4th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (McLemore's)

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 4th (Stanes'-McLemore's) Cavalry Regiment, originally called 3rd Regiment, completed its organization at Camp Robertson, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, in May, 1862. The men were from the counties of Wilson, Marshall, Bedford, Rutherford, Smith, Marion, Coffee, and Franklin. The unit was formed by adding four companies to Starnes' 8th Cavalry Battalion. It was assigned to Forrest's, Humes', Biffle's, T. Harrison's, and Dibrell's Brigade. The 4th skirmished in Kentucky, moved to West Tennessee and saw action at Parker's Cross Roads, fought at Franklin and Chickamauga, then took part in the Atlanta Campaign. Later it split: part was active in East Tennessee and Virginia and rejoined General Wheeler at Savannah; the other part served with General Forrest in Middle Tennessee and Mississippi. The regiment was reunited in South Carolina during January, 1865, and went on to participate in the campaign of the Carolinas. It was included in the surrender on April 26. Officers:
Colonels William S. McLemore and James W. Starnes, Lieutenant Colonel Peril C. Haynes, and Major Peter T. Rankin. Assignments:
The regiment served in Wharton's, Biffle's, Dibrell's, and T. Harrison's Brigade. Battles:
Parker's Cross Roads
The Atlanta Campaign
The Carolinas Campaign
Aiken - Feb. 11, 1865
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1863 men.

The men were from the counties of Wilson, Marshall, Bedford, Rutherford, Smith, Marion, Coffee, and Franklin.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research