Virginia 13th Artillery Battalion

Historical Notes:
The Virginia 13th Battalion Light Artillery was formed late in 1863 with three companies. Because the companies did not always served together, the history of each is given under its own designation. They are: Company A - Otey's-Walker's Battery; Company B - Ringgold Light Artillery; and Company C - Davidson's-Chamberlyne's Battery.

Associated units:

Ringgold Light Artillery was organized in February, 1862. It was attached to the 13th Battalion Virginia Artillery but for some time operated as an independent command. The unit served in western Virginia and, assigned to J.F. King’s Battalion, sustained 5 casualties during the Kanawha Valley Campaign. During December it contained 3 officers and 87 men. Later it was involved in the Knoxville Campaign and fought at Cloyd’s Mountain and New River Bridge. The battery was then attached to W.H. Gibbes’ Battalion, Army of Northern Virginia, participated in the defense of Petersburg, and ended the war at Appomattox as infantry. Its commanders were Captains Crispin Dickenson and Timothy H. Stamps.

Davidson's-Chamberlayne's Battery was assembled in April, 1862, with men from Southwestern Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky. It was attached to the 13th Battalion Virginia Artillery, but served as an independent command. During the war it was assigned to J.F. King's, J.H. Gibbes', and W.W. Owen's Battalion of Artillery. After serving in Western Virginia it moved to Tennessee, fought in the Knoxville Campaign, then returned to Virginia. Here it participated in the defense of Petersburg and Richmond, and disbanded early in 1865. The battery was commanded by Captains John H. Chamberlayne and George S. Davidson.
Lieutenant Colonel J. Floyd King, and Majors Wade H. Gibbes and William M. Owen Assignments:
The roster of this unit contains the names of 820 men.

Company A Otey's--Walker's Battery

Company B Ringgold Light Artillery

Company C Davidson's-Chamberlayne's Battery
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research