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The Civil War in Georgia

This site contains over 1,000 pages of information on Georgia and the Civil War with a focus on genealogical research.

We still contemplate with a bit of angst even afer 150 years, the devastation done by the Federal Army to the people and property of Georgia. In retrospect the recent Sesquicentennial was like a calm before the storm in the current torrent of bigotry and lies being poured out against the southern people and culture. Just as occurred 150 years ago, the state and our way of life are being overrun by carpet baggers, revisionists, and historic reconstructionists.

While a dozen other engagements had transpired along the coast in the preceding 3 years before 1865, 1864 marked the first time the yankees had invaded Georgia. The coming year and a half beginning with the Battle of Chickamauga on the 18th of September, 1963, the Atlanta Campaign, and Sherman's March to the Sea in 1864 destroyed the state of Georgia and saw many thousands of civilians killed and uprooted from their homes.

For Additional Research

Georgia Civil War Soldiers Service Records
Rigdon, John C., Editor

DVD - $35.00
COMBO - $50.00

SAVE $50 when you purchase The Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia and The Service Records of Georgia Civil War Soldiers CDs together. This bundle also includes The Georgia Civil War Soldiers Index - a $15 value and Confederate Military History - Georgia Volume - a $15 value.
Two Boys in the Civil War and After
Two Boys in the Civil War and After

Houghton, William Robert & M. B.
242 pgs.

HARDBACK - $45.00
PAPERBACK - $25.00
DVD - $15.00
EBOOK - $15.00
Hardback, Paperback, DVD or Ebook

Index to Georgia Civil War Soldier Records Found Elsewhere

John C. Rigdon, Editor
56,700 names
PAPERBACK - $45.00
CD-ROM - $15.00
EBOOK - $15.00
COMBO - $30.00
Paperback, CD-ROM or Ebook

SAVE $15.00 when you purchase The Georgia Civil War Soldiers Index and The Index to Georgia Civil War Soldier Records Found Elsewhere CDs together. This bundle also includes A Guide to Georgia Civil War Research - a $15 value.

Georgia Civil War Soldiers Index

John C. Rigdon, Editor
285,100 names
3 Vols. - $35.00 ea.
DVD - $15.00
EBOOK - $15.00
Hardback, Paperback, DVD or Ebook

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