Timeline of Sherman's March Through South Carolina

Gen. Sherman's march through South Carolina began in early January, 1865. By March 9th, his troops had passed out of the state into North Carolina - leaving behind a path of total destruction 100 miles wide and extending the entire length of the state.

Timeline of Sherman's March Through South Carolina

30 DEC 1864 - Exit Savannah

02 JAN 1865 - First Crossing into South Carolina by Federal Troops

05 JAN 1865 - Pocotaligo

09 JAN 1865 - Sherman and his officers arrived by Steamer at Beaufort from Savannah They met the XV and XVII A.C. which had marched out of Savannah on 31 DEC 1864.

14 JAN 1865 - Gen. Howard leaves Beaufort to join Gen. Blair and the XV A.C. Battle at Pocotaligo creek. Federal loss - 2 officers killed and 2 men wounded. Federal forces take the railroad at Pocotaligo Station with a loss of about a dozen men.

15 JAN 1865 - Right wing of Sherman's army reaches Beaufort, SC

17 JAN 1865 - XVII A.C. occupies the Savannah & Charleston railroad. Loss Federal - about 12 men.

25 JAN 1865 - 4 straight days of rain reported - all streams uncrossable. Federal estimates up to 20,000 Confederate in front.

26 JAN 1865 - The XV A.C. leaves Beaufort.

28 JAN 1865 - Roper's Crossroads

29 JAN 1865 - Federal forces leave Pocataligo for the mid-state. Federal troop strength 60,000 men. Gen. Slocum has crossed the Savannah River above Savannah and is moving towards Branchville.

03 FEB 1865 - Federal forces reach the Salkahatchie river.

05 FEB 1865 - Branchville

07 FEB 1865 - Blackville

11 FEB 1865 - North Fork - Orangeburg

11 FEB 1865 - Battle of Aiken

15 FEB 1865 - Little Congaree

17 FEB 1865 - Gen. Hampton evacuates Columbia

18 FEB 1865 - Columbia surrendered to the Federal forces - subsequently burned

21 FEB 1865 - Winnsboro

23 FEB 1865 - Rocky Mount

02 MAR 1865 - Cheraw

02 MAR 1865 - Florence

11 MAR 1865 - Fayetteville, NC

16 MAR 1865 - Averasboro

19 MAR 1865 - Bentonville

26 APR 1865 - Gen. Johnston's troops surrendered at Goldsboro, NC
