41st Regiment, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 41st Infantry Regment completed its organization at Camp Trousdale, Tennessee, in November, 1861. The men were recruited in the counties of Lincoln, Bedford, Marshall, and Franklin. It moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky, then Fort Donelson where on February 16, 1862, it surrendered along with the rest of Buckner's forces. In this fight the unit reported 575 engaged, 2 killed, 6 wounded, and 26 missing. After the exchange, it was assigned to Gregg's Brigade, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, and was active in the conflict at Raymond . Transferred to the Army of Tennessee it served under the command of Generals Gregg, Maney, Strahl, and Palmer. The 41st participated in many battles from Chickamauga to Atlanta , returned to Tennessee with Hood, and was involved in the North Carolina operations. It had 325 effectives at Chickamauga and in December, 1863, totalled 226 men and 151 arms. The regiment surrendered on April 26, 1865. Officers:
• Robert Farquarson
• James D. Tillman.
Lieutenant Colonels:
• Robert G. Mcclure
• James D. Tillman
• Thomas G. Miller
• Thomas G. Miller
Colonel W. E. Baldwin's Brigade, Brigadier General Simon B. Buckner's Division of the Central Army of Kentucky.
Attached to Colonel John C. Brown's Brigade of Buckner's Division;
Brigadier General John Gregg’s Brigade
Brigadier General George Maney's Brigade, of Walker's Division.
Transferred to Major General B. F. Cheatham's Division.
Transferred to Brigadier General Otho Strahl's Brigade of Cheatham's Division.
Ft. Donelson
Vicksburg Campaign
The Atlanta Campaign
The Carolinas Campaign
Bentonville, NC
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1982 men.

William W. James, Hugh L. W. Little, Co. "A". - Lincoln County.
William Lafayette Brown, Joel C. Russell, Samuel O. Woods, Co. "B", also called "G". "The Richmond Gentrys." - Bedford County.
James D. Scott, James R. Feeney, Benjamin J. Chafin, Co. "C" also called H". - Lincoln County.
Joseph H. George, William J. March, Thomas D. Griffis, Co. "D". "The Liberty Guards." - Lincoln County.
John J. Fly, William B. Fonville, Co. "E". - Lincoln and Marshall Counties.
Abner S. Boone, William E. Cunningham, Co. "F". "The Shelbyville Rebels." - Bedford County.
Comer H. Bean, William E. Murrell, Co. "G". - Moore County, then part of Franklin County.
Robert G. McClure, John C. Osburn, Co. "H". - Marshall County.
Albert G. Clopton, A. M. Kieth, Co. "I". - Franklin and Bedford Counties.
Littleberry Logan, James H. Moore, William B. Baxter, Benjamin Boone, James Y. Norman, Co. "K". - Bedford County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research