53rd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 53rd Infantry Regiment was organized at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, during January, 1862. The men were from Giles, Marshall, and Perry counties. Many of its members suffered from measles and in early February only 200 were fit for duty. It took part in some heavy fighting at Fort Donelson and was captured on February 16. After being exchanged the unit was assigned to General Maxey's Brigade in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. Stationed at Port Hudson, a detachment was captured in July, 1863. Later it was placed in General Quarles' Brigade and sent to Mobile. Moving north in the spring of 1864, the regiment participated in various conflicts of the Army of Tennessee from New Hope Church to Bentonville. During December, 1863, it totalled 227 men and 220 arms and in April, 1864, there were 222 present. Many were lost in the Atlanta Campaign and at Franklin and Nashville, and few surrendered on April 26, 1865. Officers:
Colonels-Alfred H. Abernathy, William H. Wilkes, John R. White.
Lieutenant Colonels-Thomas F. Winston, William H. Wilkes, John R. White, W. B. Holden.
Majors-W. N. Baker, John R. White, W. B. Holden, Hans H. Aymett, William C. Richardson.
General Maxey's Brigade in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana.
General Quarles' Brigade
1862: Fort Donelson
Port Hudson, Louisiana
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Mobile, Alabama
Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Atlanta, Georgia
Pickett's Mill
Kennesaw Mountain
Chattahoochee River
Peachtree Creek
Ezra Church
Fall of Atlanta
After Atlanta Allatoona Pass
Tennessee Change in Plan Spring Hill
The Carolinas Campaign
Wyse Fork
Bentonville, North Carolina
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1286 men.

Theo Westmoreland, William C. Richardson, Co. “A”. Men from Giles County. Enrolled December 6, 1861.

William B. Holden, William F. Collins Co. “B”. Men from Marshall County. En. rolled December 17, 1861 at Nashville.

Alfred H. Abernathy, Hans H. Aymett, M M. Macun, Co. “C”. Men from Giles County Enrolled December 13, 1861.

Thomas F. Winston, William H. Wilkes, William P. Lewis, Co. “D”. Men from Marshall and Giles Counties. Enrolled December 6, 1861 at Camp Weakley, Nashville. Isaac H. Hill, Samuel C. Orr, Co. “E”. Me from Marshall and Giles Counties, Enrolle December, 1861.

William N. Baker, John R. Coble, C “F”. Some men from Perry County. Enrolled December, 1861 at Camp Weakley, Nashville.

James D. Bevers, Algernon R. Rarwood, Co. “G”. Men from Giles County. Enrolled December, 1861 at Nashville. “The case of 1st Co. “H” should be noted. It rendezvoused at Camp Weakley, Nashville, December, 1861. Not sworn into Confederate service because of insufficient numbers. Nevertheless participated in the organization of the regiment at Fort Donelson. For reasons best known to themselves, this company, officers and men alike, left the camp together,
Robert S. Walker, 2nd Co. “H”. No muster roll.

John R. White, Robert L. Evans, Co. “I”. Men from Giles County. Enrolled December, 1861.

Milton C. Alexander, Isaac James Rittenberry, Co. “K”. Men from Giles County. Enrolled December, 1861.

Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research