19th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Biffle's)

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 19th (Biffle's) Cavalry Regiment, usually known as Biffle's 9th Cavalry, was organized in October, 1862. The men were from the counties of Wayne, Lawrence, Maury, Perry, Lewis, and Madison.

Colonel Jacob B. Biffle was originally lieutenant colonel, 2nd (Biffle's) Battalion; then colonel of 6th (1st) Tennessee Cavalry Regiment; into which his battalion was merged in May, 1862. When this regiment was reorganized June 12, 1862, with James T. Wheeler elected as colonel, Biffle set out to raise a new regiment, which had no connection with the other two organizations except for the fact that Biffle was at different times commanding officer of all three. He completed organization of the regiment, and was commissioned as its colonel, as of October 3, 1862.

The 19th Cavalry served in J.B. Biffle's and Dibrell's Brigade, and fought at Parker's Cross Roads , Thompson's Station , Brentwood , and Chickamauga . Later it skirmished in Tennessee, then was active in the Atlanta Campaign and Forrest's operations during Hood's Campaign. It moved to Mississippi and ended the war in Alabama. During December, 1862, this regiment contained about 400 effectives and on May 3, 1865, there were 22 officers and 281 men present. It was included in the surrender of the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana as part of T.H. Bell's command.
• Jacob Barnett Biffle
Lieutenant Colonel:
• Albert G. Cooper
• Barclay Martin
J.B. Biffle's and Dibrell's Brigade Battles:
Parker's Crossroads
Thompson's Station
Atlanta Campaign
The roster of this unit contains the names of 2076 men.

J. J. Biffle, Co. "A". Organized August 10, 1862 at Ashland, Wayne County.
James M. Reynolds, Co. "B". Organized August 24, 1862 in Wayne County.
C. F. Barnes, Co. "C". Organized August 25, 1862 in Wayne County.
Lewis M. Kirk, Co. "D". Organized August 31, 1862 in Maury County. Men from Lawrence County.
Gid J. Adkisson, Co. "E". Organized September 4, 1862 at Columbia, Maury County.
J. W. Johnson, Robert D. Anderson, Co. "F". Organized September 30, 1862 at Leatherwood, Wayne County. Men from Perry County.
John S. Groves, Co. "G". Men from Maury County.
Thomas S. Beatty, Co. "H". Men from Lewis and Perry Counties.
J. H. CuIp, Co. "I". Organized September 10, 1862 in Wayne County.
R. M. Sharp, Co. "K". Men from Gibson, Henderson and Wayne Counties.
R. P. Ford, Co. "L". Organized July 11, 1863 at Jackson, Madison County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research