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Fort Anderson

Frt Anderson, California, April 6,1862 - Research OnLine

Fort Anderson, California
April 6,1862


Fort Anderson or Camp Anderson was a military post first established in May 1862 by California Volunteers during the Bald Hills War. It was located on Redwood Creek, below its confluence with Minor Creek, between Fort Humboldt and Fort Gaston. It was abandoned in the winter of 1862, but reestablished in 1864 and finally closed in 1866.

UNION: Detachment of the 2nd California Infantry.

About 5 a. m. some Indians fired on the sentries at the fort. Two parties, one under Capt. Douglas and the other under Lieut. Johnson, immediately started in pursuit. Douglas soon met some freighters, who told him that the Indians had captured and were burning their wagons, and offered to guide the soldiers to the place. Upon reaching the camp, Douglas gave the order to fire and 1 Indian fell dead and 2 or 3 others were wounded. The rest escaped into the woods.

Source: All the Battles of the Civil War