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana (April-May 16, 1863); commanding division, Department of the West (May 16-July 1863); commanding division, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana July 1863-January 28, 1864); commanding division, Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana January 28-May 4, 1864); commanding division, Polk's (Army of Mississippi)-Stewart's Corps, Army of Tennessee (May 4-June 14, June 14-July 28, 1864, September 1864-ca. March 1865, and April 9-26, 1865); and temporarily commanding the corps Uune 14, 1864).

While serving under Robert E. Lee in the first summer of the war, he took part in the disappointments of the campaign in western Virginia. That winter his command was placed under the overall command of Stonewall Jackson. Following the Romney Campaign, Loring opposed the stationing of his men in the exposed town during the bitter winter and obtained orders from Secretary of War Judah P. Benjamin to move to Winchester. Outraged, Jackson threatened to resign and was eventually upheld in his views of military etiquette. On February 9, 1862, Loring was removed from his post but a few days later was appeased with promotion to major general. After departmental command in Southwestem Virginia, he was named to command a division in Mississippi.

Frequently in conflict with department commander John C. Pemberton, he fought in the Vicksburg Campaign until cut off from the rest of Pemberton's force at Champion Hill. The two generals blamed each other for the defeat there. Loring then joined the forces under Joseph E. Johnston and took part in the defense of Jackson, Mississippi, and the Meridian Campaign. By now he was known to his men as "Old Blizzards" because of his battle cry "Give them blizzards, boys!" Transferred to Georgia, he fought in the Atlanta Campaign.

When Leonidas Polk was killed at Pine Mountain, Loring briefly took charge of the corps but was succeeded the same day by Alexander P. Stewart. Returning to divisional command, he was wounded at Ezra Church and was out of action until after the fall of Atlanta. He then fought at Franklin, Nashville, and in the Carolinas. From 1869 to 1879 he was a division commander in Egypt and upon his return was called "Pasha Loring." (Loring, William Wing, A Confederate Soldier in Egypt)

Source: "Who Was Who In The Civil War" by Stewart Sifakis