4th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Murray's)

Historical Notes:
Murray's Cavalry Regiment [also called 4th Regiment] was organized in August, 1862, using Spiller's Tennessee Cavalry Battalion as its nucleus. The unit was attached to Wharton's Brigade and fought at Perryville and Murfreesborough. On January 23, 1863, it disbanded. Four companies transferred to Baxter Smith's 8th Cavalry, four to the 22nd Infantry Battalion, and two to the 1st Confederate Cavalry Regiment. Officers:
Colonel John P. Murray, Lieutenant Colonels Baxter Smith and C.C. Spiller, and Major Willis S. Bledsoe. Assignments:
Wharton's Brigade Battles:
The roster of this unit contains the names of .

George W. Carter, Co. "A". Organized June 14, 1862 at Chattanooga, Hamilton County. Became 2nd Co. "D", 1st Confederate Cavalry; later an independent company; in 1864 consolidated with 1st Co. "A", 13th Tennessee Cavalry

M. A. Christian, Co. "B". Organized October 2, 1862 at Mill Creek, Putnam County. Became Co. "H", 22nd Tennessee Infantry Battalion.

Cyrus H. Ingles, Co. "C". Organized August 14, 1861 at Knoxville. Men from Sullivan County. Formerly Co. "F", 5th Tennessee Cavalry Battalion (q.v.); then served in Spiller's Battalion. Became Co. "B", 8th (4th) Tennessee Cavalry Regiment.

J. M. MCMillan, J. J. Amonett, Co. "D". Organized November 11, 1861 at Livingston, Overton County, as James W. McHenry's Company, "Brown Rangers." Became 2nd Co. "C", 1st Confederate Cavalry.

R. J. C. Gailbreath, Co. "E". Organized August 22, 1862 from Smith and Jackson Counties. Became Co. "K", 22nd Tennessee Infantry Battalion.

Willis Scott Bledsoe (to major), Robert Henry Bledsoe, Co. "F". Organized August 10, 1861 at Camp McGinnis, Overton County. Men from Fentress County. Attached to this regiment September, 1862. Became Co. I, 8th (4th) Tennessee Cavalry.

Ephraim Hixson, Co. "G". Organized August 28, 1862 at Pikeville, Bledsoe County. Became Co. "G", 22nd Tennessee Infantry Battalion.

Francis Cunningham, Co. "H". Organized July 22, 1861 at Nashville, Davidson County as Q. C. Sanders' Company. Men from Smith County. Became Co. "C", 8th (4th) Tennessee Cavalry.

Samuel H. Glover, Co. "I". Organized August 11, 1861 at Chattanooga, Hamilton County as C. C. Spiller's Company. Formerly Co. "B", 5th Tennessee Cavalry Battalion; then in Spiller's Battalion. Became Co. "H", 8th (4th) Tennessee Cavalry.

Oliver P. Schoolfield, Co. "K". Organized July 31, 1862 at Pikeville, Bledsoe County. Became Co. "F", 22nd Tennessee Infantry Battalion.
Bibliography for Research:
Crute, Joseph Units of the Confederate States Army Midlothian, VA: Derwent Books, 1987. Concise summary of the units service.

Sifakis, Stewart. Compendium of the Confederate Armies...Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, The Confederate Units and the Indian Units. Westminster, MD: Willow Bend Books, 1995. (2 photocopied pages). E547S53.

Southern Historical Society The Southern Historical Society Papers. Cartersville, GA: Eastern Digital Resources, 1998.

U. S. Government Printing Office. Official Records of the American Civil War Davenport, IA. Eastern Digital Resources.

Rigdon, John C. - Editor Civil War Soldiers Service Records - Tennessee. 2012. Davenport, IA Eastern Digital Resources.


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Historical Sketch & Roster of the Tennessee 4th Regiment,  Cavalry (Murrays)
Historical Sketch & Roster of the Tennessee 4th Regiment, Cavalry (Murrays)
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A Guide to Tennessee Civil War Research

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