Gen. Sterling Price's Proclamation To the people of Central and North Missouri.

The Missouri Army Argus-Extra (December 1861)


"Fellow citizens:" In the month of June last I was called to the command of a handful of Missourians, who nobly gave up home and comfort to espouse, in that gloomy hour, the cause of your blood country, struggling with the most causeless and cruel depotism known among civilized men.? When peace and protection could no longer be enjoyed but at the price of honor and liberty, your Chief Magistrate called for fifty thousand men to drive the ruthless invad- er "from a soil made fruitful by your labors and consecrated by your homes." ?To that call less than five thousand responded; out of a male population exceeding two hundred thousand men, one in forty only stepped forward to defend with their persons and their lives, the cause of constitutional liberty and human rights!

Some allowances are to be made on the score of want of military organ- ization; a supposed want of arms; the necessary retreat of the army southward; the blockade of the river, and the presence of an armed and organized foe.? But nearly six months have now elapsed; your crops have been tilled, your harvests have been reaped, your preparations for winter have been made; the army of Missouri organized and equipped, fought its way to the river.? The foe is still in the field, the country bleeds, and our people groan under the inflictions of a foe, marked with all the characteristics of barbarian warfare - and where now are the fifty thousand to avenge our wrongs and free our country?? Had fifty thousand men flocked to our standard, with their shot guns in their hands, there would not be a Federal hireling int he State to pollute our soil.? Instead of ruined communities, starving families and desolated districts, we should have had a people blessed with protection, and with stores to supply the wants and necessities and comforts of life.? Where are those fifty thousand men?? Are Missourians no longer true to themselves?? Are they a timid, time- serving, craven race, fit only for subjection to a despot?? Awake, my country- men, to a sense of what constitutes the dignity and greatness of a people!? A few men have borne the hardships of the camp - the scorching suns of summer, the privations incident to cour circumstances - fatigue and hunger and thirst - often without blankets, without shoes, with insufficient clothing, witht he cold wet earth for a pillow - glad only to meet the enemy on the field, where some paid the noblest devotion known among men on earth to the cause of your country and your rights, with their lives.

But where one has been lost on the field, three have been lost by diseases induced by privation and toil.? During all these trials we have mur- mured not; we offered all we had on earth at the alter of our common country - our own beloved Missouri - and we only now ask our fellow citizens - our brethren, to come to us and help to secure what we have gained, and to win our glorious inheritance from the cruel hand of the spoiler and the oppressor. Come to us!? -? Brave sons of Missouri rally to our standard.? I must have fifty thousand men!? Do you stay at home to secure terms with the enemy?? Then, I warn you, that day may soon come when you may be surrendered to the mercies of that enemy, and your substance be given up to the Hessian and the jayhawker.? I cannot, I will not, attribute such motives to you, my countrymen.

But where are our Southern rights friends? ?We must drive the oppressor from our land.? I must have 50,000 men. Now is the crisis of your fate.? Now the golden opportunity to save the State. Now is the day of your political salvation.? The time of enlistment for our brave band is beginning to expire.? Do not tax their patience beyond endurance.? Do not longer sicken their hearts by hope deferred.? They begin to inquire.? "Where are our friends?"? Who shall give them answer?? Boys and small property holders have in the main, fought the battles for the protection of your property.? And when they ask - "Where are the men for whom we are fighting?"? How shall I - how can I explain?? Citizens of Missouri I call upon you by every consideration of interest, by every desire of safety, by every tie that binds you to home and country, delay no longer.? "Let the dead bury the dead."? Leave your property to take care of itself.? Commend your homes to the protection of God, and merit the admiration and love of childhood and womanhood, by showing your- selves MEN, the sons of the brave and free who bequeathed to us the sacred trust of free institutions.? Come to the army of Missouri - not for a week or a month, but to free your country.

"Strike, till each armed foe expires,
Strike for your altars and your fires,
For the green graves of your sires,
God and your native land."

The burning fires of patriotism must inspire and lead you, or all is lost - lost, too, just at the moment when all might be forever saved.? Numbers give strength.? Numbers intimidate the foe.? Numbers save the necessity, often, of fighting battles.? Numbers make our arms irresistible.? Numbers command uni- versal respect and insure confidence.? We must have men - 50,000 men!? Let the herdsmen leave his folds.? Let the farmer leave his fields.? Let the mechanic leave his shop.? Let the lawyer leave his office till we restore the supremacy of law.? Let the aspirants for office and place know they will be weighed in the balance of patriotism and may be found wanting.? If there be any craven crouching spirits who have not the greatness or soul to respond to their country's call for help, let them stay at home, and let only the brave and true come out to join their brethren on the tented field.

Come with supplies of clothing and with tents, if you can procure them. Come with your guns of any description that can be made to bring down a foe. If you have no arms, come without them, and we will supply you as far as that is possible.? Bring cooking utensils and rations for a few weeks.? Bring no horses to remain with the army except those necessary for baggage transportation. We must have 50,000 men.? Give me these men, and by the help of God, I will drive the hireling bands of thieves and marauders from the State.? But if Missourians fail now to rise in their strength, and avail themselves of this propitious moment to strike for honor and liberty; you cannot say that we have not done all we could to save you.

You will be advised in time at what point to report for organization and active service.? Leave your property at home.? What if it be taken - all taken?


When we are once free, the State will indemnify every citizen who may have lost a dollar by adhesion to the cause of his country.? We shall have our property, OR ITS VALUE, with interest.? But in the name of God and the attributes of man- hood, let me appeal to you by considerations infinitely higher than money!? Are we a generation of driveling, sniveling, degraded slaves?? Or are we MEN, who dare assert and maintain the right which cannot be surrendered and defend those principles of everlasting rectitude, pure and high, and sacred like God, their author?? Be yours the office to choose between the glory of a free country and a just government, and the bondage of your children!? I will never see my people enslaved!

Do I hear your shouts!? Is that your war-cry which echoes through the land!? Are you coming!? Fifty thousand men!? Missouri shall move to victory with the tread of a giant!? Come on my brave boys, fifty thousand heroic, gallant, unconquerable Southern men!? We await your coming.

Major General Commanding

SOURCE:The Missouri Army Argus-Extra (December 1861)

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