30th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry

Historical Notes:
The Tennessee 30th Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Red Springs, Macon County, Tennessee, in October, 1861. Men of this unit were recruited in Sumner, Robertson, Smith, and Macon counties. Serving in the Western Department, it was captured in the fight at Fort Donelson in February, 1862. After the exchange it was assigned to Gregg's Brigade, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, and saw action at Chickasaw Bayou , Raymond , and Jackson . Later it served in Gregg's, Bate's, Tyler's, and Palmer's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. The 30th participated in the campaigns of the army from Chickamauga to Atlanta , moved back to Tennessee with Hood, and was involved in the North Carolina operations. About 450 men were fit for duty at Fort Donelson. During the fight at Raymond , it had 7 killed, 28 wounded, and 1 missing. The unit took 185 to Chickamauga and in December, 1863, totalled 106 men and 58 arms. Very few surrendered in April, 1865. Officers:
Colonels-John W. Head, James J. Turner.
Lieutenant Colonels-Robert H. Murphy, James J. Turner.
Major-James J. Turner, Bell G. Bidwell.
Fort Donelson, Department #2 (November 1861-February 1862)
Head's Brigade (the post garrison), Fort Donelson, Department #2 (February 1862)
Heiman's-Gregg's Brigade, 2nd Division, Lovell's Corps, Army of West Tennessee, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana (October-December 1862)
Gregg's Brigade, Defenses of Vicksburg, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana (December 1862-January 1863)
Gregg's Brigade, 3rd Military District, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana (January-May 1863)
Gregg's Brigade, Department of the West (May 1863)
Gregg's Brigade, Walker's Division, Department of the West (May-July 1863) Gregg's Brigade, Walker's Division, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana (July-August 1863)
Gregg's Brigade, Johnson's Provisional Division, Army of Tennessee (September 1863)
Gregg's Brigade, Walker's Division, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Tennessee (October-November 1863)
Bate's-Tyler's Brigade, Breckinridge's-Bate's Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Tennessee (November 1863-February 1864)
Tyler's Brigade, Bate's Division, 1st Corps, Army of Tennessee (February 1864-April 1865)
Fort Henry (one company) (February 6, 1862)
Fort Donelson (February 12-16,1862)
Central Mississippi Campaign (October 1862-January 1863)
Spring Dale Church (December 3, 1862)
Chickasaw Bayou (December 29, 1862)
Port Hudson (March 12, 1863)
Port Hudson Bombardment (March 14, 1863)
Vicksburg Campaign (May-July 1863)
Raymond (May 12, 1863)
Jackson (May 14, 1863)
Jackson Siege (July 1863)
Chickamauga (September 19-20,1863)
Chattanooga Siege (September-November 1863)
Chattanooga (November 23-25,1863)
Atlanta Campaign (May-September 1864)
New Hope Church (May 25-June 4, 1864)
Peach Tree Creek (July 20, 1864)
Atlanta (July 22, 1864)
Ezra Church (July 28, 1864)
Atlanta Siege (July-September 1864)
Jonesboro (August 31-September 1, 1864)
Franklin (November 30, 1864)
Nashville (December 15-16, 1864)
Carolinas Campaign (February-April 1865) Bentonville (March 19-21, 1865)
The roster of this unit contains the names of 1984 men.

B. G. Bidwell, Edward R. Crockett, Co. "A". Men from Robertson County.
William A. Buntin, 0. P. Taylor, Co. "B". Men from Robertson County.
James L. Carson, Co. "C". Men from Sumner County.
Thomas C. Martin, Theo C. Hibbett, Co. "D". Men from Sumner County.
John H. Turner, T. H. King, Co. "E". Men from Sumner and Smith Counties.
William T. Sample, Co. "F". Men from Sumner County.
Hickerson Barksdale, C. F. Lovell, Co. "G". Men enrolled at Red Springs, Macon County, October 22, 1861.
R. E. Mayes, Charles S. Douglass, Co. "H". Men from Robertson and Sumner Counties.
W. A. Lovell, Co. "I". Enrolled at Tyree Springs, Sumner County November 22, 1861. Apparently disbanded after the reorganization, and the remnant transferred to Co. "G". Men from Sumner County.
James L. Jones, Co. "K". Men from Robertson County.
Bibliography for Research:

For Additional Research